Death Metal Bands

If only, i knew that every thread is an extension of the retard thread, i would post in every other thread, so much more often. :(
Haha, nah. I'm scared that someone will do some serious whining which the rage of will be brought upon me, which will bring my rage upon them who broughts me the rage which upon me rages?!! Wtflulz, entangled in english.

Anyways, listen to Blood Red Throne :)
Nope. I have a very narrow taste in music and there is a very extremely small number of bands that i listen to. It's only once in 6 months or so, that i try a new band. I'm usually stuck with one band for all my listening time.
No. EoS has been there since around 2 years now. I'm not considering it in the equation. Dismember right now, after 3 years or so, when i had only 2 albums and a few random tracks by them. So, i had not even heard the whole catalog. :p
That would be a bad move from Peter, just like Supernova said, now it'll be impossible to regain the DM community respect they had.

He lost it when he cared more about putting out shitty albums from that joke band, Pain. Didn't this guy put out an album called Catch 22? Case closed