death magnetic

Then you'd be missing out.

He has a valid point, Rozy157. I didn't like this either. I am glad you liked it, but with SO MANY great bands out there (admittedly, mostly underground-ish Thrash bands) I don't have the time to let Metallica's last "effort" "grow" on me.

Metallica stinks of business to me. It's good to make money making music, but seeing all the promotion hype while many, many other greater bands are generally ignored is a crime. It always happens, and it's better that way, as commercial success often dilutes the best of music. It's still an unfair situation to hard-working, Thrash-loving bands: everybody else has to have a normal job (usually) while gigging, etc., while Metallica needs years and years of sitting on their collective *sses to finally produce an album that just sucks (IMO.) How can you call these guys "gods" of metal? One of the most overrated bunch of lazy guys. Commercial success is NOT greatness. Sorry, Metallica fans, it's not against you, but I used to also like them back in the eighties, and this is not THAT Metallica anymore. Same ol' story, but Cliff was really Metallica's greatest member. You've heard it before, you hear it again. It's just sad, but true, as they say.

As I've stated before, as a stand-alone album, I don't like DM. Imagine it's not Metallica, just a random band. I still cannot like this, it's pretty bland in my opinion. The slowness of it all kills any redeeming qualities it may have had. It's just "heavier," and fakely technical. To say that most songs are "epic" is laughable to me; if they are LONG, it's because they were made long for the sakes of being long, and because they are pretty slow and pretty much plod along. That said, it's only my viewpoint, and I love Thrash above any other metal genre, so you know where I am coming from.

Again, I mean no offense, enjoy! But I know I am not missing out on anything: I have plenty of Thrash to bang my head to, thank you very much. :headbang:
The only reason so many of the "tr00s" respect Cliff Burton is because he fucking died before he had a chance to make some money.

Yeah... it's a harsh statement, but it's true.

Everybody was swinging on Metallicas nuts when they were the biggest of the underground bands. Then, they make a piece of polished perfection like the black album that get's them heavy radio airplay, TV exposure and a fucking Grammy award and everyone hates them. They hate them because the record company put a ton of money into the album. They hate them because their not the little secret band that they can carry around in their back pocket and cherish like a kid with a prized baseball card anymore. They hate them because they became popular with the masses. That's the American dream. Make it big, provide a good life for your families. WTF is wrong with that?

Everyone gets tired of the shit they do. They got tired of endless thrash. I can't blame 'em. But too many metal fans are quick to say "Fuck you" to any band that gets positive exposure or changes their sound. I personally hated the Loads and St. Anger, but Love Death Magnetic. If you don't like it, fine. But stop fucking whining about how they sold out or how they're only in it for the money. It's a fucking business. The music BUSINESS. What's the point of getting into a business and not try and make money. Any band who says they aren't in it to make money are just trying to look cool. And only an ignorant music fan will believe that bullshit.

Cliff, he died when he was young and had no family to look after. He died at the pinnacle of rebellious youth. He never got the chance to grow up into a mature adult. He never got to the age and place where James, Kirk and lars did. He was only in the band for 4 years. Stop assuming that he would have been the sword of vengeance for the real metal fans who would have kept the rest of Metallica in line. That's just silly. Remember the guy for what he was and stop trying to making up your own version of who he would have been.
He has a valid point, Rozy157. I didn't like this either. I am glad you liked it, but with SO MANY great bands out there (admittedly, mostly underground-ish Thrash bands) I don't have the time to let Metallica's last "effort" "grow" on me.

Metallica stinks of business to me. It's good to make money making music, but seeing all the promotion hype while many, many other greater bands are generally ignored is a crime. It always happens, and it's better that way, as commercial success often dilutes the best of music. It's still an unfair situation to hard-working, Thrash-loving bands: everybody else has to have a normal job (usually) while gigging, etc., while Metallica needs years and years of sitting on their collective *sses to finally produce an album that just sucks (IMO.) How can you call these guys "gods" of metal? One of the most overrated bunch of lazy guys. Commercial success is NOT greatness. Sorry, Metallica fans, it's not against you, but I used to also like them back in the eighties, and this is not THAT Metallica anymore. Same ol' story, but Cliff was really Metallica's greatest member. You've heard it before, you hear it again. It's just sad, but true, as they say.

