defending the style

Dear Bobby and icedsymphony!! You are such nice guys!!:)

You are real patriots! Keep going!

Besides, icedsymphony wrote:"Don't be fooled by what you here by 90% of the media". ? You mean that only you know the real life ? How by the rest 10% of media? or you are a piligrim and traveled all the world far and wide?

By everything I wrote before I didn't mean to offend you. The question was , why prog music is not popular - the answer is 1. It is PROG . if everyone would listen to prog it would be POP, not prog. Second is that your so called Paradise on the Earth(your country) is a country of money and SELF. You have no soul. They will feed you with shit and will take your money.

Yes guys you are a real workers! But what did you ment saying that? Do you all like your job? If you like all the time working that means you are a masochist.

I am a student and i have a full time job, that means , I spend 16 hours for job and studying together? Am I lazy? Do I hate this circumstances ? Yes I do.

What are you working for ? To be happy ? Or to get more money? Will the money make you happy?

It is considered that the power of Evolution( i mean the Evolution by Darwin, ;)) was a struggle for survival. If you are creating a Paradise,and someone fucking told you that everyone in this world must have the same goal, your comfort will kill you , you will become extinct. No progress - no Evolution, human will become a dead-end species.

I mean it, read the book I said before in this thread! May be you will have a different point of view.

Explain please to me , why you made a SHOW from the WAR ? You know , what is WAR ? It is a mass man-killing. It is a funny show? A family with popcorns and coca-cola sit down before the TV and watch the f**king show? You've made a show even on September 11 , 2002 - it wasn't funny. I saw it , it was dreadful.

It was a joke in Russia that american soldiers was unable to fight in Afghanistan. They forgotten to take their bidets...

Sorry for disturbing, I 'm just a former commie for you... a member of Diabolic Handwheel, a Part of the Chaos...:)

Sorry for the question, ICEDSYMPHONY, do you have a feeling , that something is impeding you to breath and to speak? Don't worry look at the mirror... see .., you just suck.
THis is quite amusing.. All you typical americans with your typical prejudistic ways.. *sigh* Try getting your head down from the clouds and see things without your rad patriotic glasses..

You know what's even more funny? A guy posted something that resembles your posts very very much on another forum I hang around.. And he was only pretending to be an american.. Get the point? No, probably not but I'm sure a lot of other people will.
The Offspring - "Tehran"

In your plane in the blue sky
You roam again
Words that echo in your mind
Make your heart beat faster
This is no Vietnam
We will win in Iran

The Captain said kill or die
Islam be damned
Make your last stand
In Tehran

Warrior, the time bombs
About to go
What will you feel
Will you even wonder
If the man that's in your sights
Ever kissed his girl goodbye

The President said let it ride
Islam be damned
Make your last stand
In Tehran

Great Satan
Our flags our burning

Soon America may find
Its young men in the sand
Where there casualty
Is just a number
In Iran

The President said let it ride
You will be damned
Make your last stand
In Tehran

Mind you, this was written over ten years ago... When will you ever learn?
(snips IcedSymphonys entire post)

The point I'm trying to make is that America doesn't have the huge dick that we're waving in every other country's face that we think we have. If you haven't been able to guess, I am anti-patriotism - for ANY country, not just the US. I think patriotism stirrs up a chain of feelings that go something like this:

1. my country is great
2. no, my countrys not just great, its THE BEST
3. hey you over there!!! MY country is better than YOUR country, you SUCK!
4. MY country is so much better than YOUR country that I think I'll BOMB your country!!

While, I get that patriotism has good intentions, it can only lead to elitism and war. EVERY country has good points and bad points. Some may have more good than bad, or vice versa. There is no ultimate place to live in the world, some people just prefer some places to others, or have no choice but to live where they do.

And though, no, I don't love the american indians, what would be the problem if I did? You made it sound like theres something wrong with that. I was just trying to point out in two cases how #1 we slaughtered and stole their land, and #2 they are the only people whove lived here long enough to establish a true culture.

Anyway, trying to steer this back to a more musical direction, One reason why styles such as metal or even classical and jazz are more popular in Europe is because the average person in Europe buys 6 CDs per month while the average american buys only 2. They listen to 3 times the amount of music we do. The market is more open to hear different things, while in america its just confined to the pop/rap/numetal shit on MTV. I'm not saying that in all parts of Europe metal is HUGE, but I know that bands like Symphony X and Angra and Strato etc are about as big as a band like Pantera or Slayer are here, and thats not too bad.
Originally posted by Yngvai X
(snips IcedSymphonys entire post)

The point I'm trying to make is that America doesn't have the huge dick that we're waving in every other country's face that we think we have. If you haven't been able to guess, I am anti-patriotism - for ANY country, not just the US. I think patriotism stirrs up a chain of feelings that go something like this:

1. my country is great
2. no, my countrys not just great, its THE BEST
3. hey you over there!!! MY country is better than YOUR country, you SUCK!
4. MY country is so much better than YOUR country that I think I'll BOMB your country!!

