Dark Tranquillity in Greece?

hello to you all.I guess it's a little bit late to start writting about the athens gig.anw we still are in October.
To begin with ;yes, DT were great!I'd never seen them performing live before and I was surprised especially by Mikael. He is definatelly among the best frontmen of rock-metal (you name it),being very close and friendy to the crowd! Yes he did jump to the audience after the show was over! He also took the camera of some guy to take a picture for him at the beginning of the show. I don't think that many of the performers of his level get so trully exposed to the crowd.
About the ESA "subject" I guess that Mikael used them before those two songs (yes, I think he said it before both of 'em) because this phrase is mentioned in BOTH songs.However I didn't manage to understand exactly what he was saying.Maybe the only capable of sorting this out is Mikael himself.
&now some showing off time; I got a pic with Mikael and signs on my tick&poster while leaving! The evening just couldn't have turned out better!
Hi Oriion :)

Did i mention i got 5 signs + a small drawing from Mikael (yeah, this needs sorting out from him too :grin: ) on my DD booklet as well, and that the evening couldn't have turned out better for me as well? :D

Siren (no pics :waah: )
Originally posted by Siren
Hi Oriion :)

Did i mention i got 5 signs + a small drawing from Mikael (yeah, this needs sorting out from him too :grin: ) on my DD booklet as well, and that the evening couldn't have turned out better for me as well? :D

:confused: I want to get stuff from him as well, but I'm no good looking chick, dammit
Well, TheMindzI is quite correct. I ain't a good looking chick either. However I got one.
He draw sth for me too,Siren. The eye from the mind's I cover.
&btw TheMindzI is not a g.l.c. either. He sucks! :p
haahahah... you damn g(r)eeks! Firstly I was referring to Siren (joking)... Oriion where's your fuckin brain? ;) Secondly.. I'm not good-looking :P And thirdly... o Oriion einai enas malakas filos mou o opoios den kserei pos na mpei GRNet.. ARGH! .. plhroforiaka ;)
@Oriion: Mikael draw smt like a person with curly hair for me, i'm pretty positive it was himself (or could it be me? :P).
And TMI is a g.l.c., i've seen him :cool:
Gia irc, 8a ma8eis ta kolpa, mh fobasai ;)

@TMI: Ok, you can refuse good-looking, we know you're modest... but chick..? ;) :p
Tsts, sa de ntrepesai... :P
:confused: :) (katepsygmena?)we better establish an all greek thread(or forum?)
eimaste polloi telika,mallon zhlepsate apo ta ispanika prin kai piasate thn kouventa.akoma den arxisan na vrizoun pantws(oxi fwnaxta toulaxiston)

hm,i should get sth from mikael too(although i had the impression niklas was the real artist)
@siren:did you go backstage to get these beauties or you met them in a club afterwards?sometimes it helps to be a :Shedevil:
This thread has the word "greek" in the title, so i guess they expect some greek small talk.. ;)

Btw, i think Mikael is the original designer of the mind's eye on the cd's cover, so.. (if i'm wrong someone plz correct me :spin: )

@good_son: no i didn't go backstage, just met them at texas and waited for the big crowd to go away a bit. :)

@Thanatos: Well done, my darling! :D
Originally posted by Siren
Btw, i think Mikael is the original designer of the mind's eye on the cd's cover, so.. (if i'm wrong someone plz correct me :spin: )

No, although it would be my pleasure to correct you, I must admit that you are right. :D

@Villain: So, can i finally get the title of DT nurse? :grin:

Edit: apart from the title, i'd like your NP too ;)
Originally posted by Siren
This thread has the word "greek" in the title, so i guess they expect some greek small talk.. ;)

my 1000 reasons thread has to qord "reason" in its title, but i'd be surprised if someone expects some reason to actually ever show through there. :lol: ;)
