Defeated Sanity = best fuckin death metal band EVER


Jul 27, 2005


i was at that show btw, best band on the festival, even topped suffocation and dying fetus for me...and especially necrofaschist

studio vid with better sound

search youtube if you need more proof. seriously, those guys kill it. how they manage to be so technical yet brutal is beyond my understanding.
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I like them, but they're pretty hard to get into.
Our old guitar player fucking loved them, they're his favourite band, but due to their
sound it's imho pretty hard to get everything they play.
The only problems I've got with them is their sound (come on, they need a transparent guitar sound)
and the vocals, they're one-dimensional and I think they could be way more accentuated.

Oh and I think that's it's pretty funny that the drummer is the son of the guitar player.
Not sure if they're both in the band at the moment.
Like I said, pretty hard to get into them.
Our old guitar player was a little music theory nerd, learned guitar from the start,
and after two years he changed a bach sonata that it fits one of our songs as a solo.

He just loved them due to all the complex things they used in their guitar parts and so on.
I have almost no clue on theory, so don't ask me about that part :D
I like Spawn of Possession way more, they're similar but imho especially the sound fits it
better and the vocals are better.
lol, guys it's not easy listening by any means. i agree, it takes a while to get into it and really appreciate what they're doing. i couldn't stand them for quite some time either. but when it dawned on me, jeeesus christ....what a band.

you know, i love brutal music, slamming stuff that really get me going in a live situation. i also love technical music, necrophagist obscura SoP etc. neither of these are exactly brutal though. a lot of neoclassical influence in technical death metal imho.
to see a band that blends the technique with the brutality, and at this level, is just amazing imho.
you really need to spend some time and actually listen to the stuff.
it's pretty easy to classify it as standard brutal death by first listen, but there's a lot of whacky time signatures, strange riffs that are super technical, yet kick you in the chest. plus the drummer is beastly. very creative with his fills. there's no other band like DS out there....

i do agree though, the production is an aquired taste...seems like they're into the old school american death metal sound, scoop city and overgained and whatever. interestingly their live guitar sound is quite transparent.
btw, i think it's worth mentioning that they don't use a clicktrack while recording.
i can't say for sure for the older albums, but i'm positive on the newest one.

much more articulate production.

I've seen a couple of guitar pro tabs of Defeated Sanity, and it's extremely boring. Just thousands (literally?) of power chords.
yeah, and they recorded bass, drums and guitars live, afaik they used some sort of cheap
Zoom pedal into a Marshall for their guitar sound, I think that's the reason for the bad sound :D
it sounds to me some people are simply not suited for the pure agression and BROOTAL SLAMZZZ that come with this genre. Me, I'm totally hyperactive, my mind is always rushing and my hands can't keep still, so this music (and much faster and impossible to understand stuff too) is almost like therapy to me, I love to blast this shit and just feel the power, it's not even about being angry, it's about being happy. This music makes me happy, makes me feel full of energy to go on, blablabla

What doesn't suit you may suit others, and I'm all cool with people not getting it and all, but saying "is this really music??" is probably the most retarded statement I've ever heard and I always want to slap people in the balls for saying that. Open your fucking mind for a single second and realize some people actually like it, I mean not just for the coolness of being brutal, not for the "I'm more badass than you attitude", but simply because they actually enjoy the music, yes, MUSIC, and find the purpose and point in it.
I do prefer my death metal way less technical, and the vocals are kinda lame but other then that they were actually pretty good. Very Spawn Of Possession for sure.
it sounds to me some people are simply not suited for the pure agression and BROOTAL SLAMZZZ that come with this genre. Me, I'm totally hyperactive, my mind is always rushing and my hands can't keep still, so this music (and much faster and impossible to understand stuff too) is almost like therapy to me, I love to blast this shit and just feel the power, it's not even about being angry, it's about being happy. This music makes me happy, makes me feel full of energy to go on, blablabla

What doesn't suit you may suit others, and I'm all cool with people not getting it and all, but saying "is this really music??" is probably the most retarded statement I've ever heard and I always want to slap people in the balls for saying that. Open your fucking mind for a single second and realize some people actually like it, I mean not just for the coolness of being brutal, not for the "I'm more badass than you attitude", but simply because they actually enjoy the music, yes, MUSIC, and find the purpose and point in it.

i guess i´m just too old for this. but if we can agree on that is music, too, then i would say it´s just not my taste. :Smokedev:
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I love to blast this shit and just feel the power, it's not even about being angry, it's about being happy.

Huge +1

Thats probably one of the biggest misconceptions about metal , and death metal in particular. That it's about being angry. We can leave that to hardcore.
major + 1 to what dan said!

as i already said, the blend of slam/brutal death and very high technical level is what i adore about this band.
there's a lot of technical brutal death out there (human mincer for example is very cool, too!), but none of them come close to the precision and the fucked up style of riffing DS is doing. i just can't wrap my mind around how to write this stuff, yet it all makes sense.

and yes, there's some cool techno out there, no question about that.