defending the style


Hit man for the Order
Dec 5, 2002
Kent State University
I love prog. Everyone I know (Here in Ohio) either

A. - Has never heard of it.

B. - Has only heard of it only from me, and is sick of hearing me talk about it.

C. - Is closed minded toward musical talent as a result of what they listen to (I.E. punk, pop, emo, nu-metal)

D. - Is utterly confused by it / doesn't understand it.

Despite some harassment I get for listening to what I listen to, I will never cease. Why is it that prog is shunned by society? I mean it doesn't bother me, I could care less when people dislike prog, but I'm just curious. Were people the same way towards Yes, Genesis and King Crimson and other older progressive bands 30 years ago? Is it just that way in America?
Same with me man, only my friends have heard of it from me. I have only met one other person in my school who has heard and likes it without hearing anything from me.

It also poses a question: what do you say when a girl asks you what kind of music do you like? Do you say..."I love progressive metal!"? I wouldnt lol. I would either say underground or rock, maybe say metal from the vibe of the person.

um what was the question?

anyway I promote musical intelligence on my school radio show, that i actually get listeners to. It may sound conceded but i am pretty sure I have the best show. It is mixed with hilarity, stupidity, intelligence, and of course METAL!!! :D I have actually turned a lot of people onto my music either through friendships or the radio and I am damn proud of it because this genre is imo the best and should get more recognition.

There I said my piece. Now time to play with it :) lol jk
I love it when progger's are up on their soapbox, talking about how the world "doesn't understand the brilliance", it's hilarious :lol:

Don't get me wrong, i love tech metal and prog more than anything, but it's so goddamn funny when you guys go on about how the world is "closed minded" and then you go and insult supposed "lesser" forms of music, which is not only closed minded, it is arrogant.

God i love you guys so much :lol:

It's not mainstream music, hence the fact there are people that have neither heard it, nor heard OF it. If you were to strike up a conversation about shoes with someone and they say "i wear fry pans on my feet", you'd be like "what the fuck you loony!?"... it's exactly the same with metal, prog, andything like that. When someone who's life DOESN'T revolve centrally around music, and then listen to rock, or pop just to hear a beat in the background, or while they have friends over, when you get into a conversationg and you start raving to them about this strange thing called "prog" and bands like Theory in Practice, of COURSE they're going to be like "What the fuck you loony!?".

You're not almighty and all knowing, in fact, you're quite the opposite. Closed minded and insecure, because you feel that everyone has to be "converted", just as religious nutters think. "Everyone MUST think what i think and like what i like", it's part of human nature to want acceptance and general interest-companionship, despite the fact you are "almighty" and "above" the rest because you listen to Symphony X or Psychotic Waltz...

Proggers, i'm sorry, but you're no different in ideology to eletist black metal geeks. now THAT i find hilarious...


np - Symphony X - Through the looking glass
I could go off on a major roll, but I won't :)

Just a couple of thoughts.....
Most people don't want to think, they just want to react. Much Prog is highly intelligent and intricate music. People are intimidated, but won't admit it. You really have to pay attention to this music.

Musicians are attracted to Prog, because they recognize the true talent and aspire to goals that they can work toward and better themselves. I would be curious to see a poll here for how many Forum members are musicians.

The major record companies know all the tricks to manipulate the music buying public. It's a big money machine and they have worked well for many years, will continue for many more.

Look at this Forum and the intelligent, courteous people who enjoy being a part of it. I've learned a lot, and appreciate it. Personally, if I was in a band seeking "success", I would value the success of being appreciated by loyal fans, enough to make a decent living, rather than be manipulated by the machine, make a sum of money and be cast out when the next "big thing" comes along. Longevity...that's where it's at. I'm thankful that I found this music. It balances me in a rather stressful life.

Sorry, I did roll with it. :rolleyes: (a minor roll) :)
The deal with prog, metal, jazz, classical...
Most of people don't need that kind of music. 95% of the people in the world mostly wan't something they can relax or dance to. You can compare it to, let's say cars: there are people who are experts about steering wheels, brakes and whatever else, they will most certaintly make a wise desicion when buying a new car. As for me, I truly don't care, as long as it works. Can you truly imagine bunch of scouts/hippies sitting by the camp fire and strumming chords on an acoustic guitar to Sea Of Lies? 'Watch out kids! Here comes that tricky 4/2 part! Now everybody sing: Good and evil - lust primeval...':D
See what I mean? Prog and other genres I mentioned are just not that kind of singalong/dance/background/aerobics music, most people can relate to.
I think that part of the reason that this music doesn't get the attention it deserves, is because of the genre it's under; Progressive METAL. I have shared this kind of music with several people. When I first told them that it was METAL, they were skeptical. After they listened to it and found that they loved it, they admitted that the name METAL scared them off.

