For some reason unrar will only open part 3, but not 1, 2 or 4, which means i'm left with just vocals, keybaord and orchestration :( anybody have any suggestions? this sounds like it'd be awesome to mix
For some reason unrar will only open part 3, but not 1, 2 or 4, which means i'm left with just vocals, keybaord and orchestration :( anybody have any suggestions? this sounds like it'd be awesome to mix


I had the same issue but this is what I did.

1) created new folder and dropped all the rar files in there
2) started unpacking at .01, then .02 etc.
3) I just kept going over and over un raring them until I got the 78 tacks that a previous poster said would be there, I actually found 79! (I reamped the solo twice with two IRs so ended up with 80!! LOL)
4) I then made a second folder and dragged all the tracks into that to make sure I had no duplicates. There are lost of Vocals and Synth/Orchestra tracks.

Bottom line is I think you need to get creative unpacking this but it is a legit way of zipping files as I read up on this on the official winrar website. It's when a file is too big, it makes .01 and .02 versions so that it all can be crompressed.

Hope you get there man as this is such a good song to mix and work with, a lot of credit has to go to Crownless for letting us do this. :wave:
Any chance to have midi for the drumz? Great song and production!

Yeah... That thought did cross my mind a few times (No disrespect to jorge whatsoever here.... and noob opinion alert!) as I thought it would have been even more amazing to have had more raw drum tracks, and a midi file thrown into SSD or EZD etc would have presented that option. All things considered the snare track has more than enough there to cut through. I used the Fairchild 670 sim from T-racks for paralelle compression on most of the drums.
Right, I have this on somewhere and I am trying to upload is onto my drop box public folder, may take a while (dropbox says 3 hours) if it is possible for me to upload it as the Zip is 1.3Gb! By the way the full file is around 3Gbs!!!

Hate to disappoint you guys looking for real drums but the drums here are rendered from SDx Avatar and Metal Foundry. There's 13 tracks of the rendered drums though.
Here's mine, done in a few hours so it could always be better. I was a bit lazy and just routed the synths, vocals and guitars to sub groups and treated only the stereo buses. I put the synths and orchestrations pretty low in the mix since it's more of a guitar tone demo for the Kemper.

Guitars and bass are Kemper as well. Rhythm 50/50 mix of SinMix's EVH :kickass: and my own Dual Rec, bass is my own PSA-1 profile, guitar solo is a 6505 profile by Kosten. "Mastered" with Ozone 5.

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