Death Metal Bands

Pretty fuckin awesome...

Day 1: 3 people partying until 9 after coming the in the night, naked Stefan rolling around on the beach
Day 2: Partying like returds at a swedish dance bar, Desolator members pole dancing on tape
Day 3: Waking up to the smell of poop since someone did three turds in the hotel bidet. No one remembers who. Getting drunk as shit again.
Day 4: Parri arrives. Getting asspoop shitfaced by the pool all day. Night ends at some disco place krvnk as fuck.
Day 5: Going hungover as idiots to the gig place almost puking in the car. Gig goes awesome. Great spanish audience and totally crazy after party on free booze.
Day 6: Trying to get home from a remote location where no one gets home from.
Day 7: Feeling like shit

That's it pretty much

Oh and there were negroe whores trying to steal our stuff on the way back in the darkness which added some extra flavor to the trip.