Dave's Hypothetical Future thread

Mature sons and daughters are every bit as responsible for looking after their parents' well being as the other way around. If you think otherwise, you're spoiled.

stealing money from a HS kid who is working for minimum wage isnt support. i barely had enough money for me, let alone anyone else.
I'll volunteer to take on Dave. I'll hold him down while everybody pisses on him and kicks him in the face. Then we can take a picture of a crying piss soaked Dave lying on the ground with everybody else behind him smiling.
stealing money from a HS kid who is working for minimum wage isnt support. i barely had enough money for me, let alone anyone else.

What the hell do you need money for, anyway, when you're living at home? Beer and whores? Your parents, on the other hand, need money for bills and food. Hmmmm, I wonder what's more important... :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, and go and take Dave. And don't remember to steal his internet modem while you're over there!
And a seventeen year old should support his parents NO MATTER WHAT, without bitching about it like a little girl. Grow up, you self-centered brat.

You're starting to get really fucking annoying you know that? If you can support your kids, then you shouldn't have any. If you can't understand that when you have kids, your expendable income is out the door, you don't need to have any. If you have to rely on your kids to support you, instead of you supporting them while they better themselves by going to college or whatever, then you shouldn't have any.
Seriously, that you have the intelligence to type coherently baffles me...

Obviously, it is not wise to conceive when you have a financial situation that leaves something to be desired. But guess what! Sometimes, things change over the course of 5, 10, 15 years! Often for the worse! Work places disappear, markets rise and fall, businesses have good days and bad days, and so on. And when that happens, it is your family's duty, to stand behind you and give support!

Unless you drank and gambled your money away, of course...
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And a seventeen year old should support his parents NO MATTER WHAT, without bitching about it like a little girl. Grow up, you self-centered brat.

Are you kidding? 17 is where every kid in the civilized world rebels against their parents. It's a fact of life. It doesn't make the person self centered to not want to support his parents, that should be the other way around.