Dave's Hypothetical Future thread

That reminds of Jay and Silent Bob strike back.

*Knock* *Knock*

UMGMD: Did you say, Quote, "dude stop the bullshit, both of us know I am easily one of the best looking guys here (not that it's saying much considering how hideous most of the board is, but whatever)."

Dave: Ya

*We kick the shit out of Dave.*
We need to rent a tour bus, and drive around the country picking everybody up. The climax of the trip would be us driving the bus into Dave's living room and piling out.
No, you are spoiled because you expect your parents to make a nice comfy life for you and you feel they deserve nothing in return. How about raising you? Doesn't that deserve a little respect?

wow, you're a dumbass. If my dad made 200 grand a year (which is at this point more of a question of when, not if, as he received another 10 grand check today), I would still work 30 - 40 hours a week as I am not some piece of shit spoiled rich kid who expects to be taken care off.

Not to mention I love making money and love not depending on anybody to give me money.