Dark Passion Play

I personally think that Tarja style on Once and Century Child was not really operatic..of course the "color" of her voice was still classical . I actually think Tarja's voice (combined with catchy songs of course) was one of the element which made NW more accessible. Of course it's the same with Anette, probably even more.

Yeah i specifically leaned towards the word "classical" for those reasons. I don't think you would find anyone who would call what she did on CC or Once, "operatic". Certainly not me.

Personally I wouldn't like to think that Nightwish have choosen this kind of singer just because of reaching a wider audience in the USA . I like Anette , I think she's a good singer...but I wouldn't like to think they choosed her with this purpose in mind. Don't get me wrong , I don't think USA is the ultimate evil ;) ..I just don't like the thought of musicians doing musical choices (especially as important as this) with purpose of reaching wider audience. I understand this kind of compromise for singles but not for band members ;).

However it's not that I really think like this..it's just a nasty/cynical thought which hit my mind ;).

Well, i wasn't saying whether it was a good or bad thing. I was being neutral. I am the last person that would ever want to see a band make artistic or member decisions based on success probabilities. Especially not for someplace as corporate as the USA. I am the first one you'll find throwing down a red flag when i see a band pandering or making commercial concessions. Art should always come first. There are plenty of musicians out there who make good art and manage to survive.
Well, i wasn't saying whether it was a good or bad thing. I was being neutral. I am the last person that would ever want to see a band make artistic or member decisions based on success probabilities. Especially not for someplace as corporate as the USA. I am the first one you'll find throwing down a red flag when i see a band pandering or making commercial concessions. Art should always come first. There are plenty of musicians out there who make good art and manage to survive.

Well..being objective and realist some kind of "compromises" should be done if you want to have a certain market..for example I was mentioning the choice of singles. Tuomas doesn't like Amaranth..he doesn't think it represents the album , yet they choosed them because it's a good choice for a single. I think a band sells out when it starts to make music just for giving a product and for making money .
I don't think NW are just a product..of course there's also the commercial aspect.

I don't really think they choosed Anette with only this purpose in mind..I guess it's always a risk to change drastically your vocals. They probably had this thought too but I think they picked her because of her personality and of course because of the fact she's a good singer.
And of course they didn't want a copy of Tarja. Maybe I'm too naive :p

Personally..as far as I won't be complitely disappointed by them..NW is still one of my favourite band (probably that's why I can't be so objective..but I can't help) .
I've heard DPP promo a couple of time ..except a couple of weak songs like for example Cadence of Her Last Breath, For the Heart I once Had..and Amaranth...the album gave me a very good impression, there's a lot of variety. There's something missing in some songs..it's probably due to the fact I still miss Tarja interpretation a bit. But it gave me , more or less, the sensations Once gave me..maybe Dark Passion Play has less impact than Once, at least at the first listening.
However I listened to each songs not in order.
Well.. this was a very serious discussion :) That's cool.

My opinion is as follows;
I feel VERY lucky that I got to see a Nightwish concert with Tarja. In fact, that is the best concert I've been to, and then I have seen Iron Maiden and AC/DC for example.
But... I am not at all dissapointed in Nightwish for taking on Anette as their new singer. It was genious. As said in this thread before, if they would have switched her with another operasinger it would probably not have been the same at all.
Anette just ouzes ROCK! and her voice is great with the NW sound. I just lover her.
Can't wait until next time I see NW live!
Just listen to Bye Bye Beautiful..You cant not like it old or new Nightwish fan.

On the same note i would really love to see I Wish I Had a Angel or Dark Chest of Wonders with Anette.
I agree that there is something missing. I like Anette alot, but you kow- Tarja is the original singer and no one can beat that. I know how it feels like there something missing, it reminds me of the time when when the former lead guatarist Chris DeGarmo left the band Queensryche. There was something definately something missing there... But I do give alot of credit to Nightwish and their singer Anette Ozlon to keep the band together and still sounding great.
I know how it feels like there something missing, it reminds me of the time when when the former lead guatarist Chris DeGarmo left the band Queensryche.

Exactly, I am a huge Ryche fan and they have always seemed to lack that special something ever since DeGarmo left.

It's funny, I was just having this same discussion with an online friend, and I said to him, the one difference between Nightwish and Queensryche is that Nightwish still has their main composer. Even though the vocals are different, the style and soul is still very much Nightwish and Tuomas' artistic vision. Queensryche has seemed to flounder greatly without DeGarmo, because he was responsible for the band's signature sound. I guess if I had to make a choice, I'd rather get used to a new singer than a new songwriter and virtually an entirely new sound.
Nightwish will release their new album, Dark Passion Play - the first to feature new vocalist Anette Olzon - on October 2nd, but you can get a leg up on it by visiting the newly launched official ECARD http://www.roadrun.com/darkpassionplay/)

In it, you'll find new band photos, wallpapers and IM icons to go with a pair of irresistible new Nightwish classics in "Amaranth" and "Bye Bye Beautiful."

The Finnish legends are also planning their first swing through the U.S. in many a year, so check out their TOUR DATES (http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/artists/nightwish/tour.aspx) starting October 15th and order your tickets today.

And for everything else Nightwish, please visit www.nightwish.com

Apparently DPP got released a week early in Mexico. The full un-promo version was uploaded to a certain color themed private torrent site 12 hours ago (as of this post) (it's V0, they didn't upload it as FLAC yet). They also posted a few liner note pictures. So until you all get your legit copies, i figured you might like to see those at least, so.. here's the linkies:



Hmm the CD itself looks a bit like the art from SA's "Unia".

So is TH being shirtless the new theme for the album? *GRIN* Hellooooo nurse!
Apparently DPP got released a week early in Mexico. The full un-promo version was uploaded to a certain color themed private torrent site 12 hours ago (as of this post) (it's V0, they didn't upload it as FLAC yet). They also posted a few liner note pictures. So until you all get your legit copies, i figured you might like to see those at least, so.. here's the linkies:




:lol: that's the site I got it from.

for the record at the time you posted that, it was already almost 24 hours ;)
:lol: that's the site I got it from.

for the record at the time you posted that, it was already almost 24 hours ;)

Well, if you really want to get technical about it, the torrent was added exactly on 9/23 at 2:49pm my time and i posted on 9/23 at 7:13pm my time :) Give or take one hour if i have the hour set incorrectly by 1 over there (which sometimes happens). So not exactly 24 hours ;] But it's all petty semantics anyway. The important part is that it's out there and sounding good.

The FLAC was added today too, i may have to take another hit to my ratio and nab that as well hehe.