As I've stated before, as a stand-alone album, I don't like DM. Imagine it's not Metallica, just a random band. I still cannot like this, it's pretty bland in my opinion. The slowness of it all kills any redeeming qualities it may have had. It's just "heavier," and fakely technical. To say that most songs are "epic" is laughable to me; if they are LONG, it's because they were made long for the sakes of being long, and because they are pretty slow and pretty much plod along. That said, it's only my viewpoint, and I love Thrash above any other metal genre, so you know where I am coming from.

Again, I mean no offense, enjoy! But I know I am not missing out on anything: I have plenty of Thrash to bang my head to, thank you very much. :headbang:

And for those of us not stuck in an 'eighties' mentality *points above*, im with Rozy by also saying your missing out as this is some of the best stuff Metallicas done in ages. Dont listen to the opinions of ppl on here, listen to DM and come to your own conclusion on whether you think its a buy or not.

Thrasher, stop having a cry about how much you hate DM and go listen to your way better underground thrash bands instead of posting the same shit here all the time.
And for those of us not stuck in an 'eighties' mentality *points above*, im with Roxy by also saying your missing out as this is some of the best stuff Metallicas done in ages. Dont listen to the opinions of ppl on here, listen to DM and come to your own conclusion on whether you think its a buy or not.

Thrasher, stop having a cry about how much you hate DM and go listen to your way better underground thrash bands instead of posting the same shit here all the time.

Enjoy DM. I said so, so many times before in my posts. Support Metallica, make them even richer. What do I care? But to say that my opinion is shit because you don't agree with it, says much about yourself.

I will be stuck in the eighties, thank you very much. Music trancends time and space. There's no reason to conform to "new rules" or so-called "original" concepts. People hear whatever they want, let them listen to whatever. You listen to Metallica, I listen to other true Thrash bands. Leave me be; I was polite, and never making any personal attacks; you won't change my opinion on the matter. I don't even have hate Metallica the people (as some other extremists often do); I just regret the direction they CHOSE to take (I am sure they don't regret it-$$$, but many ex-fans do), and the way it affected their music.

I am not missing out on Death Magnetic: I've heard it, and if I would have liked it, I would have bought it. But I didn't like it, because perhaps I am "stuck" on the eighties. Well, in my view that's a good thing: can you respect that I feel that way? MODERN and old Thrash bands satisfy my musical needs amply enough for me to say that I am not missing on anything here. (If you don't like Thrash, or "graduated" from Thrash, etc. DM might be good for you; I do respect that, as it's better than some other stuff out there. But please respect Thrash lovers; many of us dislike DM for valid (to us) reasons!)

There's no outdated music, or almost no outdated-anything. People still use turntables, some still wear disco clothing, still hear old-time blues, old jazz, and classical music from ages ago. There's no rule that I have to like what's "fashionable." Most of what's in vogue really sucks, BTW. Even in music, and I add DM to this. Sorry. It might not suck to you, and that's great, and I am happy you loved it. Yes, I am happily "outdated," but it doesn't make my comment shit.

I wil keep posting what I feel. You don't have to agree. But it doesn't make it shit. "Shit" is to think that you are the only one who knows what you are talking about. That's the true, ultimate, and undiluted BS. So I have to post "support Metallica" and "Death Magnetic is Metallica's best since (insert album here)" so my comment isn't shit?! WTF?! This isn't even a Metallica forum!!!

I am not going to comment on Cliff, because none of us can really know what he would have done. I disagree that he would have sold-out like that, but then again, none of us knows, and it doesn't matter in the large scope of things. He's gone, sadly. I disagree with the notion that life-maturity means you have to sell-out; many guys in the thirties and twenties, all ages in fact, are happily married and are still playing Thrash. To me, that argument doesn't hold water. But yes, none of us know the "what if's". (My compliments to S.S.S. for writing "Black Night, White Light": it's such a great tribute song to Cliff.)

I am going to make one last comment, hoping to keep the peace. DM might be good for you, but it's not a good Thrash album. So, if you don't like Thrash, that's great for you. It's a rather dangerous album to spend your money on, even for non-Thrashers, because it's boring at times, so you should listen before you buy, which most of us have done already anyway. As Thrash goes, it fails miserably, even with the Thrash elements; as metal, in my view, it's not good enough, but it might satisfy many of you out there, as there are bunch of "metal" around inferior to DM; as music, it's not really as great as the media tried to push it. Nevertheless, if you liked it, I hope you enjoy it. But let's respect each other's ideas, instead of bashing each post that even remotely contradicts your own opinions.

