defending the style

It has absolutely nothing to do with being bitter. Nothing. American ignorance? Na, it's American reality my friend. When you leave " The Little Fantasy Land" that is higher education - and get out into the real world, I think you'll see what I mean.

That's damn funny when you're speaking about a "real" country that elected a president who hadn't actually left the country and SEEN THE REAL WORLD you moron. America is the receeding hairline of the world. It's a hiderance to many a man, it's pointless, and someone will do anything just to get r id of it!

With all the glamour and pop culture of america, the pointless ratrace that is american business, yeah, i really can see how REAL america is. If america, and more importantly YOU don't shut the hell up, i'm going to nuke you. YES. I'M GOING TO NUKE YOU. Fucking yankee motherfucker. America has blatantly blackmailed smaller countries into following their DUMBASS holy war against afghanistan, the total harassment of Iraq, and total IGNORANCE towards north korea, and i won't fucking stand for it. If you guys want to go and kill yourselves, and destroy your part of the world, then fucking goddamn FINE. Just leave everyone else the fuck out of it, and quit proclaiming your brilliance and almighty power. I don't support you, and i never will, you fucktard.

I absolutely LOVE how you change the subject all the time to avoid the REAL questions :lol: YOu're a riot dude :lol:
Yea and I think I started it by getting on Ingvai x about his bush ripping. I apologize. As for you *trapped* does that mean like your mind is trapped in your ass? Or is your ass where your face is. I will not respond to your weakness, you feeble excuse for flesh.

I tell ya ive had it with these metal boards. I love music, real music. Just do me a favor and talk about the music here. Cause when you freaks open your piehole about world events and politics, you sound like infants. Your wrong and you make me sick.
What you are right about is the U.S.A and capitalism. It's the greatest system ever. As far as what it's doing for music in the U.S. is disgusting. It's about competition and bringing the best out of yourself. For some reason that does't apply to what you here on the radio in the U.S. The reason? Gender is #1. Can't sell a band like SyX to women. #2 is you can sell anything to us, even if it is crap, just look at infomercials. The fact is people are lazy and refuse to research music. They will take the turd that is handed them. Well it's 3:30 am and im rambling again, so fuckit, who gives a flying fuck. Keep your anti U.S. posts to yourselves or instead of getting nuked by you trapped, maybe i'll cook you first then eat you , you fuck. That's another thing we have in abundunce in the old U.S. Serial killers. Goodnight Charese.
Yea and I think I started it by getting on Ingvai x about his bush ripping. I apologize. As for you *trapped* does that mean like your mind is trapped in your ass? Or is your ass where your face is. I will not respond to your weakness, you feeble excuse for flesh.

I tell ya ive had it with these metal boards. I love music, real music. Just do me a favor and talk about the music here. Cause when you freaks open your piehole about world events and politics, you sound like infants. Your wrong and you make me sick.
What you are right about is the U.S.A and capitalism. It's the greatest system ever. As far as what it's doing for music in the U.S. is disgusting. It's about competition and bringing the best out of yourself. For some reason that does't apply to what you here on the radio in the U.S. The reason? Gender is #1. Can't sell a band like SyX to women. #2 is you can sell anything to us, even if it is crap, just look at infomercials. The fact is people are lazy and refuse to research music. They will take the turd that is handed them. Well it's 3:30 am and im rambling again, so fuckit, who gives a flying fuck. Keep your anti U.S. posts to yourselves or instead of getting nuked by you trapped, maybe i'll cook you first then eat you , you fuck. That's another thing we have in abundunce in the old U.S. Serial killers. Goodnight Charese.
Yea and I think I started it by getting on Ingvai x about his bush ripping. I apologize. As for you *trapped* does that mean like your mind is trapped in your ass? Or is your ass where your face is. I will not respond to your weakness, you feeble excuse for flesh.

First of all, it's Trapped in a Corner, the death song.

If you want to insult the late Chuck Schuldiner and make a total ass of yourself by being a spoilt little rich kid that knows very little about anything, then by all means, go for it, you're only digging your own grave.