Let's face it, when most people think of METAL, they think of hard, head-banging, death music with growly vocals. They don't automatically think "symphonic and beautiful"

Too bad it can't be called something less harsh sounding so that people who are searching for something new, through all the tons of genres, would be drawn towards it instead of away from it.
To know prog, not saying about to Love prog, you must listen a lot of music. Finally to understand that Yes and others are a REAL thing and mainstream is 95% crap.
People are uninnitiative by nature. They listen to what they are proposed to listen and watch what they are proposed to. They don't have their own openion. Besides, you guys from USA, what do you think about Yugoslavia, Iraque? Tell me something about that war-shows?
The same about music. They like plain, understandable transient music for relaxing, not for getting real satisfaction and emotions...
As one has said already here, people don't like to think...
Don't worry , if you like prog, and a lot of people do not, this is not your problem, this is THEIR problem:)
I totally agree with Trapped and Dado. Prog isn't the only genre that people don't appreciate (Classical music anyone?)the problem lies that most of the people don't know these kind of genres or they don't need that kind of music (as dado said). It's funny that many progger's that I know are more close minded than the average mainstream music listener.

If you ask a progger what they think about death metal, they will say ''I can't stand the vocals, they can't sing for shit'' or ''that's just noise, it doesn't have any melody whatsoever'' they won't listen to the music, because they hate the vocals :rolleyes:

Many of the progger's that I know won't listen to any type of music other than prog ''aw those bands aren't as talented as Dream Theater'' :rolleyes:

Anyway, it's a matter of taste not close-mindedness
Hey, Trapped, you are right. I didn't realize when I wrote this how close-minded I myself sounded. I had a terrible choice of words when I wrote that. What I meant when I said 'close-minded,' was that there are many people who listen to all kinds of music, and don't like even classical or jazz, which are the foundations to many styles today. People listen to what they want, and it is more of a matter of taste. The diversity of musical style is a beautiful thing. But the reason I posted this was not as a complaint, but as more a question to why people are turned off to prog.
i don't think it's a matter of people being "turned off prog", i mean, if you were to randomly stop some kid on the street and start accosting him about prog, he'd say "What's prog? Is that a punk band or something?", because he hadn't heard it.

On another note, for the people here that are closed minded proggers, but still retain somehwat of a gleaning towards wanting to hear something new, check out Theory In Practice, in Particular the song "Colonize the Sun", you'll be somewhat surprised with what you hear...
the thing that turns kids off from the genre is the vocals.....

this is the line..."the music is cool...but what's with the gay 80s glam singer??"

since Nirvana the general public has been conditioned to think that if you are a tenor and are singing high, or well, or using are playing glam.

i don't really care...I just listen to my shit....not trying to convert anyone...if they like what they hear in my car or room or walkman...hey I'll burn them a big deal....
If your into prog metal, especially here in the USA, then something siginificant has led you to this point. To say that "proggers" are closedminded is utter nonsense. If your into this music, then your an evolved person in a sea of lies. Saying all prog heads don't like death or their vocals or whatever is closeminded.

To me their is a good and bad, a truth and a false, a light and dark.

Pesonally its all heavy fuckin metal in my soul.
Originally posted by icedsymphony
If your into prog metal, especially here in the USA, then something siginificant has led you to this point. To say that "proggers" are closedminded is utter nonsense. If your into this music, then your an evolved person in a sea of lies. Saying all prog heads don't like death or their vocals or whatever is closeminded.

To me their is a good and bad, a truth and a false, a light and dark.

Pesonally its all heavy fuckin metal in my soul.

If prog fans are supposed to be more evolved than non prog fans then why do I meet so many Dream Theater fans that are complete idiots? Personally, I dissasociated myself with being a prog fan a while ago and am just content with calling myself a "metal fan" primarily, especially powermetal. I just grew tired of the whole thing, though I do still think aspects of it are cool (odd time sigs etc). I try to be open to all kinds of metal and can appriciate all kinds of metal, including black metal and thrash metal tho I still havent found a death band that does much for me. I don't think too highly of nu metal tho, its one of the only forms of music, including rap, that I will outright say I hate. I usually wont say I hate pop or mainstream rock, its just not my thing.

And your signature is one of the funniest things Ive read in a long time. Underground metal is the modern day classical music? HAHAHAHAHAHA, no, modern day classical music (John Williams for example) is modern day classical music. Theres only a small handful of musicians in metal who I can say have the genius to write at least *GOOD* classical music for full orchestra. Two of them are Jordan Rudess and Michael Romeo, though neither has demonstrated a complete orchestral peice...yet (both Six Degrees and The Odyssey mix the band with the orchestra). The rest are just bands who use string samples on their keyboards and cliched cycle 5 chord progressions.

BTW - don't confuse the fact that I say I hate rap with me being elite and feeling that I am smarter than people who like rap. Actually I feel that one rapper, Ice T (you know, the Cop Killer guy) is pretty fucking intelligent if you listen to what he has to say.
RE: but I'm just curious. Were people the same way towards Yes, Genesis and King Crimson and other older progressive bands 30 years ago? Is it just that way in America?

