Dave "Christian" Mustaine - fuck off.

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HardSide said:
And you can argue that a religion is right or wrong? Sorry.

Yes you can, to an extent. You can test metaphysical and ontological suppositions for rational consistency. By the way, my previous post was completely off-topic. It had nothing to do with religion. Please die now.
There is no proof of anything existing except my mind... not yours or anyone elses. "I think therefore I am." That's where that quote comes from.
Thraxz said:
There is no proof of anything existing except my mind... not yours or anyone elses. "I think therefore I am." That's where that quote comes from.

Descartes was wrong about a lot of things.
Cythraul said:
Yes you can, to an extent. You can test metaphysical and ontological suppositions for rational consistency. By the way, my previous post was completely off-topic. It had nothing to do with religion. Please die now.

Err to what extent? Im questioning reality...your questioning religion...and? There is no extent...

Btw I can't die, I dont really exist. Do you? I guess not, hopefully if this thing what we call "life" is real,it will erase you from its history, because clearly you contradict yourself.
HardSide said:
Err to what extent? Im questioning reality...your questioning religion...and? There is no extent...

Btw I can't die, I dont really exist. Do you? I guess not, hopefully if this thing what we call "life" is real,it will erase you from its history, because clearly you contradict yourself.

Where's the contradiction? Religions are based on metaphysical and ontological assumptions. Therefore, if the assumptions either hold up or don't hold up to rational consistency then likewise for the religion. Please die now.
What the hell happened here? This is GMD. Let's discuss music.

I've not heard Mustaine's new album, but i highly doubt the presence of spiritual lyrics did anything to lower the quality of music. That probably happened all on its own. Although i must say that I've liked everything from the album so far.
blast tyrant said:
the_evil_faggot , get raped christian filth

Mind your fucking business and kiss my ass, you blast cunt!

About the bible, I don't believe in most of it because the bible or the old testament is all about symbols and stuff. It will teach about lots of stuff and how the human should believe in God and Jesus. I'm a big believer and I'm staying this way. IMO, God exists everywhere, but you gotta feel God through your veins.

I feel happy because God created us all.

God :worship:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
What the FUCK is "Shadow Of Deth" all about? Does Dave think we all want his shitty religion forced down out throats? Just because HE discovered the mighty JESUS that never physically existed (prove me wrong Dave, in a court of law), we've all to kiss his mighty ass? Whatever you might think of "The System Has Failed", I don't want to buy an album of christian rock music like this.
Dave - fuck off.
"Shadow Of Deth" is a cunt of a song (is that Dave speaking throughout it BTW, slowed down?). It's an old woman's fucking song.
I wonder, if "Rust In Peace" was a christian record would it have been so good?
Fuck. Off. Dave, you christian nob. The devil has all the best tunes, and "The System Has Failed " doesn't figure on his playlist ya wank. :err:

Your going to condemn someone and there music just cause you dont agree with there beliefs. His beliefs r his bisnuess.If he decides he wants to put biblical verses in HIS songs(keyword there, HIS songs)then get the over it.
FatesEnemy said:
Your going to condemn someone and there music just cause you dont agree with there beliefs. What r u a fuckin jew or somethin. His beliefs r his bisnuess.If he decides he wants to put biblical verses in HIS songs(keyword there, HIS songs)then get the fuck over it. FUCKIN JEW!

Nice self-contradictory argument you Avenged Sevenfold-listening, mallcore faggot, subhuman piece of scum.
FatesEnemy said:
Your going to condemn someone and there music just cause you dont agree with there beliefs. What r u a fuckin jew or somethin. His beliefs r his bisnuess.If he decides he wants to put biblical verses in HIS songs(keyword there, HIS songs)then get the fuck over it. FUCKIN JEW!
As a real-life, bonafide Jew, I can confidently say "Chop off your dick and ram it up your rectum, you knobslobbing, sheepfucking illiterate little cunt. I hope you you get nibbled to death by a swarm of rodents. If I ever see you, I will follow you into a private area and proceed to beat you with a tire iron until you are nothing but a bloody stain on the pavement."

Or something of the sort. The point is, fuck off.
One last thing that, we accept Satanic lyrics in some bands how come you cannot accept someone writes something about Christ. I'm talking about the small minded people not all of you in this thread!
Lykathea said:
They have to stay grim and evil, you know. But seriously, very few metal bands with Christian lyrics and imagery are musically pleasing, especially in the death and black fields.

You've got a point right there, but it's good to sing somwtimes about good and sometimes about evil. I myself write wvil lyrics but that doesn't mean I cannot write something about Jesus or God.

Creed is a sucky band and they sing about Christianity, but Megadeth are amazing and they sing about Christianity.

I have no problem accepting Satanic lyrics, but I'm still gonna be a Christian no matter what.
Lykathea said:
They have to stay grim and evil, you know. But seriously, very few metal bands with Christian lyrics and imagery are musically pleasing, especially in the death and black fields.

What about Mortification? :kickass: oh wait, I mean :Puke:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
What the FUCK is "Shadow Of Deth" all about? Does Dave think we all want his shitty religion forced down out throats? Just because HE discovered the mighty JESUS that never physically existed (prove me wrong Dave, in a court of law), we've all to kiss his mighty ass? Whatever you might think of "The System Has Failed", I don't want to buy an album of christian rock music like this.
Dave - fuck off.
"Shadow Of Deth" is a cunt of a song (is that Dave speaking throughout it BTW, slowed down?). It's an old woman's fucking song.
I wonder, if "Rust In Peace" was a christian record would it have been so good?
Fuck. Off. Dave, you christian nob. The devil has all the best tunes, and "The System Has Failed " doesn't figure on his playlist ya wank. :err:

A skewed, made-up version of Christianity (Satanism) being shoved down our throats in 90% of the CD's extreme metal puts out isn't much different. I despise both sides, but lyrics worshiping a petty weakling like Lucifer don't attract me any more than anything else. Ehh... I never pay attention to lyrics as it is, if it sounds good, I'll buy it. Megadeth sucks all on their own, the lyrics are irrelevant.
GoD why haven't you locked this fucker yet? I'm fed up with people saying they want to kick the shit out of me or calling me a dick. I'm even calling myself a dick for starting it! You'd think I was the only guy in the world ever to do something daft after a few beers for fuck sake. :lol:

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