Dan Lilker tells Dave Mustaine the way it is!

lord667 said:
What's this about someone from Korn turning into a Jesus freak? Can someone clarify for me?
i don't see anything wrong with it.

its people like Darth Kur that i see a lot wrong with. blinded by rage, they are foolish and apparently believe whatever propaganda is thrown at them
Silent Song said:
i don't see anything wrong with it.

Nor me, but I don't follow the nu-metal scene and didn't understand the Korn reference, so i wanted to know what it was about.

its people like Darth Kur that i see a lot wrong with. blinded by rage, they are foolish and apparently believe whatever propaganda is thrown at them

From what's been said by Dave Mustaine and everyone else, it sounds like he's gone to the festival organisers and said "We don't want to share a bill with Dissection/Rotting Christ". Maybe he didn't directly demand that they be kicked off, which he denies, but if he went to the promoters and said to them what he's said in his own newsposts, they're obviously going to interpret it as "them or us, matey boy", and obviously from a commercial perspective they're going to go with Megadeth. What do you think happened? The festival organisers found out that Dave was born-again and just decided off their own backs to get rid of Dissection in case Mustaine got offended?

The honourable thing, if he had a moral objection to sharing a bill with any band, would have been for Dave to withdraw Megadeth, but instead, however meekly and equitably he may have phrased it, his influence got the Satanic bands kicked out instead. There's no getting round that, and I happen to agree with Darth Kur that it's not right. I'm not as angry about it as Darth Kur is, but I still agree with him.
i agree. in another thread i said:

dave, the fact that a satanic band is on the bill is only more cause for ya to play. what better way to show faith than that? you should have confidence in your band's message. the audience deserves to hear all sides, and by kicking them out, you are showing fear. fear that they may outplay you, and interest people in their beliefs. this fear works against what you claim to believe in. if you truly are a believer, then you should allow them to stay, and be confident that the audience is free to hear whatever messages, because you are confident in your own.
Silent Song said:
dave, the fact that a satanic band is on the bill is only more cause for ya to play. what better way to show faith than that? you should have confidence in your band's message. the audience deserves to hear all sides, and by kicking them out, you are showing fear. fear that they may outplay you, and interest people in their beliefs. this fear works against what you claim to believe in. if you truly are a believer, then you should allow them to stay, and be confident that the audience is free to hear whatever messages, because you are confident in your own.

Quoted for truth. If the rep system were still in play, you'd be getting some green dots right about now.
You talk about Christians so monolithically, as if they're a big unit of collectively brainwashed biomass rather than individuals with individual interpretations of faith and sacred texts.

The bottom line is that Dave Mustaine is a poor representation for Christianity, if not mankind in general.
anonymousnick2001 said:
You talk about Christians so monolithically, as if they're a big unit of collectively brainwashed biomass rather than individuals with individual interpretations of faith and sacred texts.

The bottom line is that Dave Mustaine is a poor representation for Christianity, if not mankind in general.

Exactly. I'd almost lump him in with people like Darth Kur, but he's not that bad.
Since when was metal anti-christ?

Anti-establishment maybe.

I always thought it was just awesome music.

Perhaps Dave should have realised that too, put differences aside, and play the MUSIC.

It's up to him, I guess.

If you loved someone for their music, and then turn to hate them for their beliefs, that is inconsistent.
Ktulu said:
I always thought it was just awesome music.

A much-debated point.

If you loved someone for their music, and then turn to hate them for their beliefs, that is inconsistent.

But if it's "just awesome music" then surely what a man believes outweighs his (unimportant in the grand scheme of things) musical ability when you're deciding how you feel about him? To say nothing of your assumption that "consistency", a criterion from the realm of logic, is applicable in any meaningful way to irrational entities like love and hate!
lord667 said:
But if it's "just awesome music" then surely what a man believes outweighs his (unimportant in the grand scheme of things) musical ability when you're deciding how you feel about him?

Some of you guys are biggest fucking tools. You all fall in line with this guy with Lilker for talking trash about Dave Mustaine when really, it doesn't matter. If he doesn't want satanic bands to open for him, he reserves that right, whether a question of his faith or not. Would I do that? Probably not unless the guys were total assholes but then my opinion doesn't matter either b/c I'm not the one calling the shots. It's like France having problems with the US. Megadeth is (or was, depending on your opinion) a great band and have clout. If something they don't like doesn't go, then so be it. I'm sick of every one making such a big fucking deal out of it. I wouldn't want a fucking skin head band opening for me b/c I feel their philosophies clash with mine.
MetalHeadMarc said:
I wouldn't want a fucking skin head band opening for me b/c I feel their philosophies clash with mine.

This is the fucking point you shitface. It's not about personal beliefs, idealogies, etc. It's about JUST the music. So what if there's a band you don't like at a festival? It's not YOUR show. He knowingly used his version of the bully pulpit to get 'Satanic' bands off the same bill he was playing on.