Dave's Hypothetical Future thread

Dave, maybe you're not spoiled, but UM's got the brat part down. You judge your father based on the amount of money he's bringing in for you. That's a brat.

nah I don't really judge him on his money.

I only expect him to make enough for all of us to live comfortably, when he doesn't, I get extremely frustrated/irritated. We're talking about a fucking 48 year old college educated incredibly intelligent man with a masters degree and a shitload of knowledge and ability in engineering, business, etc...

a lot of this was misunderstanding as well, I thought he was being lazy but he actually was working on legitimate business plans.
So what if he WAS being a bit lazy?

you're a fucking faggot you know that?

so it's okay for me to be pushing 60 - 70 hours a week between school and work so I can put in about a 1,000 a month into his account (so he doesn't go into too much fucking debt), but it's not okay for me to expect him to work every bit as hard? I should have 10,000 in my account right now, yet I only have about 700

for what I was (and still am) and what my mom was doing to make ends meet during this rough stretch, my dad should have been up from 5 AM till 1 AM at night doing everything fucking imagineable to make money.

There is no larger failure in life than a piece of shit father who can't properly support his family.

All my work will be payed off quite nicely however. My dad feels (and is) obligated to pay off my entire college tuition including all of the fees. That alone makes up for everything that has happened :)
you're a fucking faggot you know that?

That would be you, and here's why:

it's not okay for me to expect him to work every bit as hard?

my dad should have been up from 5 AM till 1 AM at night doing everything fucking imagineable to make money.

There is no larger failure in life than a piece of shit father who can't properly support his family.

My dad feels (and is) obligated to pay off my entire college tuition including all of the fees.

No, it's not okay to EXPECT your father to work as hard as you do, because you have an abnormally high work ethic. It's not fair to hold that same standard to others. No, your father should not be spending every waking moment looking for money because life isn't about fucking money and isn't worth living if that's all your worried about. Your definition of "properly" supporting one's family is above and beyond the average living conditions of middle America, so to EXPECT that is unfair. And to insist that your parents are OBLIGATED to do a damn fucking thing for you is an outrage. You're 18, he could kick you out of the fucking house if he wanted to you ungrateful fucking bastard.
I don't understand your position here

you feel it is acceptable for an 18 year old kid (read: this is the age that a lot of kids are juniors/seniors in high school, I am a sophomore in college) to have to give their entire salary to their father because he is too lazy to properly support his family? I SHOULD HAVE 10 GRAND IN MY ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW. I fucking earned that money through my hard work and yet NONE of it is in my possession. This is acceptable to you?

you act like I am demanding to be treated like fucking paris hilton here. All I ask for is my father does his job (IE supports the family, pays for everything you would expect a father to pay for), so I can enjoy my life and not have to worry about working an extra 20 fucking hours so I can put money into his account so he can avoid going into heavy debt.

and the obligated part is basically fact at this point. My father knows what I have done for him and what I have gone through and he will gladly pay my entire college tuition and just about anything else I ask for (especially as his work picks up some momentum).
You think you're the only fucking kid who's ever had to help out at home? You should talk to my friend Richard. Your life prior to this current upswing was an absolute fucking luxury compared to what he goes through and has gone through his entire life, yet he doesn't bitch and complain. Not only has he constantly helped his family monetarily, but he's also raised his (6) younger siblings. Sometimes you have to just accept the situation that you're in and work toward bettering it than to just bitch about it all the time like you did. The fact that you would still be sitting here bitching about your father being a lazy piece of shit if he didn't get those contracts is why you're a brat.
spoiled how? I pay/have payed for everything that I have gotten in the last maybe 2 years as well as putting in so much money into my dad's account.

How the fuck am I spoiled?

my last birthday, I received 400 dollars from everybody in cash. Guess what, 8 months later, my mom had used all of that (as well as another 700 dollars in cash I had saved up).

How somebody could think I am spoiled just boggles my mind.
spoiled how? I pay/have payed for everything that I have gotten in the last maybe 2 years as well as putting in so much money into my dad's account.

How the fuck am I spoiled?

my last birthday, I received 400 dollars from everybody in cash. Guess what, 8 months later, my mom had used all of that (as well as another 700 dollars in cash I had saved up).

How somebody could think I am spoiled just boggles my mind.