Dave Mustaine vs Satanists (This gets funny!!!)

booB said:
What does Sweden have? Bathory? Led by a man so impressive that his daddy denied kinship throughout his entire career.

LOL... I don't know that much background information on Bathory, but I thought maybe Quorthon came home one day and said, "Hey dad, guess what? I'm officially the satanic black metal god of the universe!", and then his dad started Black Mark so that he could bring his message to the people. LOL

Replace "bring his message to the people" with "make money off of it" and you'd be more accurate. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I bet Bathory and Black Mark had the most harmonious band-label relationship ever. And who else was ever going to want to release that Quorthon solo shit?

I just found it hilarious that Quorthon and Börje would deny their father-son relationship with the most ridiculous excuses of why it would not be possible for them to be related... and say they don't know where the rumors came from... while people signed to Black Mark would regularly say "Yes, they are father and son" in interviews.

Although any relationship between Bathory and reality was purely coincidental, I'm sure.
Are they really any worse than people who make blanket statements about entire genres of music?
No worse, than people who have no sense of humor. I would add that murder, burning of churches and all that "I so evil" bullshit is just a tad worse, yes. If i touched a nerve with my 'blanket statement'...too bad. These pricks never grew out of that high school fascination with the 'dark side'' and need to grow up.
woosta said:
Angry young men who spit in the face of everything society upholds. Remember that, Dave?
What, were they not breast fed as toddlers? Please, with this spit in the face of society bullshit. If your life isn't going all that good, then take a long hard look at yourself, and the decisions you made, that led you to this point...and don't blame society. A buch of cop-out bullshit.
TheWhisper said:
What, were they not breast fed as toddlers? Please, with this spit in the face of society bullshit. If your life isn't going all that good, then take a long hard look at yourself, and the decisions you made, that led you to this point...and don't blame society. A buch of cop-out bullshit.

Spoken like a tr00 Republican. Even people with the worst upbringings and victimizations of society, your own economic, social and mental degradations...yes even you people are responsible for ALL your own problems.

Thanks for the two seconds of Hannitization. :erk:
Silent Song said:
while i respect Dave's move for christianity, i think he should play any and all gigs available. what better way to share his faith than play before/after a satanic band? if you ask me, face your enemies Dave. it's all the more reason *to* play the shows, not back down.

That's why if I was in the same situation, I'd most likely let it slide, provided that the opening "satanic" acts weren't complete jerks (example - I can't see myself having a problem touring with Moonspell). But then again, I've never been involved with satanism - though I think Anton La Vey made some hilarious observations. But the comment that Mustaine made about it being similar to a drunk trying to go sober really made sense. It sounds like Mustaine has been there, and is truly trying to change his life. And that's why I can respect and understand the attitude he is trying to put forth in his comments.

I'd still be curious to know they entire backstory, though ;)
TheWhisper said:
What, were they not breast fed as toddlers? Please, with this spit in the face of society bullshit. If your life isn't going all that good, then take a long hard look at yourself, and the decisions you made, that led you to this point...and don't blame society. A buch of cop-out bullshit.

I was speaking toward Black Metal and Dissection's views toward the church and the structure of the society as they see it. Dave Mustaine used to do this thing where he questioned, rebelled, responded and attacked concepts and philosophies as well. That's lost on him now because he can't see where others are following his footsteps.

As for your political views, nobody asked. Be quiet and work toward making your first million before you prance around telling others how they should approach life. People need your advice about as much as the need an asshole on their elbow. And views like yours that offer the "solution" to others' problems are exactly WHAT needs spit in the face of by artists. I didn't realize it was so easily wrapped up and solved in one sentence. Hell, this world must be full of retards since we all missed this easy solution. I'll forward this China, Iraq, and North Korea to let them know that they can't put any blame on anyone but themselves. Useless turds over there....
TheWhisper said:
No worse, than people who have no sense of humor.

Humor? What's so humorous about "These black/satanic metal pricks are really too much"?

I would add that murder, burning of churches and all that "I so evil" bullshit is just a tad worse, yes.

