Death Metal Hates

xxbigdavexx117 said:
why not?? bands with great lyrics (metallica "and justice for all") make the music much more meaningfull and emotionally riveting

Sure, lyrics can enhance music I suppose, but it's metal we're talking about death metal I don't give a shit because I can't hear the dumb lyrics most of the time anyway. Lyrics can never really degenerate music unless they're absolutely a complete joke.
well I listen to good amount of thrash/progressive so lyrics do matter for me

but yea outside of maybe 5 or 6 bands, DM lyrics aren't hugely important assuming they're something halfway competent
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Why the hell do lyrics matter to you?
I'm merely deiscussing it as a topic in itself, I am not saying it dictates which bands I do and don't like. It's just a matter of preference.

As it happens, I usually find the music of generic "gore" bands terrible as well, but there we go.
xxbigdavexx117 said:
why not?? bands with great lyrics (metallica "and justice for all") make the music much more meaningfull and emotionally riveting

maybe to you, then again I listen to bands like Genital Masticator and Final Exit whose "songs" are nothing more than a wall of noise. still....fuck lyrics.
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
Do you mean strictly new Entombed or old Entombed? Personally I like my death metal to have minimal blast beats. It pisses me off when bands have blast beats take up an entire song.

newer Entombed I believe, I've heard Nihilist and I don't mind them at all.

as for blastbeats, thats where we disagree.
I like blast beats when they're placed tastefully which old school death metal seems to pull off well. I think blast beats throughout the entire song works in black metal and grindcore better than it does in death metal imo.
ohiogrinder said:
newer Entombed I believe.

How can you judge a band on new albums ?. Why do people hear new albums from bands first. i don't get it

I always start with the first or second album. That would like like buying a 5 year old guitar first, it's going to suck.
The Greys said:
Does anyone else strongly dislike six feet under other than the fact they make such generic crappy death metal. Six Feet Under is probably the biggest best selling death metal on earth so in someways they're representing death metal. They step in front of everyone else but don't want to be leaders or a good influence on future death metal or represent the genre as something serious. People probably don't like death metal because of them. If someone is getting into death metal Six Feet Under is going to be one of the first bands they hear. It seems like the band releases albums and DVD's in such short periods of time that it's somewhat abnormal and gimmicky. They should either take a lower profile by releasing less cds over longer periods of time or break up. I'm sick of people kissing them and chris barnes ass like they're saviors and the best death metal band since sliced bread. Metal-blade is such a shitty label so they will probably milk this band until hell freezes over. Since people can't overdose on pot chris barnes is probably going to be in death metal until he's 50 writting shitty gore lyrics and anti-war songs. How hypocritical is that.
I like Barnes's vocals in SFU, they're guitars and drums could be a lot better though. They've regressed it seems, I was listening to Enemy Inside and Feasting on The Blood of the Insane the otehr night on Sirius Beyond The Pit and I can't help but feel that was a lot better than 13. I don't believe SFU to be the best DM bands by any means, but I'll admit I like Barnes's vocals in SFU.
bluewizard said:
I like Barnes's vocals in SFU, they're guitars and drums could be a lot better though. They've regressed it seems, I was listening to Enemy Inside and Feasting on The Blood of the Insane the otehr night on Sirius Beyond The Pit and I can't help but feel that was a lot better than 13. I don't believe SFU to be the best DM bands by any means, but I'll admit I like Barnes's vocals in SFU.

how about in CC? I prefer George 'Corpsegrinder' Fisher's vocals myself.
xxbigdavexx117 said:
why not?? bands with great lyrics (metallica "and justice for all") make the music much more meaningfull and emotionally riveting

Like v5 said. This is brutal death here. Great lyrics, fine! but if the lyrics suck, it doesnt really matter, because the only way you would know is if you looked them up anyway.
One band who I love, and who use blastbeats fairly heavily, is Immolation. There is plenty of blasting, but it is done tastefully and compliments the excellent, varied riffs.
The Greys said:
Six Feet Under is probably the biggest best selling death metal on earth so in someways they're representing death metal.

Here are some stats:


Although the SoundScan numbers are generally indicative of the bands' overall popularity, they are misleading in the sense that many of the veteran death metal groups' early efforts were issued prior to the start of the SoundScan era (May 25, 1991).
The following are the total sales figures for several of the genre's forerunners, according to Nielsen SoundScan (all numbers include any DVD and VHS releases, where applicable):

DEICIDE: 481,131
OBITUARY: 368,616
DEATH: 368,184
CARCASS: 220,734
ENTOMBED: 198,764

The top-selling death metal albums of the SoundScan era are as follows:

MORBID ANGEL - "Covenant" (1993): 127,154
DEICIDE - "Deicide" (1990): 110,719*
DEICIDE - "Legion" (1992): 103,544
OBITUARY - "The End Complete" (1992): 103,378
CANNIBAL CORPSE - "The Bleeding" (1994): 98,319

No big shocks, although Soundscan is probably not the best way to measure the sales of these bands. Most death metal albums don't get sold through large chain stores, so many of sales won't show up on the Soundscan charts. Plus, it only takes into account American sales. I know for a fact that both Cannibal Corpse and Napalm Death have worldwide sales of over a million each. I've also been told that Morbid Angel's Covenant and Domination albums have sold about 250,000 copies a piece. Also, I've often heard that Obituary's The End Complete is the top selling death metal album of all time, but I'm not sure if that was supposed to be worldwide or strictly in America. Still, considering that these bands don't exatcly play the most, uh, commercial music, their sales are pretty impressive.
Dee Snarl said:
Here are some stats:


Although the SoundScan numbers are generally indicative of the bands' overall popularity, they are misleading in the sense that many of the veteran death metal groups' early efforts were issued prior to the start of the SoundScan era (May 25, 1991).
The following are the total sales figures for several of the genre's forerunners, according to Nielsen SoundScan (all numbers include any DVD and VHS releases, where applicable):

DEICIDE: 481,131
OBITUARY: 368,616
DEATH: 368,184
CARCASS: 220,734
ENTOMBED: 198,764

The top-selling death metal albums of the SoundScan era are as follows:

MORBID ANGEL - "Covenant" (1993): 127,154
DEICIDE - "Deicide" (1990): 110,719*
DEICIDE - "Legion" (1992): 103,544
OBITUARY - "The End Complete" (1992): 103,378
CANNIBAL CORPSE - "The Bleeding" (1994): 98,319

No big shocks, although Soundscan is probably not the best way to measure the sales of these bands. Most death metal albums don't get sold through large chain stores, so many of sales won't show up on the Soundscan charts. Plus, it only takes into account American sales. I know for a fact that both Cannibal Corpse and Napalm Death have worldwide sales of over a million each. I've also been told that Morbid Angel's Covenant and Domination albums have sold about 250,000 copies a piece. Also, I've often heard that Obituary's The End Complete is the top selling death metal album of all time, but I'm not sure if that was supposed to be worldwide or strictly in America. Still, considering that these bands don't exatcly play the most, uh, commercial music, their sales are pretty impressive.

interesting stats...glad to see Morbid Angel is above Six Feet Under. proof positive that not all people are stupid.
I don't really have a solid bases to question them by since i have only heard anthology, but is just doesn't seem like it would be so "popular" compared to other big outfits. I will have to check out there albums sometime soon... especially if i want to keep this argument up:p