paradoxile said:
the prime minister of the united states:p :lol:

We have a president... sort of. He's actually a monkey with down syndrome. Recently Ahmadinejad and Bush got into a feces throwing match at the UN, and we had to have both presidents put back into their cages. Maybe Dan wants to run for president of both the US and Iran? Would be nice to have actual human beings in charge for a change.
Naglfar said:
We have a president... sort of. He's actually a monkey with down syndrome. Recently Ahmadinejad and Bush got into a feces throwing match at the UN, and we had to have both presidents put back into their cages. Maybe Dan wants to run for president of both the US and Iran? Would be nice to have actual human beings in charge for a change.

no shit...that's why I put these 2 smilies :p :lol:
I hope it's not nuclear feces though...because if it is. Israel is Ahmedinajad's first target,I mean he said it openly in public that israel has no right to exist and must be exterminated.
Dan can't be president of the USA...he wasn't born in the US(stupid law) but I think we should give Iran to Dag, and Syria to Eric,the Palestinian Autonomy to Tom and Dan would get Iraq and then there will be peace in the Middle East...and finally there would be a Nightingale show in Tel Aviv.
The country that provides weapons to the most hated countries on the planet
sure why not...
Buy 1 Russia now,get Ivan(ColdDarkNord) for free...:headbang:
paradoxile said:
no shit...that's why I put these 2 smilies :p :lol:
I hope it's not nuclear feces though...because if it is. Israel is Ahmedinajad's first target,I mean he said it openly in public that israel has no right to exist and must be exterminated.
Dan can't be president of the USA...he wasn't born in the US(stupid law) but I think we should give Iran to Dag, and Syria to Eric,the Palestinian Autonomy to Tom and Dan would get Iraq and then there will be peace in the Middle East...and finally there would be a Nightingale show in Tel Aviv.

Remember that Akerfelt gets Israel! And I get the US, then. :p
you're not cool enough to get Sweden...Candlemass it is.

Ken, you are cool enough for Northern Ireland.
I'm taking Micronesia.
who takes Norway, Denmark,Finnland? and who takes the most blasphemous place on earth...that is vatican city?