Sure, but not all black metal satanists kill people or burn down churches. Your statements are just as ignorant as those made by morons who think that all rappers are street thugs. To put this issue in perspective: Consider that there are hundreds of Norwegian black metal bands, mostly Satanic in nature. Now consider that the entire Scandinavian peninsula is not ablaze with the glow of burning churches, any more than the streets of any major U.S. city are knee-deep in the bodies of cops and gang members.

If i touched a nerve with my 'blanket statement'...too bad.

You didn't so much "touch a nerve" as "spouted prejudiced bullshit". I myself am not a Satanist (I think it's just as silly as any other religion), but I am a fan of all genres of metal, including black. Your statements are ignorant and prejudiced, and I can't help my desire to educate prejudiced people.

These pricks never grew out of that high school fascination with the 'dark side'' and need to grow up.

Hmm... kinda like those pricks who write about dragons and hobbits, eh? Are you saying that Hansi Kursch and most other power metal musicians also need to grow up? While you're at it, you might as well bash those prog metal pricks who write about abstract ideas. Grow up, Dream Theater and Symphony X!

Or, are you tolerant enough to allow people to write about and indulge themselves in fantasy, as long as they don't go out and hurt people?
Or, are you tolerant enough to allow people to write about and indulge themselves in fantasy, as long as they don't go out and hurt people?
Re-read my post and didn't find anywhere that I wanted to limit what others believed or wrote. You attack me personally, for making an off the cuff, light-hearted remark, and then want to call me intolerant? Sorry doesn't wash. As for the black/satanic pricks(calm down) being humorous, well they are to me. People need to lighten up around here. I could care fuck-all what people think, believe or what music they write and play, but these guys with the corpse paint, upside down crosses and scowling evil looks are just too much. I find it all hilarious. Lighten up and don't accuse me of intolerance and close-mindedness when you have no idea who I am.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Spoken like a tr00 Republican. Even people with the worst upbringings and victimizations of society, your own economic, social and mental degradations...yes even you people are responsible for ALL your own problems.

Thanks for the two seconds of Hannitization. :erk:
There are hundreds, no thousands, of success stories of people who have come from nothing and made successes of their lives. I believe in personal respopnsibility and if that makes me a victim of your derision, then so be it. I truly believe that the overwhelming, vast majority of people are in the situations they're in(good or bad) because of the decisions they've made in their lives. You can determine to make something of your life or you can play victim, its up to the individual. I don't like cop-outs or excuses.

As for Hannity...I prefer Neal Boortz, thank you.
woosta said:
I was speaking toward Black Metal and Dissection's views toward the church and the structure of the society as they see it. Dave Mustaine used to do this thing where he questioned, rebelled, responded and attacked concepts and philosophies as well. That's lost on him now because he can't see where others are following his footsteps.

As for your political views, nobody asked. Be quiet and work toward making your first million before you prance around telling others how they should approach life. People need your advice about as much as the need an asshole on their elbow. And views like yours that offer the "solution" to others' problems are exactly WHAT needs spit in the face of by artists. I didn't realize it was so easily wrapped up and solved in one sentence. Hell, this world must be full of retards since we all missed this easy solution. I'll forward this China, Iraq, and North Korea to let them know that they can't put any blame on anyone but themselves. Useless turds over there....

You're right. How dare I formulate an opinon and post it on a discussion forum. Wow, thanks for the enlightenment or I might have given my opinion on other matters, as well. I will from now on forward my posts to you, for your immediate approval, before posting them here. Wouldn't want to give a contrary opinion and open a dialogue for discussion, or anything radical like that. I owe you one.
TheWhisper said:
There are hundreds, no thousands, of success stories of people who have come from nothing and made successes of their lives. I believe in personal respopnsibility and if that makes me a victim of your derision, then so be it. I truly believe that the overwhelming, vast majority of people are in the situations they're in(good or bad) because of the decisions they've made in their lives. You can determine to make something of your life or you can play victim, its up to the individual. I don't like cop-outs or excuses.

As for Hannity...I prefer Neal Boortz, thank you.

Actually, I believe in personal responsibility as well. I also believe in compassion, which is usually an uncommon trait for individuals that have your believe system (I'll assume it's the way Hannity swings).

