Dave's Hypothetical Future thread


we're about to start looking for our new house, it's going to be in the 450 - 500,000 dollar range. 4 - 5 bedrooms, huge basement, everything.

talk about a sick party house :) :) :kickass:
Seriously, I know I've said it before, but I have to bring it up again:

LAST MONTH you said your family was on the verge of bankruptcy and now you say you're buying a new house and you can't stop talking about how incredible your car is.

Were you bullshitting then, are you bullshitting now, or have you been bullshitting the whole time?
I'll post the pics in a month or two when we actually move out.

but yea I was exaggerating 2 months ago when I was complaining so much. I dunno everything has turned around so quickly. My dad just signed 4 different contracts and he has made 40,000 this month alone. He's projected to make 100 grand over next 6 months alone (this is in addition to 10 - 15 grand by me and 15 - 20 grand by my mom, you are looking at 140,000 in just 6 months).

LAST MONTH you said your family was on the verge of bankruptcy and now you say you're buying a new house and you can't stop talking about how incredible your car is.

that was 2 months ago. And we never close to bankruptcy, my dad was not earning anything but me and my mom earned around 4-5,000 a month so we never really had any debt.

my dad told me about all this shit that would happen but I thought was daydreaming, everything he has said is true.

he is telling me that he may start another project for one of the companies in 6 months (after the 4 he is working on now are finished) where is earning close to a 100 dollars an hour developing some products. (this is probably going to be just a side job as well).
I am about to get the new TL in a month or two, I'll post pics of that as well as the new house in a month or two.

If you like, I can post pics of my dad's $120,000 contract that he signed with a company in chicago, not sure if my dad would approve but I can try.

I got nothing to hide, everything I say here is 100% true. Why would I tell you about my father's failures 2 months ago, then lie now?

If I wanted to lie, I would have told you we were making 500 grand a year 2 months ago.
You know, I'm actually pretty amazed by this thread. When it was made, I was sure it would follow in the footsteps of The Dave Thread, since it was made with the same purpose in mind (to rip on Dave). But... Dave actually takes this thread seriously and uses it to talk about his future plans.

It's actually kind of adorable. Like when you buy a dog bed for your puppy and he actually sleeps in it.
this puppy right?
Not cool, dude. That dog passed away. Have some respect.

(@ cookiecutter)

No, actually this thread IS for Dave to take seriously so he doesn't feel the urge to post all the crap he would post here everywhere else. It's like a litter box. And Dave is like a cat. He shits in this box instead of all over the house. Of course we all want to just kick him outside, but mom (Deron) says he's a house cat, so we have to keep him around the house.

Regardless, pet analogies are fun.