Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I said that Greif believes the poor are driven to crime by social conditions

I know you said, but he does not say it, off of the provided quote:

Obscene poverty doesn’t motivate the poor or please the rest of us; it makes the poor desperate, criminal, and unhappy.

this distinction here doesn't appear to be logical

they'd always wanted to do something else. He isn't assuming that all people secretly want to be artists or musicians or something, he's just posing a conditional.

again, yes. but that something else is not constrained by $, aka the arts.

Actually they wanted to be high school teachers, social workers, general practitioners, stay-at-home parents, or criminals and layabouts.

"Everyone wants to be a good person! the system makes people corrupt, evil!"

how delusional

He's only suggesting that restricting income would "free" individuals to do what they truly want to do.

this isn't really in discussion man. just his idea of 'financially free' people is childish, naive, arrogant and pompous.
I know you said, but he does not say it, off of the provided quote:

"Obscene poverty doesn’t motivate the poor or please the rest of us; it makes the poor desperate, criminal, and unhappy."

this distinction here doesn't appear to be logical

"Obscene poverty doesn't motivate the poor [to work harder and earn more money]; it makes the poor [cut corners and resort to crime]."

We call this inference. You should give it a try.

again, yes. but that something else is not constrained by $, aka the arts.

No, it doesn't have to be the arts. Maybe they'd rather be personal trainers, or dog-sitters, or house painters, or interior decorators, but felt pressured to earn more money than those careers could offer them. This is Greif's point. It doesn't have to be a job in the arts, although it can be.

"Everyone wants to be a good person! the system makes people corrupt, evil!"

how delusional

Did you actually read his quote? He included criminals in his list of what people might want to be, implying that some people actually do just want to be criminals. So your sentiment is misguided.

this isn't really in discussion man. just his idea of 'financially free' people is childish, naive, arrogant and pompous.

Greif's ideas about what deserves guilt and what is valuable are offered completely unsubstantiated within the quotes. Furthermore, his treatment of incomes in dollars as possessing some inherent value or fixedness is entirely ignorant of the nature of money in general, but particularly inflationary monetary systems.

Separately, his assertion that eliminating superwealth will cause the elimination of superpoverty is also not substantiated, and the data showing the rise in the superwealthy in recent times concomitant with the drop in global poverty levels is evidence against such a causal relationship.

I don't care that someone values certain things more highly than others (ie, valuing academia over the FIRE sectors). Problems are created when those without requisite knowledge of the systems they wish were different have very strong opinions about how they need to be changed. Which is to say basically everyone.

Poverty is a social condition.

Poverty is the default human condition and must be understood in absolute terms. The moving goalposts of "subjective poverty" come with a host of problems. Approached briefly, subjective measures of poverty can assert that the uncontacted jungle tribalists are not impoverished, but someone with an insulated house, indoor plumbing, electricity, refrigeration, internet, an automobile, ample clothing and food, and practically infinite access to entertainment is in dire poverty.

He's definitely not saying that criminals are biologically prone to crime. Or if they are, this is negligible.

He's simply wrong. Criminals score lower on IQ tests http://law.jrank.org/pages/1363/Intelligence-Crime-Measuring-size-IQ-crime-correlation.html and higher on measures of aggressiveness, which are also correlated, and which are also highly heritable.While environmental factors influence expression, persons do not enter these environments randomly. Rather, the same genetics which are passed on also influence and are influenced by the environments into which they pass them on.

A review of the relevant literature shows that heritability explains anywhere from 41-63% of antisocial behavior. Additionally, of the environmental influences, there are both shared and nonshared influences, and the degree to which nonshared environmental influences are not in fact interpretable as based in genetics is due to some degree of perspective.
Greif's ideas about what deserves guilt and what is valuable are offered completely unsubstantiated within the quotes.

I know. Because you can't substantiate them.

The samzdat piece states:

If we started with very little, and then capitalism made us all wealthier, is it really the devil if, while doing that, a few got wealthier than others?

You can't substantiate that claim (or, again, conditional) either. It's a value-judgment.

Poverty is the default human condition and must be understood in absolute terms.

I don't think you can ever convince me that this is true. But I'll read your argument if you think it's worth your time.

He's simply wrong. Criminals score lower on IQ tests http://law.jrank.org/pages/1363/Intelligence-Crime-Measuring-size-IQ-crime-correlation.html and higher on measures of aggressiveness, which are also correlated, and which are also highly heritable.