(To those of you who care, try comparing "The Storm Before The Calm" by Dekapitator, to Death Magnetic. Imagine you don't know the band names, just listen to the music. Then let me know how the experiment went. :) )

I am sorry for offending some on this forum, as my opinions were not meant as personal attacks. Peace to all. And Faster is still very much Gooder!!! :headbang:
"If you don't like it, fine. But stop fucking whining about how they sold out or how they're only in it for the money. It's a fucking business. The music BUSINESS. What's the point of getting into a business and not try and make money. Any band who says they aren't in it to make money are just trying to look cool. And only an ignorant music fan will believe that bullshit."

I was not whining. I personally know people who had bands for years, whose opinion is: "if I make money doing it, that's great, but my motivation is the music itself." THEY MEAN IT!!! Music is only pure business for those who want it to be. I work and live in music, am not rich, but my main purpose in life is not to get rich. It's all about music and helping and inspiring people. Yes, there are some people who care about money ONLY, ala Gene Simmons, but money is only a part of music, not the whole. Some people I know, wouldn't change their musical convictions no matter what: not everybody wants to look cool only (although I understand there are some fake-cool guys who say things that they don't mean.) Everything's not black or white, you know. Each person is different. We need money in life, but we don't need money for life.
The only reason so many of the "tr00s" respect Cliff Burton is because he fucking died before he had a chance to make some money.

Yeah... it's a harsh statement, but it's true.

Everybody was swinging on Metallicas nuts when they were the biggest of the underground bands. Then, they make a piece of polished perfection like the black album that get's them heavy radio airplay, TV exposure and a fucking Grammy award and everyone hates them. They hate them because the record company put a ton of money into the album. They hate them because their not the little secret band that they can carry around in their back pocket and cherish like a kid with a prized baseball card anymore. They hate them because they became popular with the masses. That's the American dream. Make it big, provide a good life for your families. WTF is wrong with that?

Everyone gets tired of the shit they do. They got tired of endless thrash. I can't blame 'em. But too many metal fans are quick to say "Fuck you" to any band that gets positive exposure or changes their sound. I personally hated the Loads and St. Anger, but Love Death Magnetic. If you don't like it, fine. But stop fucking whining about how they sold out or how they're only in it for the money. It's a fucking business. The music BUSINESS. What's the point of getting into a business and not try and make money. Any band who says they aren't in it to make money are just trying to look cool. And only an ignorant music fan will believe that bullshit.

Cliff, he died when he was young and had no family to look after. He died at the pinnacle of rebellious youth. He never got the chance to grow up into a mature adult. He never got to the age and place where James, Kirk and lars did. He was only in the band for 4 years. Stop assuming that he would have been the sword of vengeance for the real metal fans who would have kept the rest of Metallica in line. That's just silly. Remember the guy for what he was and stop trying to making up your own version of who he would have been.

I was going to add my two cents to this, but Greg just did it for me.
Enjoy DM. I said so, so many times before in my posts. Support Metallica, make them even richer. What do I care? But to say that my opinion is shit because you don't agree with it, says much about yourself.

I will be stuck in the eighties, thank you very much. Music trancends time and space. There's no reason to conform to "new rules" or so-called "original" concepts. People hear whatever they want, let them listen to whatever. You listen to Metallica, I listen to other true Thrash bands. Leave me be; I was polite, and never making any personal attacks; you won't change my opinion on the matter. I don't even have hate Metallica the people (as some other extremists often do); I just regret the direction they CHOSE to take (I am sure they don't regret it-$$$, but many ex-fans do), and the way it affected their music.

I am not missing out on Death Magnetic: I've heard it, and if I would have liked it, I would have bought it. But I didn't like it, because perhaps I am "stuck" on the eighties. Well, in my view that's a good thing: can you respect that I feel that way? MODERN and old Thrash bands satisfy my musical needs amply enough for me to say that I am not missing on anything here. (If you don't like Thrash, or "graduated" from Thrash, etc. DM might be good for you; I do respect that, as it's better than some other stuff out there. But please respect Thrash lovers; many of us dislike DM for valid (to us) reasons!)

