Dave's Hypothetical Future thread

I don't know if going to Dave's house to confront him is a very good idea. First off, the guy is insanley rich so you'd have to get through the gaurds first, and once you did, you'd have to fight Dave himself, who, as we all know, is supremley jacked.
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wow, you're a dumbass. If my dad made 200 grand a year (which is at this point more of a question of when, not if, as he received another 10 grand check today), I would still work 30 - 40 hours a week as I am not some piece of shit spoiled rich kid who expects to be taken care off.

Not to mention I love making money and love not depending on anybody to give me money.

DAVE! WHAT THE FUCK are you doing posting lame responses to lame arguments when you could be telling us where you live so we can crash through your house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not even remotely close to rich, so I have no idea why anybody is talking about this.

as my dad's work picks up, we will be upper middle class and then hopefully soon become upper class.
His avatar used to say Aurora, IL as his "hometown." Killers like me remember shit like that.

I remember this as well. we need his address!!!

Thar or we could just camp out the local gyms and follow him home.

I imagine him driving home and wondering why a giant tour bus is following him home.
I remember this as well. we need his address!!!

Thar or we could just camp out the local gyms and follow him home.

I imagine him driving home and wondering why a giant tour bus is following him home.

hahahaha i just pictured this big ass bus literally following him as hes trying to ditch us through alleys and shit hahahahaha