Death Metal like Blood Red Throne

Sep 2, 2003
London, England
I've been listening to both 'Momument of Death' and 'Affiliated With The Suffering' a lot recently and I've really been diggin' the difference between this and the European (Polish) DM I usually listen to. I'm not much of a fan of USDM, although I'm into quite a few bands (Morbid Angel, Severed Savior, Eternal Suffering, Malevolent Creation, Nile, Hate Eternal), but most rely on blasting their way through songs with little, to no, groove. So what (new) bands are worth checking out if I enjoy BRT?
erm, good question. the only band I can think of who have the sort of speed and groove of BRT is Deicide......but of course they're not very heavy or currently very interesting......and that's why I like Blood Red Throne so much. another similar band would be Malevolent Creation but they're not very satisfying. so yeah I don't know really.
Allright! Great to see people supporting Blood Red Throne!

Btw the drummer playes in another band to called Slagmark wich is a Black Metal band , Im also a member of Slagmark , ill be sure to pass on a link to our homepage when its finished for info/mp3`s etc.. , if anyone is interested.