There's no outdated music, or almost no outdated-anything. People still use turntables, some still wear disco clothing, still hear old-time blues, old jazz, and classical music from ages ago. There's no rule that I have to like what's "fashionable." Most of what's in vogue really sucks, BTW. Even in music, and I add DM to this. Sorry. It might not suck to you, and that's great, and I am happy you loved it. Yes, I am happily "outdated," but it doesn't make my comment shit.

I wil keep posting what I feel. You don't have to agree. But it doesn't make it shit. "Shit" is to think that you are the only one who knows what you are talking about. That's the true, ultimate, and undiluted BS. So I have to post "support Metallica" and "Death Magnetic is Metallica's best since (insert album here)" so my comment isn't shit?! WTF?! This isn't even a Metallica forum!!!

I am not going to comment on Cliff, because none of us can really know what he would have done. I disagree that he would have sold-out like that, but then again, none of us knows, and it doesn't matter in the large scope of things. He's gone, sadly. I disagree with the notion that life-maturity means you have to sell-out; many guys in the thirties and twenties, all ages in fact, are happily married and are still playing Thrash. To me, that argument doesn't hold water. But yes, none of us know the "what if's". (My compliments to S.S.S. for writing "Black Night, White Light": it's such a great tribute song to Cliff.)

I am going to make one last comment, hoping to keep the peace. DM might be good for you, but it's not a good Thrash album. So, if you don't like Thrash, that's great for you. It's a rather dangerous album to spend your money on, even for non-Thrashers, because it's boring at times, so you should listen before you buy, which most of us have done already anyway. As Thrash goes, it fails miserably, even with the Thrash elements; as metal, in my view, it's not good enough, but it might satisfy many of you out there, as there are bunch of "metal" around inferior to DM; as music, it's not really as great as the media tried to push it. Nevertheless, if you liked it, I hope you enjoy it. But let's respect each other's ideas, instead of bashing each post that even remotely contradicts your own opinions.

(To those of you who care, try comparing "The Storm Before The Calm" by Dekapitator, to Death Magnetic. Imagine you don't know the band names, just listen to the music. Then let me know how the experiment went. :) )

I am sorry for offending some on this forum, as my opinions were not meant as personal attacks. Peace to all. And Faster is still very much Gooder!!! :headbang:


...when I listened to Death Magnetic for the third time, and fell asleep to it (unfortunately, a true story.) Glad you like it, have fun hating and disrespecting others. And sorry for having a diffferent opinion than yours.

Seriously, enjoy Death Magnetic you all. I have nothing against you, it just didn't do anything for me. Simple as that. I hate the music taste wars, why can't just we agree to disagree? Who's better for hearing whatever? Listen to what you like, be happy, and enjoy your life. It was never personal against any member here.
"If you don't like it, fine. But stop fucking whining about how they sold out or how they're only in it for the money. It's a fucking business. The music BUSINESS. What's the point of getting into a business and not try and make money. Any band who says they aren't in it to make money are just trying to look cool. And only an ignorant music fan will believe that bullshit."

I was not whining. I personally know people who had bands for years, whose opinion is: "if I make money doing it, that's great, but my motivation is the music itself." THEY MEAN IT!!! Music is only pure business for those who want it to be. I work and live in music, am not rich, but my main purpose in life is not to get rich. It's all about music and helping and inspiring people. Yes, there are some people who care about money ONLY, ala Gene Simmons, but money is only a part of music, not the whole. Some people I know, wouldn't change their musical convictions no matter what: not everybody wants to look cool only (although I understand there are some fake-cool guys who say things that they don't mean.) Everything's not black or white, you know. Each person is different. We need money in life, but we don't need money for life.

bla bla bla,...

This is not a personal attack against you, nor was my post above intended to be....but in my opinion you're trying too damn hard to "be metal".
Lighten up. Stop trying to hammer your opinion into every bodies head. You're 13 posts in and you're not making many friends on this board. Calm the eff down with the "more metal than you" stance that you're taking and try to enjoy some good convo with fellow metal fans.

This is not a personal attack against you, nor was my post above intended to be....but in my opinion you're trying too damn hard to "be metal".
Lighten up. Stop trying to hammer your opinion into every bodies head. You're 13 posts in and you're not making many friends on this board. Calm the eff down with the "more metal than you" stance that you're taking and try to enjoy some good convo with fellow metal fans.

