defending the style

to Bobby:
I don't watch MTV.
I know nothing about you Americans, but your president has IQ a little more than an average monkey has . Funny?
Why does your contry thinks that everything what IS in this world is its kind of business? Do I have to know something about you Americans? Thanks a lot , maybe in a few years I will live in USA and I 'll know something new , just at place.
Originally posted by Grom Hellscream
to Bobby:
I don't watch MTV.
I know nothing about you Americans, but your president has IQ a little more than an average monkey has . Funny?
Why does your contry thinks that everything what IS in this world is its kind of business? Do I have to know something about you Americans? Thanks a lot , maybe in a few years I will live in USA and I 'll know something new , just at place.

Yeah, a lot of us think our President is a moron its not just everyone else...personally, I'm almost embarrassed at this point to call myself an american just cause I can imagine what asses we look like to the rest of the world :p.
About this whole "Metal=Death, violence harsh vocals and noisy playing"-thing..

I was presenting a website after a short project some weeks ago, about a newly-started semi-serious band idea.. So, about two-three seconds after i said we played symphony-related metal, I got the classic question.. "Do you play wild stuff..?"
Damn, people like that piss me off soo bad.. I bet that (girl, btw) never heard of bands like Nightwish (Which got me to listen to metal for real), Rhapsody, Sonata Arctica and most important of all, Symphony X. What can I say.. It's hard being a prog fan :)

I'm proud of it, to have discovered the genre, to get into bands like Symphony X. One of the only bands that can really force some emotion. It's basicly all I listen to these days, take now fir instance.. Have had The Witching Hour on repeat for 30 minutes or so..

I'm into punk as well, I love the genre, I love the atttitude, and I like the bands that are truly into it. Offspring, Bad Religion, Pennywise and so on. Bands who have something to say, and do it with style. Not like this new punk-revival thing with wannabe-punk bands who are nothing more but pop. (Which are okay, adds some flavour to daily living, and at least it's better than most other types of pop...)

But I love prog, I love Symphony X.. I'm addicted to it, it's as simple as that. The talent, the beauty of it.. Goddamn, I'm getting all soft here.. Better stop before someone outthere starts crying and shit...

All that, put very short: Progressive metal rules!
Hey, you're not the only one! I too, (so kill me) like punk. Or at least I did. Yes, I do love Bad Religion, the Offspring and Rancid. But geez, I got soooo turned off to the genre when I heard some terrible Emo band like New Found Glory mention that the same two power chords with "extra emotion" could make all the difference. Crock of Shit!!!! I heard MJR's riffing on "Evolution the Grand Design" and instantly dropped the genre for real metal. He plays the same thousand barrages of blistering notes, with ten times the emotion of any punker. I used Kazaa and other music sites (yes, I'm a pirate) to get not only prog stuff, but real metal. In Flames. Manowar. Iron Maiden!!! ECT. I knew about some of these bands before, but didn't appreciate them as much. I also picked up on some classical stuff after hearing neo-classical stuff (Yngwie Malmsteen) And, to be justified, I ordered the Odyssey limited edition. MJR could play with his buttocks the terrible riffs that most punk guitarists put all their effort into. He's that good! I still have to give it up for the punk bands (Not Emo, because it sucks) that I used to listen to, but still have much respect for. They put my interest in music where it is today, and I am perfectly happy with it. I am so glad that ULTIMATE METAL has put forth this forum. It brings me so much pleasure to speak of all these great styles of music to others who also appreciate it. Thanks!:worship:
Originally posted by Yngvai X
Yeah, a lot of us think our President is a moron its not just everyone else...personally, I'm almost embarrassed at this point to call myself an american just cause I can imagine what asses we look like to the rest of the world :p.

Yngvai X, your starting to sound like the real Ingwie.
Alot of us, meaning the record # of approval polls for BUSH
You actually give a fuck what you look like to abunch of third world former nazis and commies, who are all moving toward capitalist society's while the U.S. is heading the other way.

Your a smart dude, don't be fooled by simple propaganda coming from your local university.

Here's a simple way of looking at it.

People trash this country the same way they trash metal, just uneducated fools who cannot comprehend the complex nature of a very simple concept. Who would rather believe what is forcefed to them by the media, as to what you should believe and what is truth.

Shit, sorry rambling going to sleep now. Just trying to piss off the europeans here lol.
Originally posted by icedsymphony
Yngvai X, your starting to sound like the real Ingwie.
Alot of us, meaning the record # of approval polls for BUSH
You actually give a fuck what you look like to abunch of third world former nazis and commies, who are all moving toward capitalist society's while the U.S. is heading the other way.

Your a smart dude, don't be fooled by simple propaganda coming from your local university.

Here's a simple way of looking at it.

People trash this country the same way they trash metal, just uneducated fools who cannot comprehend the complex nature of a very simple concept. Who would rather believe what is forcefed to them by the media, as to what you should believe and what is truth.

