Death Metal Hates

Carcassian said:
This sinister and thoroughly disagreeable atmosphere is what makes Old School death metal so inherently superior to the pale imitation of brutal death metal. I would also say that brutal death metal, while undeniably on some levels technical, is as sterile and unappealing to my ears as progressive rock. It is an exercise in wankery.

Superbly put.

On the other hand, I find gore lyrics, at least those written with tongue-in-cheek to be finely amusing. Firstly, because they repulse normal minded folk, and that puerile sense of humour remains funny to me. Secondly, it appeals in the same way as crap horror movies; yes, they're cliched and shite, but they're AMUSING, cliched and crap.

This is of course perfectly acceptable, and everyone can find entertaining elements in the lyrics, but do you not think it contradicts the first paragraph? To me the "sinister and thoroughly disagreeable atmosphere" is hardly the same if a band is clearly having a mess around based on chopped up limbs etc.

Of course it's funny, but I sometimes want to take music seriously too!
Thanks Hammer of Might for starting the thread. I was actually thinking of doing so with similar ideas not too many days ago ;)

@Carcassian - Superbly put, mate. The actual 'theme' of death metal has drifted from its original meaning.

I think its more about death than it is about metal with the introduction of 'brutality' as a key ingredient in the sound. Gore lyrics annoy the heck out of me personally. I really do not see the point. What are we trying to do promoting bands like Cannibal Corpse? Like Carc said, tongue-in-cheek never hurts anyone when done tastefully. But the expression 'raping the limbless cadaver' isn't my cup of tea.
One 'technical' death metal band that I think is the best is Crimson Massacre. Their album Luster of Pandemonium is fucking fantastic in all ways.

Liers in Wait, Gorguts, and Suffocation are technical too, but they have to much old school in them, that it's hard to consider them just a technical death metal band.

And to VVVVV. Listen again and you will find out it's not just a bunch of riffs thrown together.... hopefully :loco:
okie doke.
while i have to agree that there is alot of "puppet factory" bands out there, i still find that over the top brutality is extremely pleasing to mine earballs. hey, to each there own right? or not, your choice.

now as far as lyrics go, i can't believe all the crap i have read over the past couple of months concerning lyrics on here. what do y'all mean that the lyrics don't matter?!?! wtf do you think you will be spinning in your head later on after listening to an album? sure there is the few musicians amongst you that will be humming the guitar riffs or tapping your fingers to the beats, but for the most part, listeners remember the words. and if'n the words are shit, you remember shit. but if they are catchy, then they stick in your head! seems simple enough. now myself, i prefer the splatter lyrics due to being infatuated with horror movies for most of my natural born life. here, take a moment and peruse through some of my works:
love it or hate it, *shrug*, whatever, but remember that the art of writing lyrics is not all together hopelessly lost to all of us out there!
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The Greys said:
Regardless that you see many people hate SFU they sell more.


-deathboy- said:
wtf do you think you will be spinning in your head later on after listening to an album? sure there is the few musicians amongst you that will be humming the guitar riffs or tapping your fingers to the beats, but for the most part, listeners remember the words.

seriously? I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I hardly know the words to any metal songs. Predominantly I remember the riffs or the general tune and I'm not a musician.
so what the hell is "brutal" death metal??

I thought bands like suffocation and nile were brutal but apparently not

can someone name some "brutal" bands??

and yea I'm not a fan of gore lyrics... very very few bands can do them well (doing gore lyrics well means it basically makes you cringe)

good gore lyrics = slayer "angel of death"
ridiculous gore lyrics = anything by cannibal corpse

in the end though I'd much rather have more interesting lyrics like quo vadis, martyr, behemoth etc...