You see, unlike you, I have a sense of reality, perspective, and experience with some of the worst situations people can have been through (a lot of it my own experience). I get a little frustrated when people make ill-assumed generalzations like (everything is your own fault). Yeah, A LOT of people's problems have come from their own inability to think for a second and decide to do the right thing. I'll agree with you there. But there also is a case where people have been victimized with no way to defend themselves at all. But their lot in life is their own problem, right? Even though you might have started twenty flights ahead of them in the stairwell race of life to success, it's their fault, right?

I'm sorry to tell you, but you sound so much like so many acquaintences of mine who happen to Republicans. The type who judge others lives and have a tendency to think that everyone is accountable for themselves. You know, how so-and-so type of people just want to leech of their tax money.

Yet these same guys are past the age of 30, live with their parent(s), pay less than $200 a month for rent (if at all), haven't had an ounce of responsibility in their lives, yet THEY want to judge anyone who they deem isn't up to THEIR level of respect. :erk: Please. Get out and live life and
try to know people who have had it rough beyond your darkest nightmares and then go and judge me. If you dare.

And just FYI, I swing Independant. Thanks for your time.
First off:

Jon was charged for assistance in the murder. Secondly, honestly i don't think he did it. I am not a stanist, but a fan of Dissection. Jon isn't like those other BM guys, he really is a satanist and he isn't like Dani Filth or Shagrath. Satanists don't have any problems with gays...why would they? He was persecuted because the jusy figured he was a satanist....and I think alot of christians would put a satanist in jail. As for Jon's rants I think they are hilarious! When a satanist gets mad that his shows are getting cancelled ofcourse he is gonna sound like Pinhead from Hellraiser!
dargormudshark said:
First off:

Jon was charged for assistance in the murder. Secondly, honestly i don't think he did it. I am not a stanist, but a fan of Dissection. Jon isn't like those other BM guys, he really is a satanist and he isn't like Dani Filth or Shagrath. Satanists don't have any problems with gays...why would they? He was persecuted because the jusy figured he was a satanist....and I think alot of christians would put a satanist in jail. As for Jon's rants I think they are hilarious! When a satanist gets mad that his shows are getting cancelled ofcourse he is gonna sound like Pinhead from Hellraiser!

Sorry if he wasn't the one who actually pulled the trigger. He helped. He may have blamed the actual gunshot on Vlad, but he admits to using a stun-gun/taser (who knows which with the translation) on the victim (who has a NAME- Josef Ben Maddour) immediately before the shot. AND Jon had the murder weapon ON HIM when he was arrested later. AND he is a grave desecrator and a grave robber (he'd talk about this in interviews years before his arrest, but it was all 'fun and games' then for the scene). That shit isn't cool whether you're a poor persecuted Satanist or not.

And the reason he got arrested was that his girlfriend called the cops after he beat her up.

Don't even act like he was sent to prison for no reason. Don't even.
Jim LotFP said:
Sorry if he wasn't the one who actually pulled the trigger. He helped. He may have blamed the actual gunshot on Vlad, but he admits to using a stun-gun/taser (who knows which with the translation) on the victim (who has a NAME- Josef Ben Maddour) immediately before the shot. AND Jon had the murder weapon ON HIM when he was arrested later. AND he is a grave desecrator and a grave robber (he'd talk about this in interviews years before his arrest, but it was all 'fun and games' then for the scene). That shit isn't cool whether you're a poor persecuted Satanist or not.

And the reason he got arrested was that his girlfriend called the cops after he beat her up.

Don't even act like he was sent to prison for no reason. Don't even.

So Jim, he did his time. What more do you want of the guy? What'd he get, like 7 years? He did the time and that's that. No, it isn't long enough for some. No, it may not balance taking a life. It is, however, the sentence given to him by those in charge of sentencing and reviewing the case. He may not be a good guy and that's all fine and dandy. You don't have to support him. But I sorta see that you're really emotional about this and this is a case that was carried out as the system dictates. He gets no other chance in society for being abusive and part of a bad scene? I'm not sure I see a point in a system if people won't respect it once it's been used. What's your beef with this matter?
woosta said:
But I sorta see that you're really emotional about this and this is a case that was carried out as the system dictates. He gets no other chance in society for being abusive and part of a bad scene? I'm not sure I see a point in a system if people won't respect it once it's been used. What's your beef with this matter?

