"Cry of the Black Birds" Video Released!

yeah, but i'm not gonna go around arbitrarily deleting posts just because they sound lame. This sort of thing happens for every release. a bunch of people surge the forum, then vanish a few weeks/months later.
yeah, but i'm not gonna go around arbitrarily deleting posts just because they sound lame. This sort of thing happens for every release. a bunch of people surge the forum, then vanish a few weeks/months later.

Fair enough.

To answer Bate's question,

The problem is many of the posts/threads end up turning into personal attacks or useless garbage, rather than a place to discuss a particular band and/or related topics. There is a new level of "immaturity" in this forum with Amon Amarth's growing fan-base, it seems to me, anyways. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way.
Ahh yes, the sign of what the internet truly lacks (and needs, IMO)... the ability to smack someone who is being a tool upside the head. Hel, I'm probably one of the guilty parties, I've never been all that good at staying on-topic, but I do try and keep it AA or at least Norse related. Usually. If I'm sober.
Ahh yes, the sign of what the internet truly lacks (and needs, IMO)... the ability to smack someone who is being a tool upside the head. Hel, I'm probably one of the guilty parties, I've never been all that good at staying on-topic, but I do try and keep it AA or at least Norse related. Usually. If I'm sober.
Ha, go to the Nevermore forum. 99.9% off-topic. The only .1% that is on-topic
is when a n00b comes and doesn't know shit about the forum. We usually give him sarcastic shit and he takes it personal and starts shit and we have fun and he leaves.
the problem is that, EVERY american tour as many people have said in the past. There are a bunch of new wingnut americans who sign up on this forum going oh wow AA i am the BIGGEST fan! And its the same shit every time. They wanna know what album is the best? Trying to compete who is a bigger fan between everyone.

And to the guy that said I dont post? Man i come here everyday but because of all you new guys there is nothing interesting here anymore to post about. I have been on the AA forums for over 6-7 Years. Way before the UM forums.
Not all of us Americans are stupid.I love AA,but i know im not the biggest fa.I let people thattake it to far have that title.
i am teh biggest aA fan, ok?
No you're not. Nobody is the biggest fan until she/he has one of the bandmembers baby picture for an avatar and can honestly say thay've whooped a bandmember's ass with one hand behind their back. There is only one such person on this forum at this point. I win. Infinity.
-Tyra the Alphabitch
(OK, so he was, like, five years old the last time I beat up on him, but it still counts. Somebody has to harrass Johan, or else he might think he was, like, a rock star or something. Really, I don't care how big and ugly he is. He's still THE BABY BROTHER as far as I'm concerned, and there is only one purpose for little brothers: they're put here on earth for big sisters to harrass and embarrass, publicly. I've now done my duty for the next week.)
Hahaha... You know, I was just thinking earlier that we hadn't had a good Johan story in a while.
...makes me glad I'm the older brother in my family. I don't get to screw with mine any more, tho. Haven't actually seen him in years, we never seem to be able to go home at the same time. He outgrew me, too. I'm, technically speaking, the little brother. I keep warning my oldest the same thing is going to happen to him, and he shouldn't bully his brothers too much.

You know, I really mean this to be a one liner post.
No you're not. Nobody is the biggest fan until she/he has one of the bandmembers baby picture for an avatar and can honestly say thay've whooped a bandmember's ass with one hand behind their back. There is only one such person on this forum at this point. I win. Infinity.
-Tyra the Alphabitch
(OK, so he was, like, five years old the last time I beat up on him, but it still counts. Somebody has to harrass Johan, or else he might think he was, like, a rock star or something. Really, I don't care how big and ugly he is. He's still THE BABY BROTHER as far as I'm concerned, and there is only one purpose for little brothers: they're put here on earth for big sisters to harrass and embarrass, publicly. I've now done my duty for the next week.)

Suddenly, it becomes clear to me why Johan doesn't visit the forums much :p
No you're not. Nobody is the biggest fan until she/he has one of the bandmembers baby picture for an avatar and can honestly say thay've whooped a bandmember's ass with one hand behind their back. There is only one such person on this forum at this point. I win. Infinity.
-Tyra the Alphabitch
(OK, so he was, like, five years old the last time I beat up on him, but it still counts. Somebody has to harrass Johan, or else he might think he was, like, a rock star or something. Really, I don't care how big and ugly he is. He's still THE BABY BROTHER as far as I'm concerned, and there is only one purpose for little brothers: they're put here on earth for big sisters to harrass and embarrass, publicly. I've now done my duty for the next week.)

j00 didnt detect teh sarcazm?
No you're not. Nobody is the biggest fan until she/he has one of the bandmembers baby picture for an avatar and can honestly say thay've whooped a bandmember's ass with one hand behind their back. There is only one such person on this forum at this point. I win. Infinity.
-Tyra the Alphabitch
(OK, so he was, like, five years old the last time I beat up on him, but it still counts. Somebody has to harrass Johan, or else he might think he was, like, a rock star or something. Really, I don't care how big and ugly he is. He's still THE BABY BROTHER as far as I'm concerned, and there is only one purpose for little brothers: they're put here on earth for big sisters to harrass and embarrass, publicly. I've now done my duty for the next week.)

Holy shit is that Johan on your avatar? Oh hell no, WHAT!?! Ho shit LOL wheres the beer