While, I get that patriotism has good intentions, it can only lead to elitism and war. EVERY country has good points and bad points. Some may have more good than bad, or vice versa. There is no ultimate place to live in the world, some people just prefer some places to others, or have no choice but to live where they do.

And though, no, I don't love the american indians, what would be the problem if I did? You made it sound like theres something wrong with that. I was just trying to point out in two cases how #1 we slaughtered and stole their land, and #2 they are the only people whove lived here long enough to establish a true culture.

Anyway, trying to steer this back to a more musical direction, One reason why styles such as metal or even classical and jazz are more popular in Europe is because the average person in Europe buys 6 CDs per month while the average american buys only 2. They listen to 3 times the amount of music we do. The market is more open to hear different things, while in america its just confined to the pop/rap/numetal shit on MTV. I'm not saying that in all parts of Europe metal is HUGE, but I know that bands like Symphony X and Angra and Strato etc are about as big as a band like Pantera or Slayer are here, and thats not too bad.
Yngvai, you have earned my greatest respect. It's good to know there are still some people like yourself left on this planet. :headbang:
Originally posted by Yngvai X
While you're getting a hardon over how we liberated jews, why don't you go on about how the US imprisoned innocent japanese-americans and put then in concentration camps, tore up families, and treated them like shit during WWII, or are you going to deny we did that? Not negating the fact that we contributed a deal to WII, but the US has done some shitty things, we arent 100% squeaky clean and perfect. Like the fact that we stole the lands from the native indians, slaughtered most of them and drove the rest of them onto shitty little reservations.

I do think the middle east is the most useless area of the world, and if it were up to me the entire area would be erradicated (its a useless and hate-filled area of land) and if you're gonna say "what about the oil?" well I'd like to point out that there are equally as effective and much more efficient and environmentally friendly sources of energy that we have the technology for, but because of OLPEC lobbying in Washington and elsewhere, its being held back.

To comment on how you said America is the most worked nation in the world HAHA, compared to Japan we are lazy morons.

Id go as far as to blame america for the dumbing down of society, since American pop "culture" caters to the ignorant, and most of the world bases its pop media on americas. I think this is in part to the fact that america has *no culture*. We have existed for only a little over 200 years while european and asian cultures have existed for hundreds and hundreds, even thousands of years. The only true culture in america lies in the Indians. I actually think this may be a reason why Europe and Asia appriciate fine works of art and music more than america, because it is deeply rooted in their culture. Be thankful of this, otherwise Symphony X (for example) would never have gotten a CD deal back when they did. Classical music sales account for only 2% of the CD market in the US. TWO PERCENT!!! This is a travesty, and can only be attributed to the fact that the majority of people in the US are DUMB and can't appriciate the finest works of music ever written. Im not saying they are that much higher in Europe and elsewhere, though I'd imagine they are higher than 2% (I'd like to find out the actual statistic).

There are many good things about america, but there are also bad things about it too. I am not anti capitalism, and I do think America is a good place to live. The main gripe I have about it is the media, followed by the fact that I don't think we have the brighest people running the country.

Number one: I personally don't know any jewish people. I have no hardon. Hold on... let me check.... no false alarm.

Number two: Japanese inturnment camps - Absolutely necessary at the time. Safety of Americans is and should always be our number one priority. And as I'm sure you know - they have been monatarily compensated.

Number three: Those nice little innocent native Americans were cannibolistic savages - not all - but alot. I for one am happy our forefathers came and did what they had to do. Sorry. Sue me - It's the American way.

Number four: Yes the MiddleEast is absolute garbage and everything you said is total truth. But in you're next post you said something to the affect that every nation has some good to offer. You can't have it both ways Yngvai. It's either a steaming pile of shit or it's not. That's classic liberal thought and it's wrong.

Number five: We ARE the most worked nation in the world. Have you ever done business in Japan? Or is that something that you got from you're local university.

Number six: Blaming the MEDIA for the dumbing of society. You nailed it dude. Nailed it. But come on Yngvai we have a whole lot of culture here. As much as our European neighbors? No. But we do have our own.
Originally posted by Bobby

Number three: Those nice little innocent native Americans were cannibolistic savages - not all - but alot. I for one am happy our forefathers came and did what they had to do. Sorry. Sue me - It's the American way.

What a statement!
I am sure everyone is happy they burned their villages, slaughtered their children and raped their women. Normally, I would pass a remark on such comment, but I choose not to, just for the sake of being...
...Ok, I'm all cleaned up and ready to go. Lets break down what you had to say shall we. Your first brillant comment was about our real world here in the Grand ole USA. The real world here consists of something alot of you America/democracy/capitolism haters know nothing about. WORK. Thats right, Mr.Sinner With No Name,(Assume Iceman teeth chop from Top Gun) WORK. We are the most-worked nation in the world and it shows in our power and our prosperity. And in your- flat out-worn on your sleeve-jealousy. You should cool it a bit with that, it's bad for your under-worked heart. Seeing that your are a sinner I would not want to see you go to Hell early from a burst aorta.

