Cursing and swearing

Mikael is God

Master of Bating
Jul 7, 2001
Well... this is getting on my nerves..... this is the way i am... i curse alot.... and it's not a way to judge my intellegence... as i was talking to opet on instant messenger.... alot of people on this board can go on and on using complex words and all that nonsense but the question is does that really mean they got their point across any better then me? no

heres some examples to show how it makes no difference if someone curses or not

Well... FUCK man!! i can't believe she fucking did that!!
Well... darn man.... i just cant believe she did that!!
well... i cant believe she did that

you're a fucking piece of shit
you're a meanie i dont like you

he can do whatever the fuck he wants with those fucking videos
he can do whatever the heck he wants with those stinkin videos
he can do whatever he wants with those videos...

The fucking square route of carbon 9 along with the scientific explanation of mother fucking ass goulash is 203
The square route of carbon 9 along with the scientific explanatino of goulash is 203

now.... since society has it pounded into everyones head that fuck is a bad word and shouldnt be used.... im sure everyone thinks thers a significant difference between the different ways to say each line.... now i want you to think really hard.... does it make the person less intellegent to say those phrases WITH the curses in it??? no..... so fuck i will curse whenever the fuck i want... or i will curse whenever i want... theres really no difference except maybe an extra word or too... and thats my problem not anybody elses
When I am having an argument with someone, and someone else comes in, not being provoked at all and tells me to

“ok well you guys can shut the fuck up and stop giving this guy shit becuase you have absolutely no right to give himi shit...”

what am I suppose to think?
Swearing a lot implies (to me - this probably doesn't apply to most other people) you have to use the words to emphasise what you're saying rather than your english skills. Of course it doesn't imply u have less intelligence, just a smaller vocabulary ;) Hehe sorry. No I just don't like it because it comes over as more aggressive and like ur having a go at sum1
Swearing rules. For somebody who learned English 4 years ago I know more than plenty of words and phrases. So theoretically I don't need to swear at all...But what's the fun in that.
Saying, "fuck you" to somebody is one of my favorite things.
BUT!!! I don't like using the word fuck, or any other "bad word" in my every sentence. Knowing when to curse is very, very important. Almost as important as whom you're cursing at.
One of you, I cant remember which one and I'm too lazy to scroll down, said something about cursing and aggression. Well, I'm usually in a very good, and cheery mood, but even when I'm in the best of moods I still dislike most of humanity. I don't curse at my family and close friends, but cursing at somebody that I don't like is still the least harmful thing that I could do to them, so they should take it more as a compliment than an insult.
Originally posted by Lee_B
As Billy Connelly once said:

" I've learned thousands of words, and I still prefer fuck"


Fucking brilliant!!! :) I wish I thought of that!

If anyone has a problem with anyone swearing on the fucking internet, I say stick you head back up your ass where it belongs.


Originally posted by foxdvd
When I am having an argument with someone, and someone else comes in, not being provoked at all and tells me to

“ok well you guys can shut the fuck up and stop giving this guy shit becuase you have absolutely no right to give himi shit...”

what am I suppose to think?

Just dismiss him as the child that he is and tell him your mommy doesn't let you play with such bad little boys. He probably won't understand but that's ok, it's still good for a laugh, haha.

Originally posted by Xtokalon
But in general, fuck yeah! I curse my fucking ass off all the time, you dig?

It's my contention that those with an incredible command of the language (such as you) curse way the fuck more than their linguistically challenged counterparts cuz they realize the range of ideas it can convey like no other.

My fav exclamation is "holy fuck me!" Why have a plain old fuck when you can have a holy fuck and spout a little blasphemy as well? hahah

I agree with someone up there that said something about how there is a time and place to cuss. Becouse I mean i dont see anything wrong with joking around with your friends and sayin stuff. I mean couse you dont mean it to them. But like its wrong to say it infront of people that you dont know what they think about it. Becouse they take it differently. I sometimes think if someday when i have kids, if i would want them to cuss, well obviously i wouldnt. I dont want ot cuss infront of them becouse they would cuss anytime they wanted to and blame it on me. but ne way, i know you guys dont care if i cuss so, FUCK. by the way, that girl on the message board i forgot her name, its with an L, she said that i said somethin about cussing that its wrong and stuff...... well shes a bitch. haha see now if she was right, then i wouldnt have just said that :) by the way, dont take me serriously all the time. Theres a time and place to say different things.