So, uh... what exactly are you talking about eh? Are you one of these uber american lovers waving an american flag while sucking the president's texan dick? HA, then who are YOU to talk about feeble excuses for flesh. If you support america and george bush, then you support their CHRISTIAN holy war and their relentless badgering of the eastern countries... if so dude, you're a fucking pathetic pile of bones, you've got no soul, and you've got no mind of you own.

I should have figured, considering you're an iced earth fan.
Originally posted by Trapped
That's damn funny when you're speaking about a "real" country that elected a president who hadn't actually left the country and SEEN THE REAL WORLD you moron. America is the receeding hairline of the world. It's a hiderance to many a man, it's pointless, and someone will do anything just to get r id of it!

With all the glamour and pop culture of america, the pointless ratrace that is american business, yeah, i really can see how REAL america is. If america, and more importantly YOU don't shut the hell up, i'm going to nuke you. YES. I'M GOING TO NUKE YOU. Fucking yankee motherfucker. America has blatantly blackmailed smaller countries into following their DUMBASS holy war against afghanistan, the total harassment of Iraq, and total IGNORANCE towards north korea, and i won't fucking stand for it. If you guys want to go and kill yourselves, and destroy your part of the world, then fucking goddamn FINE. Just leave everyone else the fuck out of it, and quit proclaiming your brilliance and almighty power. I don't support you, and i never will, you fucktard.

I absolutely LOVE how you change the subject all the time to avoid the REAL questions :lol: YOu're a riot dude :lol:

-Assume a death metal grrrrr- ...A sinner with no name...

Your cute little call sign alone is enough to make me shit my pants in fear...Why did you have to say you were going to nuke me also??!! Hold on a minute, let me go change my boxers.

...Ok, I'm all cleaned up and ready to go. Lets break down what you had to say shall we. Your first brillant comment was about our real world here in the Grand ole USA. The real world here consists of something alot of you America/democracy/capitolism haters know nothing about. WORK. Thats right, Mr.Sinner With No Name,(Assume Iceman teeth chop from Top Gun) WORK. We are the most-worked nation in the world and it shows in our power and our prosperity. And in your- flat out-worn on your sleeve-jealousy. You should cool it a bit with that, it's bad for your under-worked heart. Seeing that your are a sinner I would not want to see you go to Hell early from a burst aorta.

Then you just had to go and talk about MY receeding hairline...You Fuck. SOMEONE PASS ME MY ROGAINE!!! NOW!!!

"We are a hinderence..." Tell that to the Jews that we liberated from total distruction in WWII. And for that matter all of our great European friends who were also sparred a horrible fate at the hands of a tyrant. Assuming that you're European, I take it you would have liked it under Hitler's rule. Pass the bratwurst fucko.

"Someone will do anything to get rid of it... Our glamours culture... Fucking Yankee Motherfucker...." So elequent my sinful buddie. I love the New York Yankees. Hell - Steinbrenner just gave up 10.1 million to keep The Rocket for a year. Now thats capitolism baby, through and through. And I love the spirt of all the citizen Yanks of NYC. Yea those "someones got rid" of the Twin Towers. And you know who rose up? The hard working citizens of every race, creed and culture that comprise the greatest city in the world. Try to find that mix in any of the glorious arab nations that despise us. Just try. O wait a minute! I'm sorry - don't try and do that, you won't find any. All you'll find is the oppression and certain death on anyone who opposes the holy koran - their law, judge, jury and executioner. Nice system. Arabs come to my country, receive a wealth of benefits and worship any way they want. But if we were to do the same.... Certain sinful things would happen to the evil infidel.

"Our dumbass war in Afghanistan... " If you get a chance, go take a gander at the two gaaping holes that once was the World Trade Center. While you're at it go talk to some firefighters.

"total harressment of Iraq.." This is much to preposturous to even comment on.

"total ignorance toward North Korea..." Now this is fucking hilarious. Jimmy Carter gives these communists 4 billion dollars because they couldn't wipe their own asses. And what do they do with the money? Feed their countrymen? No, they spend it all to build a million man army. Now the vast majority of their children are impoverised and hungry. Hell, the only way to get three squares in that armpit is to join the army. Once again. Nice system, that communism.

