
Hi there

I am quite busy these days. I desperately try to mix the Nightingale album but I never seem to get across that first track!! It's so much that needs to sound good!!! I have a mix of the track "Falling" cooking right now, and It might be the final version. When I am switching back and forth from my mix to Dream Theater's "Awake" the over tone and the quality is pretty much the same...so maybe it's time to br happy and get on with it..after all I am mixing it in a computer, not a zillion dollar desk!

Beautiful! Awake has always been one of my favorite sounding records.

Dan, what do you think of the sounds Rick Rubin gets on his albums? Particurlarly something like the s/t Trouble record..
of all the bands Dan has contributed with which do you think is the best?
and for Dan: what has been your most rewarding work?