Darren White: not dead and not dreaming

The "Kingdom" in the song is one's own day to day existence - one's own entire life (the kingdom in your mind... your thoughts, your beliefs, your fears, loves, desires, hatred, etc).
The "mountain" is the principle place in the "Kingdom" and is of the mind, soul, body, or the combination.
The "river" is of thought, understanding, feeling, or the combination.
The "oh, so bleak landscape" represents the outside world of people who maybe don't have so many "rivers".
I used symbolism because it seemed boring at the time to write things down very straightforward and "straight to the point". I wanted to make the thoughts and emotions I was feeling sound not so obvious... sometimes I feel it is better to let people interpret things themselves in their own way... so that they relate to songs more individually and feel a personal relationship toward the song or the words.
Some of the guys in the band slagged me off a lot later on, because they thought my symbolism was bullshit. It scarred me more than I should have allowed it to, and I reckon I haven't been able to write in that way since then.
Now I have (after years) revealed the true meaning of some of the words, I have probably destroyed the romanticism of them! The meanings are probably a lot simpler than most people may have imagined.
That's pretty much the sense I'd made of it, except I figured the mountain(s) to be obstacles/problems etc to the river/water.

Honestly, I think that imagery is a bit sought too, but no offense, I certainly understand not wanting to be too direct in your lyrics, though I think the best poetry/ lyrics are just that.

Your lyrics on "Serenades" were much more to the point, I liked them a lot. Cheers for taking the time.
yogidaz said:
Alwin... I have to say you have definitely got into the vibe of "we, the gods". Respect is due to you. I must add that someone else got a very strong part of the idea correct when they said it is about religion (although there are other meanings, used deliberately). Organized religion aims to suffocate the individual beliefs of many, and take away the powers within each individual (or "god", in the song). Historically their has been a kind of "spiritual genocide" (witch burnings, gypsy slaughter et al) and it still goes on. Near the end of the song, "We'll burn your homes", and all that is just revolution/empowerment of the individual/anarchy/ stuff. Remember, it was leading up to what would have been "Rise Pantheon Dreams" - which came about because I believe that on our own, revolution is difficult, but "in unity we shall rise". I feel that it is important to be individual, but to respect the individualism of others too. Come together in respect of our differences. If we were all the same, life would be dull.
It's all just my usual anarchist hippy shit! I just tried to deliberately have double (and triple) meanings by using imagery and symbolism. The universal web of life is mirrored in many ways so why not reflect that in words and music?
Don Corleone... your bored by that, so I'll end there... but hey, wow! You are interested in Serotonal! That means it's turned serious now. I'd better make sure I am on me best vocal behaviour just for you!
I love Istanbul and will go back (inshallah). Atmospheric city, amazing history, great buildings and nice food.

great, dunc and danny always say you are the nicest bloke ever and it's obvious. i'll write my opinion as soon as i get it. thanks a lot, daz cheers
cedarbreed said:
But Daz didn't write the lyrics off this one, did he ?

Thanks Cedarbreed... I wrote the words in English, then Danny went and got a friend to translate them for us.
The English words I wrote were...
"The way that the willow bows over the stream like a mourner crying for their loved one, reminds me of last fall, when on one knee I pledged myself to you."
It sounds a bit over-sentimental to me reading it now, but it was 1992 and the majority of heavy bands around that time sang about guts and gore.
I was trying a different version of "gut-spilling".
yogidaz said:
Thanks Cedarbreed... I wrote the words in English, then Danny went and got a friend to translate them for us.
The English words I wrote were...
"The way that the willow bows over the stream like a mourner crying for their loved one, reminds me of last fall, when on one knee I pledged myself to you."
It sounds a bit over-sentimental to me reading it now, but it was 1992 and the majority of heavy bands around that time sang about guts and gore.
I was trying a different version of "gut-spilling".

Hehe well it is bloody different indeed, well done ! I just hope Danny's mate wasn't paid for the job :p :grin:

It's kinda funny though, sounds like an imaginary language, I didn't realise it was French untill I read the lyrics on the web. Maybe the fact that almost noone can understand the lyrics (i mean when hearing them) adds to the romanticism of this song.
And concerning Daz's vocals, I couldn't bear them for years when I suddenly got into PIII like 1 year and a half ago and I realised it was a hell of a great album, then I got into some songs off Serenades and Crestfallen too. Funny, considering that TSE got me into the band in 1995, it took me almost 10 years to begin appreciating the oldest stuff :yow:
Hey Darren, if Don Corleone is asking for an album so there is a way to send them to Istanbul, I'm thinking of buying one, too. Sleepless is one of my long time favourites, so I don't worry about not liking the new songs. :)
yeah these samples are nice. i wasn't expecting it really, but i do. piano bits with quiet underskin feelings dark atmosphere. fits in my collection next to antimatter and some my dying bride even. hmm. well i'm not the best one to do some name dropping & caging but my guess is it fits in many peoples cd collections here.
darren is in india at the moment but im sure he weill find the time to check out the forum. we do plan on recording a full album but it wont be untill the tail end of the summer i suppose.
however we do have alot more material ready to go.
dont forget this is only our first demo.
i suppose the good thing about SEROTONAL is we do have room to experimrnt as the music will take the listner to more than one place at a time. which gives us the room to incorporate different feelings and moods to keep the colours flowing.
anyway i hope you all enjoy SEROTONAL .
feel free to voice your oppinion as the feedback is ultimately important to us.
eternal thanx to you all