"I don't support you and never will.." Hiiiipppiiieee!!! It's not wanted.

In the words of Steven Tyler in those capitolistic Gap commercials. "This was too easy.":lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
Originally posted by Grom Hellscream
Do you read books? If yes, I'd recomend you to read a wonderful book written by Ray Bredbery, and it is called : "451 degrees Fahrenheit". Read this book very intentive and think it over. I think , you will like it :)

Do I read books? The last couple: Invasion, Bias, Shakedown, Christ - A bio, The science of God, that's last months worth.
Yea Dado, He's owned the Yankees since the mid-seventies. Alot of people don't like him, because he has alot of money and spends it freely. But the players generally really like him because even though he has the most revenue at his disposal he spends a massive amount of it to keep the organization on top. Hell - the Yankees are the most successful franchise in all of American sports. I hope you were serious with your question. I thought you were so I responded.:)
On the subject about MUSIC:

I've found that prog fans are easily the most open minded music fans. If you start surfing through prog related boards you'll see that among the prog fans there's plenty of metalheads (raging from power metal to death/black metal), just like there's a lot of mallcorers, and guys who like PUNK, even guys who like pop, some who like jazz, others who like classical, even rap!. Really, because of prog's constant evolution the fans of it always end up listening to other genres.

To put an example... "hey ARK has this new song sounds very flamenco-ish... really?... it's awesome!... damn I need to listen to more stuff like this" and that's how in my case I ended up liking a lot of techno, pop, flamenco, jazz, classical, etc... because of prog... in the genre, if you dont progress, you die... and that progression helps expand the listeners tastes...

I'm not saying prog is better than any other genre, I'm just saying that when you listen to prog you will be immediatle exposed to a lot of different styles, something not any other form of music I know is capable of.

On the subject of politics:

Bobby 100 years ago or so, the US was going through an islationist stage where they pretty much kept themselves away from anything involving the rest of the world. Perhaps you are talking about 50 years ago... but I dont know... maybe you dont even know you own country enough to be attacking other people's countries.

iced_symphony, thank you for displaying the "typical american" sterotype. You just dont know how to help your case man. You dismiss the "rest of the world" as 3rd world countries with former Nazi's and commies, quickly showing all of us how little you know about the rest of the world and how little time it took you to put your feet in your mouth.

If you dont like the "typical american" sterotype, perhaps you shouldn't act like one... just my suggestion.

Originally posted by Bobby
Yea Dado, He's owned the Yankees since the mid-seventies. Alot of people don't like him, because he has alot of money and spends it freely. But the players generally really like him because even though he has the most revenue at his disposal he spends a massive amount of it to keep the organization on top. Hell - the Yankees are the most successful franchise in all of American sports. I hope you were serious with your question. I thought you were so I responded.:)

I was serious, thank you for responding. I only remember him as George Costanza's boss, who you can only see from behind. They don't broadcast US sports here very much, so I know very little about baseball, football etc. :(
Originally posted by SymphonyOfDreams
On the subject about MUSIC:

I've found that prog fans are easily the most open minded music fans. If you start surfing through prog related boards you'll see that among the prog fans there's plenty of metalheads (raging from power metal to death/black metal), just like there's a lot of mallcorers, and guys who like PUNK, even guys who like pop, some who like jazz, others who like classical, even rap!. Really, because of prog's constant evolution the fans of it always end up listening to other genres.

To put an example... "hey ARK has this new song sounds very flamenco-ish... really?... it's awesome!... damn I need to listen to more stuff like this" and that's how in my case I ended up liking a lot of techno, pop, flamenco, jazz, classical, etc... because of prog... in the genre, if you dont progress, you die... and that progression helps expand the listeners tastes...

I'm not saying prog is better than any other genre, I'm just saying that when you listen to prog you will be immediatle exposed to a lot of different styles, something not any other form of music I know is capable of.

