Cubase 7 is released!

Maybe if you are in the middle of some important projects or if you have something coming up. But for songwriters/hobbyists I don't see why they shouldn't update.
C6 was shit until they returned the transparent events thing. Well, kind of...and it happened on 6.03 IIRC, a good 3 months, maybe more, after the release. Other than that, never had any problems.
Just kidding of course. Why not update? Are they usually unstable?
Didn't have any problems with Cubase 5 when I updated from 4 and I did it pretty much right when it came out.

Cause every software that gets released is full of bugs at first. Some of them will get fixed, some won't.

If you need your system to do work, the last thing you want is downtime because the DAW suddenly doesn't like your weirdass chipset or 20% of your plugins don't work in the new version etc.. I personally know 3 people who upgraded from Cubase 5 to 6 (all legit copies!) and it became a big fuckup. 2 of them were on Windows, 1 on Mac. Made me not buy C6.

I love Cubase and have been using it since 1996 but updating right after a release is really not a good idea if you want to be productive.
yea...i had a teacher when i was going to recording school who summed it up perfect: cutting-edge = bleeding edge. dude was as legit a pro you'll find anywhere, and refused to upgrade the school's PT version until 6-12 mos. after release, simply because they couldn't afford any downtime due to software issues and bugs and the like
I hate it. I find that they have changed too much in the mixer. And does anyone else find the graphics within the mixer blurry/not well defined? The knobs all look like a terrible user made reaper skin or something.

Also Why the fuck would they move the phase reverse into the pre/filter section? like go eat a bag of dicks.

I'll do a little more of a full review, but right now the mixer is a huge fail.
I hate it. I find that they have changed too much in the mixer. And does anyone else find the graphics within the mixer blurry/not well defined? The knobs all look like a terrible user made reaper skin or something.

Also Why the fuck would they move the phase reverse into the pre/filter section? like go eat a bag of dicks.

I'll do a little more of a full review, but right now the mixer is a huge fail.

The GUI is a bit wonky.

works good so far.
new mixer is super! much faster to navigate than before, also like how customizable it is...

no Problem with old Projects so far...but cubase 6.5 is still installed, so no need to worry...
i abandoned Cubase for this.

they changed what i liked and loved about cubase since sx2.

Moved on to Studio One, Cubase evolved. :D
I started with Cubase 4 and bought my way through 5 and 6. As soon as I found Studio One...I switched and havent looked back.