"wise man speaketh few words"
Originally posted by SaintJoshy
by the way, that girl on the message board i forgot her name, its with an L, she said that i said somethin about cussing that its wrong and stuff...... well shes a bitch. haha see now if she was right, then i wouldnt have just said that :)
:o :eek: :mad: don't you want to at least pretend you're older than 12?
Well, I hardly ever curse, and when I do, it's not much.

I don't see the point in cursing, to be frank. Expletives don't bother me much, when in media, but I prefer not to see them plastered all over general conversation.

Can someone tell me what purpose cursing serves when used in every other sentence? For me, personally, it only serves to tell me that the person I am faced with either has lacking conversational skills or ability to emphasize something.
Swear words are words, and words are neither good nor bad. They're just words - it's the intent behind them and the context in which they are used that make the difference.

For me, I use swear words to stress my points. If you use them constantly, the meaning is lost in redundency. The secret to swearing is to employ them, like any other word, when they're going to be effective in your overall statement.


"So I was walking out to the parking lot, and I noticed that some person has stolen my car"
- simple, effective, but flat.

"So, like, I was fuckin' walkin my ass out to my car, n' shit, right? And then, I was fuckin' like... Fuck, dude. My fuckin' car... holy shit man, it's fuckin' gone. Can I I borrow a fuckin' smoke?"
- key points of stress lost in redundency

"So, I was walking out to my automobile, on that fine sunny day. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, I had "White Cluster" running through my head... all was good. Then, I casually glanced in the direction of where I had parked to notice that my car was FUCKING GONE! SOME ASSHOLE HAD STOLEN MY FUCKING CAR!"
- Emotion of the moment well conveyed by language, in an effective, understandable way.

For complete lessons on Effective Swearing, for 3 easy payments of $49.99, call the toll-free number on the bottom of your screen...
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
Swear words are words, and words are neither good nor bad. They're just words - it's the intent behind them and the context in which they are used that make the difference.

For me, I use swear words to stress my points. If you use them constantly, the meaning is lost in redundency. The secret to swearing is to employ them, like any other word, when they're going to be effective in your overall statement.


"So I was walking out to the parking lot, and I noticed that some person has stolen my car"
- simple, effective, but flat.

"So, like, I was fuckin' walkin my ass out to my car, n' shit, right? And then, I was fuckin' like... Fuck, dude. My fuckin' car... holy shit man, it's fuckin' gone. Can I I borrow a fuckin' smoke?"
- key points of stress lost in redundency

"So, I was walking out to my automobile, on that fine sunny day. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, I had "White Cluster" running through my head... all was good. Then, I casually glanced in the direction of where I had parked to notice that my car was FUCKING GONE! SOME ASSHOLE HAD STOLEN MY FUCKING CAR!"
- Emotion of the moment well conveyed by language, in an effective, understandable way.

For complete lessons on Effective Swearing, for 3 easy payments of $49.99, call the toll-free number on the bottom of your screen...

LMAO Hoser! :lol: :spin: :lol: Holy fuck me! that was funny (haha, thnx Satori for the new catch phrase, works like a charm, hehheh, :grin: )

On a seperate but related note: those who would rather not curse but need some form of expletive or otherwise to utter, try words like krunk. For instance "Krunk, i just ruined my nails" or "I hate those krunks!" or the classic "Krunk YOU!!" This way you can be as vulgar as you want to be without anyone else knowing about it. hehehe. :grin:
....back in 1982 when my sister was trying to stop cursing she went over to yelling "cucumber" at everything... this can be replaced with the vegetable or fruit of your choice...
Try it....
"Well succini you too, man!!!"

I can't help being born into a world that frowns on the swear word. So I was brought up to believe that swearing isn't good.

Now that I'm all grown up, and can think for myself, here's my thoughts on swearing:

I generally don't swear - I don't feel I need the swear word to stress my point - I just speak my peace.
I don't like receiving the swear word - it's not that I'm looking for large and intricate words, I just feel these are wasted words.
Swearing as it relates to intelligence - I've heard swear words from the intelligent to the stupid. Since the swear word is very recognizable, I've seen less educated people use them more (on average), because they're easy to use and understand.

Damn, I've got to go because fucking work is calling. I hate this rat-race shit - it sucks. All these mother-fucking people demanding me to work to line their god-damned pockets with money, while I make a shitty salary. I won't ass-kiss to move forward, so I'll sit here finger-fucking myself trying to make a living.