This assumes that lower IQs and higher aggressiveness preceded poverty. You can't prove that it did, and the evidence doesn't present a persuading case that it does.

It's probably true that biology plays a role in social circumstances. I won't claim that it doesn't. But you can't say that Greif is "simply wrong," because that would demand a proof from you. And you don't have one.
"Obscene poverty doesn't motivate the poor [to work harder and earn more money]; it makes the poor [cut corners and resort to crime]."

work harder and earn more money are not mutually exclusive. you can not work harder, resort to crime, and earn more money.

but whatever, you're being really childish about poorly constructing his argument. do you man
:tickled: Me? You keep changing your point with every post. Arguing with you is like trying to teach baseball to a bumblebee.

You're right that working harder and earning money aren't mutually exclusive. I'm asking you to stop for a second and use your fucking brain. You can easily tell what it is Greif's saying: obscene poverty doesn't motivate the poor to get jobs; it motivates them to commit crimes.

There, was that so hard?
I didn't change anything. Look at how fired up you are. You projected meaning onto his vague statement and assumed that's what he meant with nothing to support that position. If that's how you took it, that's fine, but to act like he argued that is dishonest at best
Wow. None of that is true.

I'm fired up because you waste my time. Every argument I have with you is a waste of time. And what's worse is that I keep trying, but you think I'm such an asshole that you can't accept the fact that I understand an article that you don't (or maybe can't).

So, this is the last time I'll be an asshole to you.
I know. Because you can't substantiate them.

The samzdat piece states:

I think the point is that why not approach the "is" of rising tides lifting all boats, but some higher than others, as simply an is? Why must guilt be involved? Etc. There's no reasoning supplied, even from assumed values of "not wanting to see poverty" or that "rising tides are good". At least we can assume that both the writer of the samzdat piece and Mr Greif have similar values, at least on some level.

The bigger problem I have, which the other piece from samzdat touched on, iirc, is that this materially minded approach strikes out no matter which side you come at it from. But then again, if you don't have basic necessities, nothing else really has a chance to matter. Stated another way: The freedom to consider ones position and have the time and freedom to complain about it indicates relative levels of wealth of historic proportions - a perspective lost to the microwave mentality of modernity.

I don't think you can ever convince me that this is true. But I'll read your argument if you think it's worth your time.

Well obviously to begin with I'm talking about poverty in absolute, material terms. The basic necessities for human life. Food, clothing, shelter. None of which is available without some measure of human action. If all humans ceased to work, food and clothing stocks would rapidly deplete, food and clothing from said stocks would not disperse except to locals, and shelter would degrade at various speeds until eventually most humans are dead and the world looks like "The Earth Without Humans". What alternative process has ever made ample food, clothing, and shelter available to people doing literally nothing?

This assumes that lower IQs and higher aggressiveness preceded poverty. You can't prove that it did, and the evidence doesn't present a persuading case that it does.

Since poverty is the original state, obviously at some point in history absolute poverty preceded IQ gains. The real question is why and how did IQ gains and related wealth spirals ever occur at any point and place. I don't think things like "welfare" or "desegregated schools" are historically available explanations, both because they didn't exist before and data from now shows no such gains.

But you can't say that Greif is "simply wrong," because that would demand a proof from you. And you don't have one.

Discounting biology as "negligible" (maybe he doesn't, I'm just taking your word for it) when the bast science and statistics we have available states that it explains at least half the variance in all behavior is absolutely "simply wrong", unless he has some counter evidence on the effects of genetics or lack thereof.

The video is cut short but the genetic magnification achieved by the flattening of critical access is touched on. Subsequently, the differences in distribution over time by mere chance. In either case alone, no room for discussions of "systems of oppression". Synthesized, the takeaway should be to admire how the system doesn't wind up more grossly unequal.
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The bigger problem I have, which the other piece from samzdat touched on, iirc, is that this materially minded approach strikes out no matter which side you come at it from. But then again, if you don't have basic necessities, nothing else really has a chance to matter. Stated another way: The freedom to consider ones position and have the time and freedom to complain about it indicates relative levels of wealth of historic proportions - a perspective lost to the microwave mentality of modernity.

The samzdat piece is more rhetorically reserved than Greif's--they're stylistically very different. But I of course disagree with your sweeping dismissal of materially-oriented arguments. There are important differences between poverty and what you're calling absolute poverty (which I don't think exists).

