

But only lately.....
Oct 6, 2003
South Africa
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I know it is maybe a touchy sad subject to bring up, but it is part of life and everybody has to go though it. What do you guys think happen when you die? Where do you think you will go?
i think we all get put on a bus and we think we're going somewhere but the bus just drives through eternity. - either that or we get mushed into dog food - either way i dont care, i think we should live pour le moment
@strangelight - :err:

anyway, i know something must happen to you when you die - its not like i havent given thought to it - but i dont like wasting the precious few moments of my life thinking about it when i can be enjoying life.
I dunno I like to believe that there is something after we die even if it all just starts again. I used to think that when you died you went back to the happiest times in your life and relived them. But I think the idea of living on a cloud watching your relatives make tits of themselves would also be nice.I also want to believe that one day when I die Ill be able to go see all the people I have lost? I dunno maybe u get to heaven and you fill in a form about what you would like as "your heaven" that wud be klass a custom made afterlife.

I dunno I think there must be something maybe because its just too weird to think that one day Ill die and that will be it the world will carry on without me and Ill be long forgotten.
blackeyed said:
@strangelight - :err:

anyway, i know something must happen to you when you die - its not like i havent given thought to it - but i dont like wasting the precious few moments of my life thinking about it when i can be enjoying life.

Sure, i understand, but it is better worrying about it now then to worry about it when you are dead. Because when your dead, its to late to worry. I am not saying think of it every minute of the day, but i think you have to make precaution.
I don't want to start an arguement here but i have my beliefs as you do. But i am a relegious person, and to me, what is the point of living if you are going to die and thats it, you drift into oblivion. Surely there has to be a higher meaning of why we are on earth. I believe there is a heaven and hell and you are going to go to either, depends what you believe in.
Maybe I'm wrong, of course, maybe we come back in a new body as a new person, maybe not, maybe something new and indescribable happens... but if logic prevails and we forget about notions created by the human mind throughout history on this subject, then we will become unconscious forever as we are biological produce.
bleed_black_orchid said:
I spose its like after an exam do you still worry about it ... no wait its nothing like that?!

Well you know, that is maybe an example. Before an exam, if you worry, what can you do about it? You study more and prepare yourself the best way you can. After the exam what can you do about it? Nothing, because it is to late, its done, past, and if you din't prepare well enough, you will have to suffer the consequenses.
MetallicaSux said:
Mmm, nah, i don't think so.
