defending the style

The thing about George W. and people not from the US..they seem to just think he is a moron, and that maybe we are morons for electing him. But the thing is, he did not get the most votes! Al Gore got more votes than George W. but he did not win the electoral college or whatever. And most people voting for George W. were not necessarily voting for him, they were just voting for the Republican party. It seems like thats what it has come to here....but just because he seems like a moron doesn't mean that this country is dumb or things he is smart...If you watch talk shows and stuff the running joke on him is that he IS stupid.
That is talking politics.
Out of my utmost respect to Symphony x, the band themselves being the most modest, unpretentious, and just being the coolest fucking dudes to their fans. For their sake I lay down my arms.
Those guys could easily talk trash about other bands that suck and get all the accolades, but they take the high road. They just compose and play great fuckin music. So im gonna just shut the fuck up and listen to their music. Sorry, I have no idea what its like to live outside the US so their is no reason to argue here about stuff either side have experience with. Its just shit weve read about. It is kind of cool though thatwe can have such diverse opinions and like the same music. All the people in my life who share some or all of my beliefs have no or shitty taste in music, for what it's worth.
Originally posted by DrBell
The thing about George W. and people not from the US..they seem to just think he is a moron, and that maybe we are morons for electing him. But the thing is, he did not get the most votes! Al Gore got more votes than George W. but he did not win the electoral college or whatever. And most people voting for George W. were not necessarily voting for him, they were just voting for the Republican party. It seems like thats what it has come to here....but just because he seems like a moron doesn't mean that this country is dumb or things he is smart...If you watch talk shows and stuff the running joke on him is that he IS stupid.

Jeez I cant help myself. this will be quick and polite.
If they were just voting for the republican party, Bush would have been slaughtered. Do you know that democrats outnumber republicans almost 2 to 1.

Which talk shows do you whatch. Also doesn't seem kind of curious that every republican president since Gerald Ford has been labeled dumb by the media and that's been the running joke on all of them. I think this time the joke is on the liberal biased media, cause if they don't stop the bleeding and set Bush up for a fall, then he's gonna slaughter them in 2004.
Alright that's it don't pull me back in no more, I think this thread is making me into a compulsive freak I can't stop replying.