Well obviously to begin with I'm talking about poverty in absolute, material terms. The basic necessities for human life. Food, clothing, shelter. None of which is available without some measure of human action. If all humans ceased to work, food and clothing stocks would rapidly deplete, food and clothing from said stocks would not disperse except to locals, and shelter would degrade at various speeds until eventually most humans are dead and the world looks like "The Earth Without Humans". What alternative process has ever made ample food, clothing, and shelter available to people doing literally nothing?

What you call absolute poverty would be raw, unbridled animal existence. This is an inappropriate application of poverty. Wealth and poverty cannot be used to describe any natural state of existence because they are always relative terms. Applying the idea of poverty to some natural existence is a rhetorical and political move, not a logical one.

There are no misers among animals. If we think of nature-state homo sapiens as being in poverty, then we must also think of all other animals as being in poverty; but this makes no sense. The accumulation of wealth, to which we contrast poverty, applies only to beings who may perceive value in terms of future transactions. This is always how it's been used. I'm not sure if you're appealing to some philosopher or idea with your use of the term, but I think it's wildly inaccurate and primarily rhetorical.

Since poverty is the original state, obviously at some point in history absolute poverty preceded IQ gains.

Well, as per my above statement, no it didn't. And it's pointless to pursue an argument that argues which came first.

I don't see how, once the accumulation of wealth begins in developed civilizations, it doesn't have an impact on disparities in social station, intellect, and education. You want to say that IQ is the primary causal factor in where wealth accumulates. I'm saying that the location of wealth largely conditions what we perceive as lineages of low IQs.

Welfare and desegregation are good, but that hasn't changed the economic situation of many schools, especially schools in the south where African Americans are clustered. As far as educational centers for blacks in the north, many of them are in poor urban areas, which blacks moved into and occupied.

Ever since Reconstruction, impoverished economic and social conditions have followed blacks everywhere they went. You'll probably say that this is because of lower IQ. I would say that it's because of the perpetual resistance of white America toward black assimilation. They're trying, and in many cases they're doing; but in many other cases it's a Sisyphian struggle.

Discounting biology as "negligible" (maybe he doesn't, I'm just taking your word for it) when the bast science and statistics we have available states that it explains at least half the variance in all behavior is absolutely "simply wrong", unless he has some counter evidence on the effects of genetics or lack thereof.

He doesn't say that, I was just trying to circumvent some unrelated comment that rms made in hopes of preventing a derailment (lot of good that did).

I didn't mean to imply that biology is negligible when looking at social conditions and behavior. I meant that it was negligible for Greif's argument at hand, which doesn't need to concern itself with the ins and outs of inheritability. Of course biology will still have an impact on individuals in Greif's imaginary society; but that doesn't factor into his proposal, and it doesn't really need to.

Greif is being confrontational and heavily rhetorical in that essay. He's not bothering to substantiate many claims, and he also waxes poetic at moments it seems that being more philosophically grounded would benefit his argument. First and foremost, it's a thought experiment. Secondly, it's a revaluation of what individualism can mean. Thirdly, it's a thought-provoking alternative to wealth distribution that doesn't follow the standard guidelines of communist redistribution. I think it's simply a way to reimagine how we think about income.
Synthesized, the takeaway should be to admire how the system doesn't wind up more grossly unequal.

Indeed, it was Marx himself who said that capitalism was emancipatory in its ability to break archaic institutions of aristocracy and royalty and establish the possibility of economic mobility through individual labor and trade.

We can oppose these two value judgments (i.e. samzdat's and Greif's) as simply putting forth the following question: is it better to have enormities of wealth accrual and less poverty than we used to, or no enormities of wealth accrual and no poverty?

I should point out that Greif ends his essay with this comment:

Greif said:
The eradication of diseases is not something you would like to see end; nor would you want to lose the food supply, transportation, and good order of the law and defense. On the other hand, more cell phones and wireless, an expanded total entertainment environment, more computerization for consumer tracking, greater concentrations of capital and better exploitation of “inefficiencies” in the trading of securities, the final throes of extraction and gas-guzzling and—to hell with it. I’d rather live in a more equal world at a slower pace.