H ha, i LOVE it when you dudes assume things.

First of all, i'm australian. No suit and ties where i come from dude, it's REAL work, physical work. You american pussies with your bmw's and $2000 shoes wouldn't last a SECOND here in the REAL WORLD.

Hey sinner. 8413 posts. Nice life you have.

I've been here a LONG time, NEWBIE.

"We are a hinderence..." Tell that to the Jews that we liberated from total distruction in WWII.

Yeah, i'll tell it to the thousands of people you NUKED in japan, fucker.

-Assume a death metal grrrrr- ...A sinner with no name...

ha ha, that's the second time you've made a total ass out of yourself. I can REALLY see -BON JOVI- doing a death growl :lol: Once again, an ignorant american loses his footing and falls
I wanted to drop the subject but now i cannot.

Originally posted by Bobby

Number two: Japanese inturnment camps - Absolutely necessary at the time. Safety of Americans is and should always be our number one priority. And as I'm sure you know - they have been monatarily compensated.

It was not necessary and we put the japanese americans through shit that should not have gone down. If your such a reader try the book "Farewell to Manzanar (sp*)" It was a first hand account of a girl who went through Japanese internment. Monetary compensation is never just.

Originally posted by Bobby

Number three: Those nice little innocent native Americans were cannibolistic savages - not all - but alot. I for one am happy our forefathers came and did what they had to do. Sorry. Sue me - It's the American way.

ooohh. I would like to correct you on your very false knowledge, but i believe i would be wasting my time.

I dont blame the media for dumbing down society, i blame the people who believe all the ENTERTAINMENT they see.
Go ahead make your little posts on this board that means squat. A friggin prog metal bands web board that nobody knows or cares about. For all you so-called americans on here, prepare yourself. You will know what I am talking about when it happens. If you are familiar with the term remote viewer, Ill just leave it at that. You will have to answer for everything you have taken advantage of, with no remorse allowed. There is no forgiveness, only depts to pay. You will be eaten alive by an enemy so covert, you will not sense them until its to late. It's to late.
Please , let's end this thread!
You have proved everything to me , that I doubted - yes you are the concentration of all I hate in people. So the subject is over.
Let's STOP!
Èíòåðåñíî, çäåñü êòî-òî ïîíèìàåò ïî-ðóññêè?
Originally posted by icedsymphony
Go ahead make your little posts on this board that means squat. A friggin prog metal bands web board that nobody knows or cares about. For all you so-called americans on here, prepare yourself. You will know what I am talking about when it happens. If you are familiar with the term remote viewer, Ill just leave it at that. You will have to answer for everything you have taken advantage of, with no remorse allowed. There is no forgiveness, only depts to pay. You will be eaten alive by an enemy so covert, you will not sense them until its to late. It's to late.

Are you talking about the "Big Brother" thing from Orwell's 1984? Yeah, the day America turns into a facist state and doesn't allow people free speech or thought is the day where I know armageddon has truly begun. What sickens me is that you actually sound like you think this would be a good idea.
Whoah, what happened to this thread? Over 90 replies. Most are NOT about music. I didn't mean to stir this much shit up when I posted the thread, but it sounds like everyone is pissing everyone else off. Dammit, we are part of this forum to talk about what we love - good music. We don't have to be Americans or Europeans or from wherever else to like good music. If the world didn't already have enough deep shit to pull itself out of, we are on the brink of war with each other on a music forum! We post threads because we have a common musical taste, not because of different political beliefs or homeland biasses that separate us from each other.
Originally posted by ShredManWalking
Whoah, what happened to this thread? Over 90 replies. Most are NOT about music. I didn't mean to stir this much shit up when I posted the thread, but it sounds like everyone is pissing everyone else off. Dammit, we are part of this forum to talk about what we love - good music. We don't have to be Americans or Europeans or from wherever else to like good music. If the world didn't already have enough deep shit to pull itself out of, we are on the brink of war with each other on a music forum! We post threads because we have a common musical taste, not because of different political beliefs or homeland biasses that separate us from each other.
Then please, contact a mod and tell him/her to lock this thread immediately, because everything is going down the shitter...
Originally posted by Dado-x
Then please, contact a mod and tell him/her to lock this thread immediately, because everything is going down the shitter...

Yeah! Censorcism! Good idea dude! That's just what metal is about, adhering to what other people think is 'correct' and 'censored'.
Originally posted by Trapped
Yeah! Censorcism! Good idea dude! That's just what metal is about, adhering to what other people think is 'correct' and 'censored'.

I don't think thats the point. The point is, a touchy subject like politics needs to be discussed in a very civil manner, and this thread is going in a direction thats quite the opposite of that.