Decapitation.....or is it Decapitated?

I dont agree in "Nihility" sucks, as many of you guys posts...
I think it rules, and their technical abuse is simply overwhelming!!!
The breaks, the riffs everythink is brilliant!
if you all like decapitated, yous should get "abramelin - plague" or "your casualty" , all the ppl from australia would or should know these guys....
i cant really compare them to decapitated though, i've only heard "blessed" by them, but i'm getting winds of creation
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I can't BELIEVE what Decapitated did with the double bass production on Nihility.....ARGHGHG, it's AWFUL, makes me want to KILL something......GrrRrRRrrrRRRrrRRrrrr
I posted something at about of the reviewers there mentions double bass production a lot, and his idea of perfect double bass production is that high-end clicking, like Nihility or Dimmu's Puritanical.....I just don't understand it, it sounds so fake.....I don't mind fake; I like drum machines, but when they produce the sounds out of a real drumkit like that it sounds like they're trying too hard to advertise something.......