On the subject of politics:

Bobby 100 years ago or so, the US was going through an islationist stage where they pretty much kept themselves away from anything involving the rest of the world. Perhaps you are talking about 50 years ago... but I dont know... maybe you dont even know you own country enough to be attacking other people's countries.

iced_symphony, thank you for displaying the "typical american" sterotype. You just dont know how to help your case man. You dismiss the "rest of the world" as 3rd world countries with former Nazi's and commies, quickly showing all of us how little you know about the rest of the world and how little time it took you to put your feet in your mouth.

If you dont like the "typical american" sterotype, perhaps you shouldn't act like one... just my suggestion.


Yea I just threw that 100 year figure out there. I was encluding WWI. We were absolutely going through an islationist faze but unfortunately we were essentially forced to change that stance.
Originally posted by Bobby
"We are a hinderence..." Tell that to the Jews that we liberated from total distruction in WWII. And for that matter all of our great European friends who were also sparred a horrible fate at the hands of a tyrant. Assuming that you're European, I take it you would have liked it under Hitler's rule. Pass the bratwurst fucko.

While you're getting a hardon over how we liberated jews, why don't you go on about how the US imprisoned innocent japanese-americans and put then in concentration camps, tore up families, and treated them like shit during WWII, or are you going to deny we did that? Not negating the fact that we contributed a deal to WII, but the US has done some shitty things, we arent 100% squeaky clean and perfect. Like the fact that we stole the lands from the native indians, slaughtered most of them and drove the rest of them onto shitty little reservations.

I do think the middle east is the most useless area of the world, and if it were up to me the entire area would be erradicated (its a useless and hate-filled area of land) and if you're gonna say "what about the oil?" well I'd like to point out that there are equally as effective and much more efficient and environmentally friendly sources of energy that we have the technology for, but because of OLPEC lobbying in Washington and elsewhere, its being held back.

To comment on how you said America is the most worked nation in the world HAHA, compared to Japan we are lazy morons.

Id go as far as to blame america for the dumbing down of society, since American pop "culture" caters to the ignorant, and most of the world bases its pop media on americas. I think this is in part to the fact that america has *no culture*. We have existed for only a little over 200 years while european and asian cultures have existed for hundreds and hundreds, even thousands of years. The only true culture in america lies in the Indians. I actually think this may be a reason why Europe and Asia appriciate fine works of art and music more than america, because it is deeply rooted in their culture. Be thankful of this, otherwise Symphony X (for example) would never have gotten a CD deal back when they did. Classical music sales account for only 2% of the CD market in the US. TWO PERCENT!!! This is a travesty, and can only be attributed to the fact that the majority of people in the US are DUMB and can't appriciate the finest works of music ever written. Im not saying they are that much higher in Europe and elsewhere, though I'd imagine they are higher than 2% (I'd like to find out the actual statistic).

There are many good things about america, but there are also bad things about it too. I am not anti capitalism, and I do think America is a good place to live. The main gripe I have about it is the media, followed by the fact that I don't think we have the brighest people running the country.
Yes, that's it im just some dumb hillbilly toting my bible around. Or was it some rich kid or something like that. Wrong, maybe its my lack of good composition and communication ability. Something tells me thouh that it's your pre-existing prejudice towards the U.S. What else can explain the fact that Im a 35 yr old blue collar aethiest. When did I mention christianity in my post asshole. Excuse my patriotic tone, But im in survival mode and would like to keep my shitter inside the house where it belongs. Instead of being distracted by Ingvai x love for the indians, the rest of his post was good though. I like my lifestyle in the U.S. and will fight to keep it. I refuse to be influenced by people with political agendas, not realistic ones. I opologize to the various europeans on board if I lumped you all togeather. The fact is the U.S. is the most powerful, yet altruistic nation in the history of recorded time. Altruistic to a fault, and we will pay for this mistake in philosophy, with our certain demise. So go on Ingvai x keep looking for all the i's and T's that we forgot to dot and cross along the way in our short history and add to the propoganda. I single you out cause I know your intelligent by your other posts. Don't be fooled by what you here by 90% of the media.

If any of you america haters want to clear up some of your misconceptions, I recommend the works of Ayn Rand philosopher and novelist. Be prepared for the truth, propaganda is so beneath her.