Way back then....;) it was different, because you could turn the radio on anywhere in America and hear Yes, Genesis, + some other "progressive rock" songs. This music was "mainstream" (for awhile, anyway).

w453angel's comment Let's face it, when most people think of METAL, they think of hard, head-banging, death music with growly vocals. They don't automatically think "symphonic and beautiful" really says something. Metalheads! Maybe it is that word. :lol: Someone said directly to me last year "If YOU would REALLY LISTEN to it, it's devil worship music. And she was ready for an arguement, which I dismissed. Excuse me, it must be the metal plate acting up. HeHe.

I started my review of "V" when it was released with this phrase; "The Masters would be proud." I wonder how the general public perceived much of the classical composers' tunes when they came on the scene. (GLAM BACHROCKERS!!).:lol:
:rolleyes: Gotta go, I'm on a roll again. I am enjoying reading the posts on this thread!
you're right. the word "metal" has a stigma with the mainstream public, but just calling it "prog" mistakenly lumps it in the same category as ELP, Genesis, Peter Gabriel, Yes, etc.

the fact is, it IS metal. and if john-q turns up his nose at the mention of the word, then he probably won't really dig it anyway under normal circumstances. However, by not using the "M" word, and by providing a reference point, you CAN get someone interested in prog-metal who would normally not give it the time of day.

I turned on a classical fan to symphony-x by playing certain passages from the song "DWoT".

I more recently tuned a thrash-head onto symphony-x by playing some of the heavier passages from Wicked and Inferno. That was an easy sell.

And I turned a pop-rock fan onto Symphony-X by playing Candlelight Fantasia.

In the first and third cases, I never even mentioned the words progressive or metal until I had them hooked by the music. It's all about the strategy.
I never meant it to mean that underground metal is on par with mozartor beethoven or whoever.
The music I listen to now, METAL is the next best thing to classical for me. Notice I didn't say prog. My favorite music along with composers are as follows *Iced earth *Symphony x *Iron maiden *Mozart *beethoven *Savatage *Dvorak *Opeth *Fates warning.

What does Jon Schaffer and Iced earth have to do with Mozart, not a fuckin thing. They just draw from me the same eotions when I listen to them.

As far as this post the fuckin problem has to do with the fact that fuckin papa roach are on mtv cribs and symphony x don't have a pot to piss in for one reason only. Non reason.

As far as dream theater and their web fans, to quote rocky Balboa, I guess I don't like them much neither. Or some shit like that.
Originally posted by Trapped
I love it when progger's are up on their soapbox, talking about how the world "doesn't understand the brilliance", it's hilarious :lol:

Don't get me wrong, i love tech metal and prog more than anything, but it's so goddamn funny when you guys go on about how the world is "closed minded" and then you go and insult supposed "lesser" forms of music, which is not only closed minded, it is arrogant.

God i love you guys so much :lol:

It's not mainstream music, hence the fact there are people that have neither heard it, nor heard OF it. If you were to strike up a conversation about shoes with someone and they say "i wear fry pans on my feet", you'd be like "what the fuck you loony!?"... it's exactly the same with metal, prog, andything like that. When someone who's life DOESN'T revolve centrally around music, and then listen to rock, or pop just to hear a beat in the background, or while they have friends over, when you get into a conversationg and you start raving to them about this strange thing called "prog" and bands like Theory in Practice, of COURSE they're going to be like "What the fuck you loony!?".

You're not almighty and all knowing, in fact, you're quite the opposite. Closed minded and insecure, because you feel that everyone has to be "converted", just as religious nutters think. "Everyone MUST think what i think and like what i like", it's part of human nature to want acceptance and general interest-companionship, despite the fact you are "almighty" and "above" the rest because you listen to Symphony X or Psychotic Waltz...

Proggers, i'm sorry, but you're no different in ideology to eletist black metal geeks. now THAT i find hilarious...


np - Symphony X - Through the looking glass

WoW! It's Paganini with a keyboard.
Originally posted by Grom Hellscream
To know prog, not saying about to Love prog, you must listen a lot of music. Finally to understand that Yes and others are a REAL thing and mainstream is 95% crap.
People are uninnitiative by nature. They listen to what they are proposed to listen and watch what they are proposed to. They don't have their own openion. Besides, you guys from USA, what do you think about Yugoslavia, Iraque? Tell me something about that war-shows?
The same about music. They like plain, understandable transient music for relaxing, not for getting real satisfaction and emotions...
As one has said already here, people don't like to think...
Don't worry , if you like prog, and a lot of people do not, this is not your problem, this is THEIR problem:)

The problem with the majority of you "non-Americans" is that you think you know enerything about us Americans. When all you really know is what you see on MTV.