Which is the best, Florida or New York Death Metal?

SculptedCold said:
I don't find Focus pretensious at all, I find you quite pretentious though, hehe ;o)
That's because you lack either the intelligence or merely the educational background to distinguish between genuine intellectuality (me) and false pretense (Cynic).
Planetary Eulogy said:
That's because you lack either the intelligence or merely the educational background to distinguish between genuine intellectuality (me) and false pretense (Cynic).

Planetary Eulogy said:
That's because you lack either the intelligence or merely the educational background to distinguish between genuine intellectuality (me) and false pretense (Cynic).
Of course you'd say that, but then again, you've never argued or discussed any issue around here to a conclusion or in any convincing fashion such as that would make me (or anyone else for that matter) think you were 'intellectual'. I distinctly remember replying in such threads twice critiquing the method in which you were arguing, and how you never qualified yourself....and never receiving an answer.

I would imagine that real 'intellectuals' don't run away and ignore things they have trouble dealing with, as you have appeared to do.

The truth is that you wear the pretense of intellectualism and honesty when in fact you're much closer to what most people would plainly call a dickhead.

Take it as you will.
Wrong, I answer all legitimate questions. I only ignore posts that A.) deliberately and mendaciously distort my position, B.) make demands for empirical 'proof' in disussions of abstract an abstract conceptual nature (where empiricism and positivism have no place) or C.) amount to little more than cleverly (or not so cleverly) phrased ad hominems. The posts you direct at me quite frequently fall in one or more of those categories, and so deserve no response.