I was gonna say I find the mixer ugly from what I saw in pictures... But decided to check the video before, and I must say I think it's a good improvement ! I always found the Cubase mixer and overall the way it displays plugins and all very very ugly and complicated. I was used to it back in the Cubase 3 or 4 days but I switched to Reaper anyway.
I fucking love the dynamics integration in the mixer track. If only you could transparently assign it to a plugin (I know reaper does it, and it's sweet, BUT first it only displays 0 to 1 values, instead of for example "-12db", and second, you still have to load the plugin under it. If you could transparently load it without displaying it, and use the integrated GUI, it would be a WIN) it would be perfect. Very nice for basic things like using a noisegate for simple cleaning, basically working on non-critical tracks, and leave the workhouse plugins do their job when you need them.