Dark Tranquillity in Greece?

I still have some remaining Evil Blonde Highlights (TM) in the end of my hair.... Just be patient till i cut it out! :rolleyes: :p

Siren (ok, you can laugh at me till eternity for this :bah: :p)
Now i'm seriously thinking of dying them black, it might add smt to my inteligence. What do you think? :p
well,even though i have never seen you,i ussually say highlights spoil appearance,and it would be an intelligence-boost i bet!but thats enough,i am sarcastic as ever,i have to apologise(the little devil on my left tells me what to tell:) )
and IQ has nothing to do with being misguided by someone's evil attentions:Smokedev:
so ok,lets pretend it never happened(the angel is talking now)
:Saint: vs :muahaha: and...its a draw.
@typo-police (aka rahvin :grin: ): I noticed my typo but was too lazy.. so i bet just the edit button would do in my case ;)

@good_son: thank you so much, i'm so relieved now, i can finally go to sleep *phew* :Saint:
I'm also thinking to go with red.. who knows, i might end up with tricolore hair for variety :p
tricolore...what a wonderful idea!descending the ladder of taste ,hmmm variety over quality for the first time.and besides, red is so typical!what about blue electric?(ok,i'm just joking.seriously!):)
that relieving sigh has travelled through greece,wow!:eek:
/me stands up.. (whose national anthem exactly was it?) :p

hmmm, blue is my favourite option always, preferably for carnival though :p
i might as well just shave my head and put a dt tattoo on, wouldn't that be cool! :eek:

As for the sigh, i'm afraid it travelled all the way to Finland as well :rolleyes: :p
of greece goddmn...its the national holiday(the playing was symbolic of course,just had to remind it:p )
that ever coming ideas of varied style are getting extreme enough to grant you a busy sleep.
shave of head??you were conquered by the devil himself:o this is the price of thinking about hair changes!muhaha
ok,you have to give an explanation for your sigh right now. or else i'll fight with ormir in the eternal battlefield for to have you(and fight with our own bare hands):eek:
@the_good_son141: patience, i'm sure siren will promptly reply, as soon as her mundane life and obligations do allow her some time to spare here with us, forever longingly waiting. :p