My beef with the matter is that he gets out of jail and returns to his satanic warblings and heavy metal career with no challenges. In 2003 he did a series of interviews with a bunch of big magazines (glossy ones that get sold in real stores), conducted by email, with no followup questioning, where he went on his anti-cosmic blah blah blah rants. Basically press releases for a criminal.

When he teamed up with convicted murderer Bard Eithun, Eithun ended up leaving the band stating he couldn't deal with the satanic standards of Nödtveidt. While I have no doubt that was a publicity stunt, it's still sending an awful message.

There is absolutely no indication that this man is any different in 2005 than he was in 1997. For anyone who is anti-religious or anti-Christian who would not engage in similar activities, he is a very bad example to be in the public spotlight.

And the Scandinavian criminal punishment system is a JOKE.
Jim LotFP said:
My beef with the matter is that he gets out of jail and returns to his satanic warblings and heavy metal career with no challenges. In 2003 he did a series of interviews with a bunch of big magazines (glossy ones that get sold in real stores), conducted by email, with no followup questioning, where he went on his anti-cosmic blah blah blah rants. Basically press releases for a criminal.

When he teamed up with convicted murderer Bard Eithun, Eithun ended up leaving the band stating he couldn't deal with the satanic standards of Nödtveidt. While I have no doubt that was a publicity stunt, it's still sending an awful message.

There is absolutely no indication that this man is any different in 2005 than he was in 1997. For anyone who is anti-religious or anti-Christian who would not engage in similar activities, he is a very bad example to be in the public spotlight.

And the Scandinavian criminal punishment system is a JOKE.

I think I'd disagree with you on the "he gets out with no challenges" idea because although he got to resume his career, I think we both probably feel that the burgeoning black metal scene when he became incarcerated is now well burned out and more in a direction of Dimmu Borgir. So I think he has quite a challenge and the challenge is to A) appeal to his fanbase of old and hope for enough sales to justify keeping him on a label while B) changing direction and ideas over time to clear himself away from his past all while C) not losing old fans and at the same time gaining new ones through music. I think his decision cost him dearly but I also think that he HAD to come out like he did because all he has is his old fan base until he can come up with something new and viable. I think it's all business,and although it's not clean and shiny business, it's the only business he can conduct right now and he has to do it in the manner that he did it in.

As for the Scandi system, it may be a joke comparitively but it's still 7 years and it still has an effect on perpetrators. It's their system and we really can't say anything about their system when our own is so out of control, can we?

Interesting so far.

I'll ignore the musical aspect of this discussion, and argue the religious aspect of this.

Why would anyone want to WORSHIP the devil? Worship evil? Come on. There's a difference between loving scary movies and monsters and some rip-roaring Slayer or Iced Earth - and worshipping Evil as a way that you should live your life. Fuck that. Simply because of your lifestyle, I say fuck that. Worshipping the Devil, automatically makes you a Christian, for without the God-fearing definition of Satan, you have no Devil worshippers. Any form of Good vs Evil, if you worship Evil, then you praise and salute wrong-doings around the world. You revel in the hurt and torture and anguish of others. For that alone, you deserve one big fat crack across your skull. And preferably some loss of mental capacity and motor skills.

If you would worship Evil, something that is, by definition, WRONG, then you are worthless. And I ain't talking about these posers who think they're all Evil and Satanic. If you truly believe in and worship Evil, then you are worthless.



....you don't see kids picking up guitars and trying to master Dissection riffs, now do you? MegaDave wins. The man has created more metal riff classics than anyone I can think of from Sweden.
Bryan316 said:
....you don't see kids picking up guitars and trying to master Dissection riffs, now do you? MegaDave wins. The man has created more metal riff classics than anyone I can think of from Sweden.

I was at my local guitar shop the other day, and I saw this kid, he was a bout 14 or so, with a Just Defy t-shirt on. It was really pretty, because it had that great logo on it that you have in your sig. Although his appearance would generally be considered quite hideously ugly, like most other metal fans, that t-shirt really did turn him into a handsome sex machine I must say! I almost converted to gayness.

