death metal takes no talent

I don't think Tool or Marilyn Manson ever called themselves metal. I don't like NIN anyway, so I don't know...........
Tool's guitarist said once that he never thought they were metal. So I don't know.

I don't know, play him some Emporer or Dying Fetus or Gorgasm or something with insane drumming.
Originally posted by Tindor
the guy listens to what an averga egoth what listen to
manson, tool,NIN, i've never met a goth i liked, and they give metal a bad image damn those posers

Excuse me, but what Tool and NIN have to do with gothic? I wouldn't call these bands "what an average goth listens to". Especially Tool have nothing to do with gothic.
deffinately cryptopsy and behemoth, and dash in a bit of Nile for good measure already...anyway i dont see the point of what your doing to tell you the truth...why not instead just beat the shit outta him?
i have absolutely no idea what people consider 'goth' music? :confused: im by no means an expert but ive seen/heard a few gothic rock bands and well its not really anything like tool, nin, manson as you say...what ive heard is just 'dark' rock, by that i mean love songs, which are sort of 'took my heart broke in 2, crucified my love with you...' sort of thing...oh well who cares i hate americans, and everyone else :)
Originally posted by Tindor
every goth i've seen listens to tool,nin,manson, and its all mainstream stuff

So what if Tool are mainstream, it´s good music.