A specific Death metal request

Sep 2, 2003
London, England
I'm hoping some people can help me out here... I'm after some Death Metal bands that focus more on groove than speed and technicality. Blood Red Throne, Vader, The Project Hate, All Shall Perish, Behemoth, Carcass to name a few.

Thanx :headbang:.
Bloodbath to a degree. Obituary, some Morbid Angel songs, Opeth(melodic and groovy), Six Feet Under(I think...), some newer Nile, Pro Pain(near-death hardcore), and I guess stuff like My Dying bride or Cathedral...
Skinless (the new CD, From Sacrifice To Survival)
Lamb Of God (though they are not quite death metal)
Dying Fetus
Suffocation (some of the songs on Pierced From Within)
Malevolent Creation
Mutilated1 said:
I think "Gore Obsessed" by Cannibal Corpse is very groovy, and you get the speed and technicality along with it!
I haven't heard much CC, but what I have left me less than impressed. I'll check it out nonetheles.

Life Sucks said:
Thanatopsis123 said:
Withered Earth - Of Which they Bleed
Those three are the only bands I haven't heard albums by. Thanatopsis, you're sig is quality! Did you make it yourself or is it from a site?

anonymousnick2001 said:
Bloodbath to a degree. Obituary, some Morbid Angel songs, Opeth(melodic and groovy), Six Feet Under(I think...), some newer Nile, Pro Pain(near-death hardcore), and I guess stuff like My Dying bride or Cathedral...
I don't like picking on users, but your recs suck. Half of those aren't even Death Metal. Nile! WTF!? Groove!? :err: Not from the albums I've heard.

Pro Pain, My Dying Bride and Cathedral.... :guh:
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