Dave's Hypothetical Future thread

Working within your little fantasy here, if you should have learned anything from your brief moment in extreme poverty before you made it to wealth, it is that money can be gained and lost very quickly, and that working out your life plan on the current situation is foolish.

very good point, I don't see any problems arising however. My dad has 3 or 4 contracts lined up after this six month stretch, all of those combined are easily another 100,000.

he has one huge contract that could potentially result in 5-10 million dollars in about 7 8 years for the company, my dad would get 30% of that. he used to tell me about all this stuff ALL THE TIME and I thought he was daydreaming, but he apparently wasn't.
Dave, if this story is true (it isn't), then there is absolutley no way to predict what will happen in the future. Money does not last forever (especially when you piss it away the first chance you get by, oh, buying a huge house and cars before you actually make the money). Your Father could lose it just as quickly as he earned it, especially if he is as financially retarded as you made him out to be in the past.

Really, though, I think the whole story is bull. That huge a turn around in such a short time? Unless he became a mafia kingpin over night, no way.
dude, he was telling me about this shit 8 months ago, I just never believed him.

The turnaround was nowhere near as quickly as you think it is, it was in about a 4 month stretch that he was working on the contracts. When he told me about these contracts, I assumed he was not telling the truth/bullshitting, but apparently not.

I also have the other contract in my hands where he will get 19 - 23,000 in september for finishing a small mini-project. This is all in addition to 5,000 a month that me and my mom are making.

I have nothing to hide, those pics are legit ones I took in my bedroom.
I really can't discuss anything in any further detail than I have already. My dad does have about 200 pages of paperwork, drawings, etc...

honestly man, I am not all that surprised. Several of our family friends have had very similar turnarounds

- my dad's family friend struggled for 8 years being unemployed with shitty side jobs where he would barely earn enough, then found a job polishing stones for the government (not sure what stones but its some sort of very important job). Now making close to 160,000 a year.

- another family friend, came from armenia 10 years ago, was struggling while living in an apartment for 6 years. The father was able to get some money off the wife's retirement plan or something and started a company, now making 140,000 a year. In 4 years, went from apartment to 440,000 home.

I severely understated how great of a man my father is. He has been doing business of this kind for 20 years. In armenia, before the collapse of the soviet union, my dad had his own business and was about to make a shitload of money. Soviet Union collapsed, my dad was left with nothing.

he came here in 1997 with nearly nothing in his pocket, somehow we were able to survive and got the whole family to america in about 98/99. In 98 we were living in philadelphia in a shitty little apartment, my dad was REALLY struggling as we were illegal aliens. My dad got an ok job in 2000 working in florida for 38,000 a year. He worked there for 4 years (his job relocated). In 06 he got into a dispute with the company and was eventually forced to resign. This was a shitty job with all things considered, he was head of engineering department and was only making 40 grand a year

after he was forced to resign, he struggled for 10-12 months with some small contracts (made about 40 grand in that time period however). Then he finally hit the jackpot the last 3 months with these huge contracts that he was working on.

My dad is an extremely intelligent man with 20 years of experience in business/engineering. I am not surprised at what he is doing right now.
I hope you read all that, our life story is quite interesting

my dad came here in '97 with NOTHING in his pocket. He was struggling to make a 1,000 a month with shitty jobs fixing electronics.

we were illegal aliens coming from a tiny little country called armenia where standard of living is very low. Fuck man, most people don't even know where armenia is. in 10 years, we have made it to now where we will be earning close to 250,000 a year.

We are the american dream, this is exactly what they are talking about when you see "american dream" in your little history textbooks.
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Financial security is great, but then again, many black metal figures seem content. If it wasn't for prison, Varg would be happy toiling the land in uninhabited Norway and releasing ambient works.
I am so elated because of where we are coming from, I think if I was born to this, it would mean absolutely nothing.

but from where we came from, this is just mind boggling to me