Shit, sorry rambling going to sleep now. Just trying to piss off the europeans here lol.

I take it you have no idea what you're talking about, eh? :D ;)
To Shredmanwalking..
Punk isn't all about the music, but about a general attitude, so even if they don't riff with the same speed and precision as Romeo does, it doesn't really matter in my eyes, since I love the attitude as well. I'm probably gonna play some punk myself someday, at least secondarily with some more complicated stuff. I'm probably never gonna be as good as Romeo, but to hell with it.. I can always dream and I have the punk attitude if everything goes wrong :lol:
SyX-Fan, I am not trying to destroy your dreams. Do what you love. Play what you love. Punk is a great style of music. You are right, the punk attitude is one of my favorite things about the genre, and that makes it so unique. I was just saying that I prefer progressive music, but love punk.
Originally posted by ShredManWalking
SyX-Fan, I am not trying to destroy your dreams. Do what you love. Play what you love. Punk is a great style of music. You are right, the punk attitude is one of my favorite things about the genre, and that makes it so unique. I was just saying that I prefer progressive music, but love punk.

No, I know, don't get me wrong. I'm more into progressive as well now, but it was still punk that really got me into music and formed my taste... Basicly the same thing as with yourself if I'm not mistaken.
Originally posted by icedsymphony
Yngvai X, your starting to sound like the real Ingwie.
Alot of us, meaning the record # of approval polls for BUSH
You actually give a fuck what you look like to abunch of third world former nazis and commies, who are all moving toward capitalist society's while the U.S. is heading the other way.

Your a smart dude, don't be fooled by simple propaganda coming from your local university.

Here's a simple way of looking at it.

People trash this country the same way they trash metal, just uneducated fools who cannot comprehend the complex nature of a very simple concept. Who would rather believe what is forcefed to them by the media, as to what you should believe and what is truth.

Shit, sorry rambling going to sleep now. Just trying to piss off the europeans here lol.

I will cut Mr. Yngvai some slack just because he is so young and dosen't really know better. Hopefully someday he will.

For all you America bashers: Just imagine if we were not here. Go back just 100 years or so - and say we weren't here to be the worlds police officer. Do you think that we would even have the luxurey to be conversing here. Hitler? Stalin? Countless others. Yea I'm sure they would have loved the internet.

And as far as the way we treat the the rest of the world. COME ON! We spend(through American tax dollars) 6 billion a year on healthcare for ILLEGAL immigrants - when a ton of American people in this country don't even have the benefit of health coverage.

The countries we don't support? Take a good hard look at them - and that will be very easy for you to answer, if you're honest with yourself. I could go on forever here. What it really boiles down to is jealousy on behalf of the people who like to take pot-shots at us. Ironicly it's those same fucking people who come to this country and get..........SUPRISE - The free party stores, gas stations, intrest free loans, free healthcare.........
BTW what's with that comment about him sounding like a real Yngwie? I thought Yngwie got booed in Porto Allegre for playing Star Spangled Banner.
Ok, now, do not kill me for giving the following suggestion......
Let the anti-US topic rest, this is a music forum damnit.. Let it rest. Let's concentrate on what this is all about instead this off-topic crap that don't belong here anyway.

The topic is "Defending the style", not "Defending your country".
Originally posted by Bobby
I will cut Mr. Yngvai some slack just because he is so young and dosen't really know better. Hopefully someday he will.

For all you America bashers: Just imagine if we were not here. Go back just 100 years or so - and say we weren't here to be the worlds police officer. Do you think that we would even have the luxurey to be conversing here. Hitler? Stalin? Countless others. Yea I'm sure they would have loved the internet.

And as far as the way we treat the the rest of the world. COME ON! We spend(through American tax dollars) 6 billion a year on healthcare for ILLEGAL immigrants - when a ton of American people in this country don't even have the benefit of health coverage.

The countries we don't support? Take a good hard look at them - and that will be very easy for you to answer, if you're honest with yourself. I could go on forever here. What it really boiles down to is jealousy on behalf of the people who like to take pot-shots at us. Ironicly it's those same fucking people who come to this country and get..........SUPRISE - The free party stores, gas stations, intrest free loans, free healthcare.........

Man, what you just wrote is American ignorance. I am an American as well. I do think America is a great place, but we have had a great deal of problems. We still do. We have also hurt many other countries by intervening when we should not have just to get personal gain. For example...the Spanish American War...not necessary, Cuba was going to get its freedom without us. Many countries hate us, for just reasons as well. I personally think we should stay out of foreign affairs. More of the Woodrow Wilson ideology.

You live here, you enjoy freedom (somewhat) its just foolish to be bitter.
Besides, what? If someone dislikes GW Bush, does that automatically mean he's bashing America? I personally think Georgie is an idiot, but I have nothing against U.S in general, really. Your previous president was a real nice chap (a bit horny at times). If someone called our president a moron, I wouldn't get offended, I'd say he's got a point. Now let's stop with all this patriotic nonsense...:mad: :lol: