Dave "Christian" Mustaine - fuck off.

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May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
What the FUCK is "Shadow Of Deth" all about? Does Dave think we all want his shitty religion forced down out throats? Just because HE discovered the mighty JESUS that never physically existed (prove me wrong Dave, in a court of law), we've all to kiss his mighty ass? Whatever you might think of "The System Has Failed", I don't want to buy an album of christian rock music like this.
Dave - fuck off.
"Shadow Of Deth" is a cunt of a song (is that Dave speaking throughout it BTW, slowed down?). It's an old woman's fucking song.
I wonder, if "Rust In Peace" was a christian record would it have been so good?
Fuck. Off. Dave, you christian nob. The devil has all the best tunes, and "The System Has Failed " doesn't figure on his playlist ya wank. :err:

*EDIT* - Please read all the thread before posting "TakinTheMusicBack fuck off this is a shit thread you dickhead". I KNOW it's a shit thread, if you take the time to read the thread before jumping in, you'll see that. Bastards.
Ha ha!!! Is iT? Well, please show me the proof. As far as I'm aware, the Romans never mentioned him. So, how exactly is his existence a proven fact?
Quite apart from that, we all know Jesus wasn't a God - so why would we want to hear a former metal god eulogising about him?
Any band that expresses a certain belief system in their music can be accused of trying to shove it down people's throats. Just the fact that a band writes about something they believe in means that they can be misconstrued in this way. Is it any different when a band sings about paganism, satanism, nazism, atheism, hedonism, etc.?
I've never seen anything that prooves that Jesus existed either... Sure, there is the new testament, but that's certainly not a good proof ; someone as important as him would have been mentioned somewhere else. The first "real" people to mention him only lived 100 years after...
Anyone who agrees with the original poster is a shithead who needs to be killed by a firing squad.

Okay, sorry I don't want to get into a discussion about the lies of Christianity.
What I'm on about here is the new Megadeth album and how shite "Shadow Of Deth" is. It's shite. Utter shite - is this fucking Stryper?
Fuck off Dave, give Ellefson the money he's owed you dick and write a good fucking song with no Jesus references.
Fuck me, a thrash band with Jesus lyrics? Yeah, that's right, Megadeth aren't a thrash band any more, for all Mustaine's bullshit posturing...........
Jean-Pierre said:
Anyone who agrees with the original poster is a shithead who needs to be killed by a firing squad.

Very succinct and very true.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Okay, sorry I don't want to get into a discussion about the lies of Christianity.
What I'm on about here is the new Megadeth album and how shite "Shadow Of Deth" is. It's shite. Utter shite - is this fucking Stryper?
Fuck off Dave, give Ellefson the money he's owed you dick and write a good fucking song with no Jesus references.
Fuck me, a thrash band with Jesus lyrics? Yeah, that's right, Megadeth aren't a thrash band any more, for all Mustaine's bullshit posturing...........

Get over it and go listen to some other shit.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Okay, sorry I don't want to get into a discussion about the lies of Christianity.
What I'm on about here is the new Megadeth album and how shite "Shadow Of Deth" is. It's shite. Utter shite - is this fucking Stryper?
Fuck off Dave, give Ellefson the money he's owed you dick and write a ddog fucking song with no Jesus references.
Fuck me, a thrash band with Jesus lyrics? Yeah, that's right, Megadeth aren't a thrash band any more, for all Mustaine's bullshit posturing...........

Yeah, the song sucks. Yeah, Mustaine takes a passage from the bible and uses it as lyrics. Why the fuck are you bitching so much, dumbass? A good 90% of the album isn't Thrash in the first place, and neither has the band been Thrash since 1990.

It's funny how you say "OMG HEZ TRYING TO SHOVE HIS CHRISTIAN LIES DOWN OUR THROATS!!!!!" I'm sure every BM band is trying to push some sort of ideology. Hell...every band, if you want to talk about it that way.

Which brings me to my main point....Kill yourself.
Jean-Pierre said:
Anyone who agrees with the original poster is a shithead who needs to be killed by a firing squad.


Er, WHY exactly? Because you're Christian and have faith that I'm wrong? Really, this is nothing to do with religion - the song "Shadow Of Deth" is a load of shit. If you have an opinion otherwise state it - don't just say I should be shot. :OMG: People that grew up on Megadeth might not want to hear Dave turning into a Christian, I'm just stating an opinion. Which clearly differs from yours. So I should be shot, apparently.
My god what an intellect - someone's opinion differs - shoot him!
Fuck off.
hahahaha. I've always found you to be a complete idiot, and this thread completely agrees with my findings. Yeah, I'm disappointed the same guy who wrote "Peace Sells..." is praising Jesus nowadays as well, but hell it's his choice. Quit bitching.
Jean-Pierre said:

Please cut and paste where I said that, EXACTLY. I think you'll find I didn't post that. I also think you'll find that you're a cock. :wave:
"Shadow Of Deth" is such a huge departure from Megadeth's normal songs/lyrics that I think it's fair game to comment on it - of you don't like it, find a forum that loves Jesus/Dave Mustaine/Megadeth/you.
Otherwise, why are you in a forum to talk about things like this you fucking clown? :Smug:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
"Shadow Of Deth" is such a huge departure from Megadeth's normal songs/lyrics that I think it's fair game to comment on it - of you don't like it, find a forum that loves Jesus/Dave Mustaine/Megadeth/you.
Otherwise, why are you in a forum to talk about things like this you fucking clown? :Smug:

What the fucking shit are you talking about? And why the hell haven't you been banned yet??

Fucking hell, a "departure from Megadeth's normal songs/lyrics"!? You realize that this is the same band that ALSO released Craptic Writings, Risk, and The World Needs A Hero right? They've BEEN on a departure since Countdown To Extinction.
Jean-Pierre said:
What the fucking shit are you talking about? And why the hell haven't you been banned yet??

Fucking hell, a "departure from Megadeth's normal songs/lyrics"!? You realize that this is the same band that ALSO released Craptic Writings, Risk, and The World Needs A Hero right? They've BEEN on a departure since Countdown To Extinction.

Sorry, you've utterly lost me now. You think Megadeth are shit nowadays, yet you've spent the last hour posting calling me dick basically? Why should I have been banned? What have I done exactly to merit banning? Please point us towards a link....
Megadeth may have been shit for the past few years but I haven't noticed them being overtly Christian - that's what I'm talking about in this thread. I still don't understand why you're arguing with me. Do you disagree with me, or do you just like bitching about other peoples threads?
Jean-Pierre said:
Yeah, I'm disappointed the same guy who wrote "Peace Sells..." is praising Jesus nowadays as well, but hell it's his choice. Quit bitching.

"Quit bitching".
Sorry, I think you've misunderstood the purpose of these forums. They're here so people like you and me can BITCH about things. It's called "discussion". Why exactly are you here? So you can force your opinion on the rest of the people here and expect no reply or disagreement?


TakinTheMusicBack said:
Please cut and paste where I said that, EXACTLY. I think you'll find I didn't post that. I also think you'll find that you're a cock. :wave:
"Shadow Of Deth" is such a huge departure from Megadeth's normal songs/lyrics that I think it's fair game to comment on it - of you don't like it, find a forum that loves Jesus/Dave Mustaine/Megadeth/you.
Otherwise, why are you in a forum to talk about things like this you fucking clown? :Smug:

You're intelligent.

No you're not.
Really, this is nothing to do with religion - the song "Shadow Of Deth" is a load of shit.
Ok then why did you mention Christianity like a million times in your posts? Why not just focus on why the song is shit rather then going off on Dave's religion? Don't get me wrong, I think Christians are insane and should be put in some sort of rehab, but you are just a retrad. You want Dave to prove to you "in a court of law" that Jesus existsed!? Do you have any idea how dumb that makes you sound? People don't go to court because they have a religous disagreement (and don't be a dick and bring up some trials involving schools or something totally irrelivent like that). Then you accuse anyone who doesn't agree with you of being a Christian? Fuck, why don't you go join Thomas Road Baptist Chruch and share a room with Jerry Falwell, cuz you're ignorent enough to fit in there...
Just to get a word in before the thread is closed: you suck. It is generally accepted that Jesus existed. Why debate that here? Secondly, I don't want National Socialism crammed down my throat, but that's not going to stop me from listening to anyone. Ignore the lyrics if you don't like them, or better yet, don't listen to the thing at all and forget about it. Also, you are far from "discussing" anything with anyone here. If you don't like the music fine, but quit being such a whiny bitch. And Rust in Peace would have been just as good if it were "Christian."
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