I apologize for appearing to be a "tr00" metal elitist. Indeed, I am not. Though I love Thrash, I never push it to people, and I do hear other music other than Thrash ("ironically," I listen to Classical; and am also NOT a classical music snob, like most classical people are. I am ashamed of the arrogance exuded by many in the classical music world, in which I live and work.) Yes, I didn't enjoy the new Metallica as much as many of you did, but I didn't intend to say you were "less metal," or anything ridiculous like that. Though Thrashers tend to look down on others, I am more mature than that, and I am not in my teens or twenties anymore.

My friends who know me in real life know that I am too much of a nice guy to put anybody down because of the music they listen to. I am sorry for coming across as a Thrash snob in this forum. I do love Thrash, but I only care for what I am listening to (that is, I don't mind whatever you are listening to, as it's your choice, your life, and what makes YOU happy.) Also, I tend to defend the lesser known bands with passion, because I feel they deserve the credit. Again, I didn't mean to appear "true metal," and call you "posers," or anything like that. Thanks for understanding my position.
Has metallica got a new album out? I've even heard they've got a new bass player and they've all cut their hair. Right,I'm off to play with my schlong.
I apologize for appearing to be a "tr00" metal elitist. Indeed, I am not. Though I love Thrash, I never push it to people, and I do hear other music other than Thrash ("ironically," I listen to Classical; and am also NOT a classical music snob, like most classical people are. I am ashamed of the arrogance exuded by many in the classical music world, in which I live and work.) Yes, I didn't enjoy the new Metallica as much as many of you did, but I didn't intend to say you were "less metal," or anything ridiculous like that. Though Thrashers tend to look down on others, I am more mature than that, and I am not in my teens or twenties anymore.

My friends who know me in real life know that I am too much of a nice guy to put anybody down because of the music they listen to. I am sorry for coming across as a Thrash snob in this forum. I do love Thrash, but I only care for what I am listening to (that is, I don't mind whatever you are listening to, as it's your choice, your life, and what makes YOU happy.) Also, I tend to defend the lesser known bands with passion, because I feel they deserve the credit. Again, I didn't mean to appear "true metal," and call you "posers," or anything like that. Thanks for understanding my position.

I agree with you Classic Thrasher. This album is shit. haha. I don't give a dogshit what everybody here says, I'm not 100% stuck in the 80's, I love the new slipknot, new testament, even some nu metal, alot of nu metal infact. But this DM is total fucking puke. Like I said before, if any other band would have put this exact album out, nobody would be buying it or listening to it, but science 'tallica did, it's big. The logo, the name and the band put it out so it's big. It may be something "Best thing they've put out in a long time". Well I'll just listen to what they've put out BEFORE load, because everything before Load was good. even the black album in my opinion. I listened to the Guitar Hero version a few songs and it still hasn't changed my opinion, Still dogshit. and It will remain dogshit to me. and alot of people I know, they say "yeah, it sucks". I know more people who hates it than more people who likes it actually. But it's a worthless topic, the album sucks, their lame now, point made.

:puke::puke::puke::puke::puke::puke::puke: Death Fagnetic.
I think Death Magnetic is pretty damn good.. Not great but pretty damn good. Welcome back Metallica..
If Bush was still in the band they might have a chance. Now that they have Cookie Monster for a singer, doubtful. Besides, at this point I'd be more excited to see Down anyway.

Phil Anselmo is back and sounds better than ever. Down is one of the best live bands out there. They have a sound that isn't some comercialized radio friendly bs. This is real music and has soul. Its funny how much Anthrax's new singer Dan tried to look and act like Phil Anselmo on stage. In fact it's funny how many singers period try to act and look like phil on stage.

Down > Metallica > Anthrax (after belladonna)
Iron Maiden are using the same "epic" angle on their albums and it worries me. The last album I really enjoyed was Brave New World but now they are stuck in the "let´s write "epic" songs". I don´t enjoy songs that are written long just because they can be.

The Day That Never Comes suffers from the same disease. I think it´s an alright song it just doesn´t have the same flow as One or Sanatarium. While that is a matter of my taste the whole idea to write long songs just because a band feel they need to reclaim some long gone attitude or to show they can still fill a song with metal riffs instead of using those riffs to write something shorter and to the point. Put a 5 minute limit on Metallicas and Maidens next albums and I´m sure one or two good songs would emerge.

I´d would love to hear a Maiden album in the vain as the first two. A little bit rougher and no keyboards (yes, I think Be Quick Or Be Dead is a good song).