Why the hell didn't I go see DCD last week? The new album is forming up to be a masterpiece. If upon your deafened ears it fell, try and try again, for it shall open up what is lost. An opus of Mr. Holland proportions!
The Serpent's Egg is my choice album from this majestic group. I highly recommend anyone remotely interested in their music seeing them in concert. A moving experience to say the very least. The wife and I saw them a few years ago, and for myself it was quite important because their opening act was a man whom changed my life. I never knew the guy's name, but he played the hang and put out a series of tendon stretching videos that allowed me to keep playing bass instead of quitting altogether, which I almost did over a decade ago. Then when Dead Can Dance came out it was unbelievable good, just as a musical act, but one particular thing that remains with me is that there was an adorable lesbian couple in front of us that held one another and cried for nearly the entire show. Sure that sounds a little weird, but it wasn't that they were making a show out of it, we just happened to notice because they were literally 3 feet in front of us. Witnessing the shared experience of another couple like that, for some music that m'lady and I hold dearly together as well, was quite lovely.