Cubase 7 is released!

Blown away. This is seriously next-gen, and by far the most significant update in Cubase history.


As an AVID Cubendo user (over 8 years) I am, like many of you, very use to the GUI and getting to things quickly/fast as fuck workflow.

BUT, not only do I think the mixer looks AMAZING (as someone said, the old tried and true mixer we're all used to ALWAYS looked and 'felt' a bit CHEAP to me as well).

Love how FX tracks and Groups have DIFFERENT COLORED fader caps...

Can't wait to try thisssssssssssss!!!!
sweet news. i've always hated that clunky-ass mixer, and am glad to see it go. guess i'll have to put up the cash to upgrade from C5...
after getting used to the idea of the new mixer window and what all it can do, i´m pretty stoked about this and cant wait to try it out :)
At the moment i have the feeling i don't need any of these new features. I like the classic mixer or simply got used to it...
The only thing i really would love to have is a working VST bridge and 64bit rewire capabilities. But no word about that :(
It doesn't have anything crazy that makes me super excited but it still seems cool and of course I'll have to update just because I have a need to get the latest version of it. No wonder why I never have any money...
I think the new mixer looks awesome. I never really got into the old one, always stuck to the tracking view (whatever that's called). The other new features look pretty cool too.
I was gonna say I find the mixer ugly from what I saw in pictures... But decided to check the video before, and I must say I think it's a good improvement ! I always found the Cubase mixer and overall the way it displays plugins and all very very ugly and complicated. I was used to it back in the Cubase 3 or 4 days but I switched to Reaper anyway.

I fucking love the dynamics integration in the mixer track. If only you could transparently assign it to a plugin (I know reaper does it, and it's sweet, BUT first it only displays 0 to 1 values, instead of for example "-12db", and second, you still have to load the plugin under it. If you could transparently load it without displaying it, and use the integrated GUI, it would be a WIN) it would be perfect. Very nice for basic things like using a noisegate for simple cleaning, basically working on non-critical tracks, and leave the workhouse plugins do their job when you need them.
Too bad for no Celemony ARA and PT style RAM load.

thats 2 things i can see being handy.
The other things dont change that much IMO. Maybe the ASIO guard, lets see that one.
I`ve used Cubase since SX2 i believe it was called, but this puts me in doubt, there are so many great DAWs out there today.