I'll say it again. That album's production almost kills it for me, save for really good music and all. It needs to be remastered.
youre a primus fan right? Les plays a fretless on *at least* one track of "Sailing....". id look it up for you but im way too lazy. fretless just sounds a lot smoother. i dont care for it myself.<crimson> said:i dont know the difference between bass and fretless bass, soundwise?..
i second this. i dont listen to much death metal because everything i try is repetitive, boring, and sophomoric. cryptopsy, however, rules. if i could emulate anyone, it would be any of the guys in cryptopsy. except lord worm. i found myself wishing he would leave the stage. some death vocals are too boring to exist.ænimated said:Get Cryptopsy - None So Vile as well.
<crimson> said:i dont know the difference between bass and fretless bass, soundwise?..
ahh, good call. forgot about that one. a great example of that farty-mid sound. theres also some fretless on Fates Warning's "APoSoG".haggard said:or "To Bid you Farewell"
Alternative 3 said:EDIT 2 - Luz isn't a guy, and she likes Antimatter so Im going to trust her judgement.
Stop believing it?! You're hot, Luz.Luz said:You don't have to worry about it, people have been accusing me so often of being a man that I've finished for believing it.![]()
Anyhow, I don't believe because I like Antimatter you must believe in my judgment, but thank you anyway...![]()
alan3827?alan3827 said:opethkorn u disgust me. why such a shitty name?
about damn time you discover death individual thought patterns.
That's a pretty worthless argument.alan3827 said:my name is shitty too but there's no korn in it.