I'm not sure that I agree with this. But even if I disagree with gut-level distribution, I still think the enormities of wealth accrual and the vast technological developments we've made since the mid-twentieth century can afford to provide welfare and other programs for the bare subsistence of certain peoples.
The samzdat piece is more rhetorically reserved than Greif's--they're stylistically very different. But I of course disagree with your sweeping dismissal of materially-oriented arguments. There are important differences between poverty and what you're calling absolute poverty (which I don't think exists).

hat you call absolute poverty would be raw, unbridled animal existence. This is an inappropriate application of poverty. Wealth and poverty cannot be used to describe any natural state of existence because they are always relative terms. Applying the idea of poverty to some natural existence is a rhetorical and political move, not a logical one.

Absolute poverty in the most extreme sense doesn't exist because humans (and animals) engage in action to procure what is needed at a minimal level. But it's a fixed baseline for measurement. Means, medians, and outliers (statistical points for assessing relative wealth and poverty) are useless without a fixed scale to refer to for context. There is a logical and practical reason for the reference.

There are no misers among animals. If we think of nature-state homo sapiens as being in poverty, then we must also think of all other animals as being in poverty; but this makes no sense. The accumulation of wealth, to which we contrast poverty, applies only to beings who may perceive value in terms of future transactions. This is always how it's been used. I'm not sure if you're appealing to some philosopher or idea with your use of the term, but I think it's wildly inaccurate and primarily rhetorical.

I agree to some degree with your comment about transactions, particularly as it renders a comparison with animals faulty. Absolute poverty vs relative and other forms of poverty are abstract ideas available only to humans, and are an ongoing source of disagreement:


I think relative poverty is important for psychosocial considerations of wellness, but only after considering broader history, implications, expectations, etc. In other words, context.

Well, as per my above statement, no it didn't. And it's pointless to pursue an argument that argues which came first.

I don't see how, once the accumulation of wealth begins in developed civilizations, it doesn't have an impact on disparities in social station, intellect, and education. You want to say that IQ is the primary causal factor in where wealth accumulates. I'm saying that the location of wealth largely conditions what we perceive as lineages of low IQs.

No clothes and food killed or gathered as available came first in every case. The agricultural revolution is genetically new.

Welfare and desegregation are good, but that hasn't changed the economic situation of many schools, especially schools in the south where African Americans are clustered. As far as educational centers for blacks in the north, many of them are in poor urban areas, which blacks moved into and occupied.

Ever since Reconstruction, impoverished economic and social conditions have followed blacks everywhere they went. You'll probably say that this is because of lower IQ. I would say that it's because of the perpetual resistance of white America toward black assimilation. They're trying, and in many cases they're doing; but in many other cases it's a Sisyphian struggle.

I think there's too many points of difference on the statistical facts and my observations living most of my life in the Black Belt (a term used to refer to both the soil and the overlapping African American distribution in the US) here to even begin to address them in a way either of us are going to come out in a satisfied manner about, agreement or otherwise.

Of course biology will still have an impact on individuals in Greif's imaginary society; but that doesn't factor into his proposal, and it doesn't really need to........he also waxes poetic at moments it seems that being more philosophically grounded would benefit his argument............. I think it's simply a way to reimagine how we think about income.

A reimagination that doesn't take into account biology or monetary systems and theory is probably missing a significant majority of the relative picture. Bastiat talks about "That which is seen, and that which is not seen" http://bastiat.org/en/twisatwins.html . Missing that which is not seen is a common although absolutely understandable error for non-economists (although unfortunately common for economists as well). Greif is missing that which is seen.

I understand it is not the nature of poets and other non-scientific writers to concern themselves with details in scientific fields (even if they broach into "soft science"), but then again they need to understand not being considered seriously on scientific matters by those in respective fields. I would say the problem is that they bear little direct responsibility for being catastrophically wrong, but that is a nearly universal and potentially fatal flaw in the distributed nature of responsibility in the "democratic era", so I can't single them out for this.
Absolute poverty in the most extreme sense doesn't exist because humans (and animals) engage in action to procure what is needed at a minimal level. But it's a fixed baseline for measurement. Means, medians, and outliers (statistical points for assessing relative wealth and poverty) are useless without a fixed scale to refer to for context. There is a logical and practical reason for the reference.

But humans and animals have access to resources before they're even born.

It sounds to me like absolute poverty is a purely abstract notion (something you do allude to) that would be properly represented by a human body floating in a vacuum. This might be an imaginable scenario, but it strikes me as virtually nonexistent.

A reimagination that doesn't take into account biology or monetary systems and theory is probably missing a significant majority of the relative picture. Bastiat talks about "That which is seen, and that which is not seen" http://bastiat.org/en/twisatwins.html . Missing that which is not seen is a common although absolutely understandable error for non-economists (although unfortunately common for economists as well). Greif is missing that which is seen.