Anyway, he was noodling around on a guitar there, and you know what he was playing? You guessed it! Just Defy riffs! And he totally NAILED those insanely complex, yet classic, riffs! This was of course noticed by the large crowd of terribly hot women and Just Defy fans who happened to be there at the same time. These were some quality cunts, some of the finest I've ever seen, not fat American onces, but tender, lovely Swedish ones. There were about 20 of them, and they all gathered around him, and as he played, they danced, smiled and clapped their hands. He made those bitches the happiest cunts in the world, all by playing your wonderful music for them. Many of them orgasmed, some of them fainted in pleasure, and most of them were screaming really loud like those old cunts used to do with the Beatles. They were screaming out song requests and held up signs saying "FUCK ME KID!!".

He sat there performing all the Just Defy classics, from all the different eras of time, including the lesser known hits from the 60s, for about three hours. He ended it with a very great finale, with fireworks and balloons. By this time, television networks from all over the world had heard the rumor of the incredible boy playing the fantastic classics of the world's most stunning band of all time. He was being televised, and as the final note was played, he received a standing ovation from the 5 billion people worldwide who saw it. The cunts then ripped his clothes off and raped him. It was a big scandal, they were sent to prison for what they did, but can you blame them? Who wouldn't have done the same thing in this situation? I sure would have! Fortunately I left the store 2 hours earlier and was watching the ending on tv, so I couldn't rape him. I did, however, experience the best masturbation ever as a result of watching this child playing the most classic guitar playing ever experienced in the history of the universe.

I'm being sarcastic by the way, none of this happened.
God is the greatest danger to mankind.

Mustaine follows a great danger. Jon followed a racist homophobe.

Megadeth wins.

Would Mustaine have the guts to murder God? Jon would. Dissection wins.

America. Sweden is about fifteen years behind the US on the heavy metal evolutionary scale. The US has a heavy metal heritage that goes back to the 60s. What does Sweden have? Bathory? Led by a man so impressive that his daddy denied kinship throughout his entire career.

Sweden has Hammerfall - the very founders of metal. There's also ABBA, which is more metal than any crappy American band who have to use electric guitars to sound heavy.

What's the most popular thing in America now? Linkin Park - the very founders of boy band music with electric guitars. Not metal. Dissection wins again.

Sweden is full of false rage with their welfare state and McDonalds that serve carrots. pfffft. Like white suburban rap fans in the US.

Right on, white suburban rap fans in America is not metal. Dissection wins for that! And the carrot sticks result in genuine rage. I once received those carrot sticks instead of fries, even though I hadn't ordered it. You can imagine how furious I became. I almost killed an Algerian homo as a result and is the reason why I'm trolling today. Dissection wins.

Long hair. Which four members of Megadeth have, and only two members of Dissection have. Nödtveidt is shaved bald like a prison bitch.

Well he just was one. Give him some time and he will have the longest hair in the world. Dissection wins, soon. I bet you Dave Mustaine will cut his hair soon. Megadeth wins for now, but not for long.

"A triumphal march of sonic darkness and black metallic light! Re-conquering the stage, Dissection usurps the throne after almost a decade of turbulence! For Dissection, the rebirth was all about liberation, about the fierce pressure built up, boiling throughout the last seven years, being released upon Europe like a hurricane... Its lethal impulse relentlessly unchained and celebrated upon the bloodstained altar of Anti-Cosmic Metal!"

Sounds like gay goth poetry from a 15 year old, and references a Scorpions song. How unfortunate.

Let's read some Dave Mustaine art:

I heard the voice of redemption
For me there is no exemption
I started praying

I heard the voice of satisfaction
Needing me for benefaction
I started pleading

I heard the bells begin to chime
Warning me oh lord
Don't let this be my time
Don't let this be my time

I'll be there for you, when you walk through the fire
I'll be there for you, when the flames get higher
When nothing fits and nothing seems right
Till the very last breath of my life, I'll be there for you

Sorry, but Megadeth loses to every other band in the world with this. Even Christian bands have less gay lyrics. Look at those fucking rhymes! Redemption, exemption. Satisfaction, benefaction. Wow!

Dissection wins!