
New Metal Member
Aug 17, 2006
Hey guys. i'm really intrested in learning how to death growl or death "grunt." Someone told me you can use various voice effects but never actually told me what effects in particular. If any of you know please post it here thanks!!!
Goddamn Guitar said:
effect? just scream from the top of your lungs! And make sure you don't hurt your vocalcords.
except that death metal growling usually isn't screaming.

you just have to fuck around until you find the way your throat makes that sound, and practice it. and as the last guy said, don't hurt your vocal chords..heh.

and ironically enough, death metal growling isn't as easy as non-metal-people say it is "Oh, anybody can do that". well shit if anyone can do it, why can't I?

blackmetal vocals on the other hand are pretty easy ;) *snicker*
Death metal growling is tricky. The first thing to remember is to warm up your throat beforehand as you can easily damage your voice otherwise. Avoid cold drinks as these will tighten your chords. Try drinking a hot drink before you sing, this will loosen everything up.

I was speaking to Ville from Moonsorrow not so long ago about this very thing, and he gave me a few good bits of advice. The sound should basically be coming from your stomach and lungs, not your throat (except for the reeeeally inhuman stuff). Make sure you breathe steadily and put some force (but not too much) behind your singing. Once you have practiced enough, it will come naturally and you shouldn't get out of breath doing it. Also, remember that the first few times you try proper death metal singing you may loose your voice - but don't worry, it will come back :)

The best advice though really is just to experiment! Everyone sings in a different style, and its just a question of finding what your most comfortable style is.
DSS3 said:
Guys... no.

Don't use your throat - all you'll do is ruin your vocal chords. It should be comming from your diaphragm, like your normal singing voice.

alright that makes sense. I've heard of death metal guys having to leave the scene because they weren't singing from their diaphragm.
sparkyness said:
cookie monster :)

To say "cookie monster" vocals is such a misnomer. The Cookie Monster growls with a pitch-able timbre, whereas death metal vocals are generally atonal.
well i think there unique...but everyone has their taste. i know there are effects you can use i just need to find out what they are.
Carrier Flux said:
how does a band this terrible get 290,000 hits on myspace?

I don't have speakers here to form an opinion about the band ....but that's seriously 4 times more hits than Porcupine Tree has.....and PT has been a member longer.
Ohhhh, the social retardation that is myspace.
melissa cross sucks. i didn't understand a word she said waste of my money. but hey, people like her work so i'll respect that. and again, everyone has their tastes. just hope i can get some kind of answer on what effect to use because i know there is one.
chocolategorecake said:
melissa cross sucks. i didn't understand a word she said waste of my money. but hey, people like her work so i'll respect that. and again, everyone has their tastes. just hope i can get some kind of answer on what effect to use because i know there is one.

I already told you man. the Pro Co Rat distortion pedal. just go buy it and instant *poof* death metal awesomeness. Normally we don't give away this important secret to newbies like you, but you seem pretty cool so I thought I'd let you in on it.

btw you'll need one of these as well:

just plug your sm57 into your RAT PRO CO distortion pedal, then that into your soundblaster live card on your computer and you're set.
chocolategorecake said:
melissa cross sucks. i didn't understand a word she said waste of my money. but hey, people like her work so i'll respect that. and again, everyone has their tastes. just hope i can get some kind of answer on what effect to use because i know there is one.

How do you know there is one? Some folks use some distortion to enhance stuff but there isn't some magic "make it good box."

Everyone who is good at death vocals can do them in front of you at the grocery store far away from any tricks or even a microphone. It is a skill just like playing guitar or anything else.