Dear Max

I really don't care about biblical history, however, and wouldn't give two tugs of a dead dog's dick if it all burned in a napalm fire.
I really don't care about biblical history, however, and wouldn't give two tugs of a dead dog's dick if it all burned in a napalm fire.

Well, beyond the religious implications most of these things have great historical significance. This is the stuff that launched wars or at least provided the pretext for wars, that interests me.
I'm not entirely fond of Israel, but for reasons other than the arabs and white priders have. I'm not getting into it here, as I know of a few who'd probably get a kink in their asses and try to debate me. Sard.
I remember when I went to jordan the last time (i was 8 or 9) I was scared of the war and the bombings :lol:
I'm in Jerusalem right now! :kickass: Today I saw the Citadel, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Western Wall. Unfortunately, I lost my camera in Germany so I'm using shitty disposables.
The Ragnaroek festival kicked ass.