How so? He's simply placing greater emphasis on something else.

The effect of material conditions on social station is absolutely "seen." Or, it's at least as seen as the correlation between IQ and social station.

I understand it is not the nature of poets and other non-scientific writers to concern themselves with details in scientific fields (even if they broach into "soft science"), but then again they need to understand not being considered seriously on scientific matters by those in respective fields.

I think that Greif would be taken seriously by scientists interested in thought experiments.
But humans and animals have access to resources before they're even born.

It sounds to me like absolute poverty is a purely abstract notion (something you do allude to) that would be properly represented by a human body floating in a vacuum. This might be an imaginable scenario, but it strikes me as virtually nonexistent.

At the "0" scale, generally speaking, it is a thought experiment :D. But there are real places on such a scale of material wealth not far removed, and any point on the scale requires action from either the person or other persons, even if it means walking to a nearby cave. On that sort of scale, the material luxury enjoyed by those in the US (even extending to many of the homeless!) exceeds that of some of those in Africa and Asia.

How so? He's simply placing greater emphasis on something else.

The effect of material conditions on social station is absolutely "seen." Or, it's at least as seen as the correlation between IQ and social station.

There's a lot of different ways to approach the seen/unseen problem Greif is entering, but I don't want to get into the weeds when there's a primary problem which relates to the others. Capping incomes (like setting minimum wages) is a form of price control, controlling the price of labor.

At the "0" scale, generally speaking, it is a thought experiment :D.

Can't argue with that. :cool:

But there are real places on such a scale of material wealth not far removed, and any point on the scale requires action from either the person or other persons, even if it means walking to a nearby cave. On that sort of scale, the material luxury enjoyed by those in the US (even extending to many of the homeless!) exceeds that of some of those in Africa and Asia.

Yes, but now we're talking about relative poverty. We can talk about relative poverty without the axiom of absolute poverty to fall back on.

There's a lot of different ways to approach the seen/unseen problem Greif is entering, but I don't want to get into the weeds when there's a primary problem which relates to the others. Capping incomes (like setting minimum wages) is a form of price control, controlling the price of labor.


You're right, it is. It's a very, very different way of thinking about the political economy (very different even from Marx).
Can't argue with that. :cool:

Yes, but now we're talking about relative poverty. We can talk about relative poverty without the axiom of absolute poverty to fall back on.

Price controls create shortages and saturation (inadequate supply for some demand and oversupply to available demand elsewhere) whereever imposed. Minimum wages create a shortage of jobs which do not justify the minimum wage, hurting the most vulnerable of workers and reducing access to OTJ skill development. Maximum wages would similarly lead to a shortage of jobs which demand a level of work and/or expertise development which is not adequately compensated. All of that is an aside to such an arbitrary mark like "$100,000", although that mark is not only ridiculously low from the perspective of the number of jobs and productivity lost, but also to how quickly inflation would require that the ceiling be raised.

You're right, it is. It's a very, very different way of thinking about the political economy (very different even from Marx).

I don't see price controls as a different way of thinking about the political economy. Price controls are, unless I am mistaken, the first/earliest command option for an economy. The creation of official currency is a form of price control. Set exchange rates,, import/export quotas/limits, etc. are also directly or indirectly attempts at price control.
Both of those very good points still assume that the primary reason people go to work is to make the most money they can. Greif's hypothetical scenario is intended to liberate people from the concern over making the most money, and asks what people would do if they didn't have to worry about this. It's counterintuitive for us to extricate the amassing of wealth from the reason for working, and understandably so. We approach the notion of work/labor as something we would rather not do, but we do it anyway because we have to. We've built a system of values around the practice of hard work. I don't think Greif's proposal is practical or sound, but I do think it reveals how our standard way of viewing work isn't totally rational, but is a little bit pathological.

One of the standard touchstones for contemporary Marxist intellectualism is that other forms of social existence and organization are possible, but that our cultural ideology makes it nearly impossible to imagine them (hence Jameson's famous line that it's easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine the end of capitalism). I personally am not convinced that there are more effective alternatives to the general system that has developed over the past several centuries; but just because our current system is functional doesn't mean it isn't also slightly insane. We don't have to tolerate the bugs just because the operating system is still running.

So, to return to my original point, it depends on how we locate and organize our values.