Death Metal

Pretty fucking soon I guess.

I swear (although I was completely fucked) they played at least 2 new songs the other night.
So the new Kataklysm is...not terribly disappointing. Centered around heavy chugging grooves that work due to the badass guitar sound. A number of pretty good songs, but rather simplistic. I think it may appeal to fans of AA's latest for some reason. Prevail, To The Throne Of Sorrow, and Breath To Dominate are pretty badass. Also, Kataklysm are an awesome live band and even if you're not huge on their music in studio you should take any opportunity to see them. The simplicity of their music works in their favor live and they sound absolutely devastating.


To The Throne Of Sorrow:

I also have much love for Gardenian and Soulreaper lately.

Gardenian - Soulburner is damn good melodic death metal. Sounds kind of odd; vocalist switches between clean singing and intense death vocals similar to Scar Symmetry. The rhythm guitar sounds fucking massive while the melody guitar sounds rather thin; this is deliberate and sounds pretty cool. They almost sound like what Soundgarden would be like if they were a melodic death metal band. Anyhow, good stuff. My favorite songs are Powertool and Tell The World I'm Sorry.


Tell The World I'm Sorry:

Soulburner are a death metal band formed by former members of Dissection. I got Written in Blood and it's great. Badass death metal with a cool touch of those chilling Dissection melodies. Nothing on Youtube except a short clip, unfortunately.
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Gardenian are cool.

The only death metal bands I have really listened to recently are Mithras, Kronos, Augury and Morbid Angel.

Black metal ftw.
Kataklysm - Blood In Heaven is a rather good song. As Is The Vultures Are Watching, this song has a damn good melody to it. I rather enjoy the album.

I've been seriously getting into Naglfar. They are blackish death metal. But damn good.
lol, nobody mentions Amon Amarth in this thread? I consider them death metal as I do Vehemence and Kataklsym and other bands of that similar ilk.

I most prefer the oldschool Swedish stuff though... early Entombed, Dismember, Nirvana 2002... anything recorded at Sunlight Studios basically haha! I also like the more quirky avant garde death metal bands like Atheist, Lykathea Aflame, !T.O.O.H.!, etc. Oh and the French-Canadian scene is phenominal too... Martyr, Quo Vadis, Augury, Unexpect (not death metal but whatever.. lol), fucking GORGUTS...

Grind is also amazing... Rotten Sound, General Surgery, oldschool Carcass, Nasum, Trap Them, Antigama, The Berzerker, Birdflesh, Jig- Ai... others..

Would have killed to have seen this show ^^^ so damn intense..
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Well since we are on the AA boards, It's common sense we know who they are :loco:

This thread is to share music taste, help some of us find new bands.
I'm not so much into DM (I'm more into BM, folk/viking metal and all) but I like Immolation, Kataklysm, Death and some Iniquity... not sure how Death Metal Septic Flesh are (I find them almost too "atmospheric" in a way to call them just DM) but I love them.

I'm actually trying to dig out more DM bands, this thread helps.
Septic Flesh is awesome dude, I love the whole egyptian feel when it's done right. So of course Nile should be mentioned, however Annihilation of the wicked is the only cd I listen too regularily by them.

Dethklok anyone? :p I've been going nuts waiting for the new cd from season 2, and season 3 episodes should be on sooooon
Nile is one of my greatest DM luvs. Egyptian and DM....ahhh it doesn't get much better :heh:
Dethklok is awesome! I can't wait. I've been seeing reruns far too long. Although I still laugh at the sausage conversation, and Rockso the Clown. That family episode kills me too, lol. When is the release date for the CD for season 2?
I heard this band called Amon Amarth is re-releasing new material, maybe you should check that out.

On a more serious note, I got the new Cattle Decapitation cd that came out earlier this year, and I haven't made it to the cd store yet, but I'll get the new Cannibal Corpse cd the next time I'm there.
Vilewoman, check out Thoth.

Since when the fuck are Atheist avante-garde? Just tech/prog death.

Death metal that rules atm:
Decrepit Birth
Drawn And Quartered
Dimension Zero

And I'm digging Accidental Suicide - Deceased. Weird, sludgy old school death.

New CC sounded way better than I'd ever expect the new CC to sound. Also different. Worth checking out.
Has anyone heard the oldschool death/thrash band Deceased? One of the best metal bands of all time.. Not a single bad album in their entire catalog but they don't rehash the same album over and over again. Check out their latest album ...As The Weird Travel On, for their more melodic (NOT Gothenburg though...) side.
Oh and I'm a huge fan of the show Dethklok but I don't really care for the CD. BUT, I saw them live last summer and they were really fun.