Death Metal Hates

Uniqueleader focuses to much in mechanism along with a lot of newer metal. I'd rather strum chords and make rock music or write melodies before playing my guitar resembling a car engine or a woodsplitter and industrial factory machines.

Playing instruments to me has more in commen with earth than the progression of an industrial designed world. We don't have to progressive with it and become robots like machines that make everything and help people build things. That is a different aspect and not related imo. I have worked with things that actually resemble newer bands and being able to pin point what a band replicates makes me want to wear earplugs. I'd rather become a hippie than lose my soul.
Jesus you voerthink things. It's just fast, enjoyable brutal death metal for the most part, not some culturally specific, organically-backwards iconoclasm.

Carcassian said:
gutteral bludgeon brigade.

:lol: :lol:
The Greys, I wonder have you ever heard Visceral Bleeding? Because, whilst still being a brutal death band I feel they have a bit of that "death metal" atmosphere you seem to love.
I can see how you can dislike newer brutal death metal bands because its hard to take them too serioiusly because the rule is "angrier, extreme and gorier=good". Its nothing about its original spirit. Most Unique Leader bands are fucking tacky.
Where's cookie cutter.

Anyway, I have listen to a fair of the brutal death genre, and yea I tend to throw away most of it becuase of their generic nature, but every once in I'll find a pure gem, just like in every sub-genre. You just have to take the time to research it and learn it. Look at most of black metal for example, just brutal death is in that same predicament but in smaller scale of bands (due to the lesser popularity)

Everyone should listen to Deeds of Flesh (and the majority of bands on their record label roster) to get a introduction to what is in essence the base of the modern brutal death scence. Also get some Disgorge, Vomit Remnants, Beneath the Massacre, etc.
I enjoy brutal death metal more as a novelty. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something really brutal.
The Greys said:
Does anyone else strongly dislike six feet under other than the fact they make such generic crappy death metal. Six Feet Under is probably the biggest best selling death metal on earth so in someways they're representing death metal. They step in front of everyone else but don't want to be leaders or a good influence on future death metal or represent the genre as something serious. People probably don't like death metal because of them. If someone is getting into death metal Six Feet Under is going to be one of the first bands they hear. It seems like the band releases albums and DVD's in such short periods of time that it's somewhat abnormal and gimmicky. They should either take a lower profile by releasing less cds over longer periods of time or break up. I'm sick of people kissing them and chris barnes ass like they're saviors and the best death metal band since sliced bread. Metal-blade is such a shitty label so they will probably milk this band until hell freezes over. Since people can't overdose on pot chris barnes is probably going to be in death metal until he's 50 writting shitty gore lyrics and anti-war songs. How hypocritical is that.
Actually pretty much everyone hates SFU, and I don't ever recall seeing good reviews for them.
Regardless that you see many people hate SFU they sell more. They are still one if not the best selling death metal band so people are not hating them enough and it's not making a difference.
I'm not saying I hate classic death metal. in fact, I love classic death metal...Morbid Angel being my favorite death metal act. that being said, a lot of melodeath is just weepy At The Gates pilfering bullshit or that gay Dismember/Entombed crap which I cannot tolerate. I prefer death metal that places an emphasis on aggression, with blastbeats, the most notable exceptions being Death and Obituary.
The Greys said:
Regardless that you see many people hate SFU they sell more. They are still one if not the best selling death metal band so people are not hating them enough and it's not making a difference.

Chris Barnes is still a class A faggot.
ohiogrinder said:
I'm not saying I hate classic death metal. in fact, I love classic death metal...Morbid Angel being my favorite death metal act. that being said, a lot of melodeath is just weepy At The Gates pilfering bullshit or that gay Dismember/Entombed crap which I cannot tolerate. I prefer death metal that places an emphasis on aggression, with blastbeats, the most notable exceptions being Death and Obituary.

Do you mean strictly new Entombed or old Entombed? Personally I like my death metal to have minimal blast beats. It pisses me off when bands have blast beats take up an entire song.
ohiogrinder said:
I'm not saying I hate classic death metal. in fact, I love classic death metal...Morbid Angel being my favorite death metal act. that being said, a lot of melodeath is just weepy At The Gates pilfering bullshit or that gay Dismember/Entombed crap which I cannot tolerate. I prefer death metal that places an emphasis on aggression, with blastbeats, the most notable exceptions being Death and Obituary.

Have you heard the first two entombed's and first dismember. not gay at all. The first two entombed cds are some of the most heavy crushing intense early 90's death metal albums. Death metal can have aggression without blast beats. Drumming can be delivered intense regardless if a drummer can not get fast enough to blast or does not want too.

The first at the gates is a pretty intesce album. Bands like death,obituary are not nearly as aggressive as these bands mentioned. Old death is aggressive for the time though, but nothing compared to these.
The Greys said:
Uniqueleader focuses to much in mechanism along with a lot of newer metal. I'd rather strum chords and make rock music or write melodies before playing my guitar resembling a car engine or a woodsplitter and industrial factory machines.

Playing instruments to me has more in commen with earth than the progression of an industrial designed world. We don't have to progressive with it and become robots like machines that make everything and help people build things. That is a different aspect and not related imo. I have worked with things that actually resemble newer bands and being able to pin point what a band replicates makes me want to wear earplugs. I'd rather become a hippie than lose my soul.

I have a translator working on this post, I'll get back to you guys later.
MetalNoob said:
Where's cookie cutter.
CC is here to save the day! I'm sad I didn't find htis thread sooner, but I was at the Bruins game watching them lose in the last 1.2 seconds :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Anyway I will try to explain, to the best of my ability, why I love brutal death metal, because I seem to be the only one besides V5 who really likes it on this forums.

1. Guttural Vocals - I love them and find them better than normal death growls. They may be competely unintelligable, but they are also grosser, deeper, and heavier which is what I want.

2. Blastbeats - I love blastbeats. They are fast, powerful and loud, which is how I want my metal. This is also the reason I like the much maligned "norsecore" bands.

3. Rythm - Brutal Death holds much more stock in rythm than in melody. I don't mind melody, but good rythm is what I love. Whether it is catchy slams like Devourment, the grooves of Dying Fetus, or the straight out assault of Brodequin, I just love it.

As for the lack of atmosphere, yes I agree, old school death has more of a dark atmosphere. However to me, the actual METAL MUSIC is not as enjoyable, and that is the most important part.

I think Carcassian explained quite well the gore lyrics thing and also, isn't it fun to be extreme?

I hope this gave those who are constantly bashing brutal death some insight into why brutal death is good.
If you want to hear really heavy good rythmn listen to God Macabre -the winterlong. The riffs are so heavy it almost sounds like the guitar could sustaine eternally, same with amorphis -the karelian isthmus. These album emphasize on down picking and rythmn the most out of any death metal i've heard so far.

Other death metal albums that are the most rythmic and heavy.

Demigod-slumber of sullen eyes
Sentenced-shadows of the past.

I prefere heavyness over brutality so old death metal does is for me rythmn wise. If something is really heavy it does not need to have blastbeats,etc... blastbeats sometimes take away from rythmn and heavyness. Guitar notes that sounds randomly placed also take away from it.

Fleshcrawl-descend into absurd is also really crushing and rythmnic.

No new bands surpase any of these. Bands like devourment look like fags.