defending the style


I don't have the ability to be patient and read everysingle stuff typed in this thread... I'm just gonna post some of my opinions.

It seems to be more than just "music talk" here. I smell some anti-society? (or is it just me?)
I'm anti-society cause I'm just shrewd and dumb. Yes, people are closed minded, but obviously, everyone is closed minded to an extent. Let's just accept that common sense and tolerate people.

Ack, I think I was preaching again... :lol: I don't know if you're suffering from boredom because no one you cant interact with share common interests, but it seems as if you are.

I have no secure friends, that makes me frustrated that I don't have anyone to share my interests with. And back to the point: the fact that MANY MANY people here in US never heard or tolerate this type of music adds to my frustration of my anti-social state further on.

I dislike my peers (I'm still in highschool, so my state of reality is far different from those who have their own lives), that means I may dislike anything that's of extent of them.

C. - Is closed minded toward musical talent as a result of what they listen to (I.E. punk, pop, emo, nu-metal)

It's all about what you grew up with, or how open minded you are(how much you care about the subject).
Though I used to listen to those stuff in middle school, it was just meer mindless peer pressure. When I started hearing better stuff, I realized how stupid they were. Music wasn't such a big deal to me, therefore I didn't care what I listened to back then. Now it is a big thing...thus I hold it high in priorities... thus it leads to sub-concious judgement against others. Why does that exist? Because music is important to me. And it's also human nature to want and yearn to feel superior amongst others (but I don't know if that'll still last even when I graduate from highschool).

I had hard time expressing this because I felt like ranting about my 123098123 other issues with society. :lol: Sorry if it seems too "subject changing".
Originally posted by Soul of Ice
Man, what you just wrote is American ignorance. I am an American as well. I do think America is a great place, but we have had a great deal of problems. We still do. We have also hurt many other countries by intervening when we should not have just to get personal gain. For example...the Spanish American War...not necessary, Cuba was going to get its freedom without us. Many countries hate us, for just reasons as well. I personally think we should stay out of foreign affairs. More of the Woodrow Wilson ideology.

You live here, you enjoy freedom (somewhat) its just foolish to be bitter.

You are right we are way off topic. This is the last thing I'll say about it.

It has absolutely nothing to do with being bitter. Nothing. American ignorance? Na, it's American reality my friend. When you leave " The Little Fantasy Land" that is higher education - and get out into the real world, I think you'll see what I mean.
Originally posted by Bobby
You are right we are way off topic. This is the last thing I'll say about it.

It has absolutely nothing to do with being bitter. Nothing. American ignorance? Na, it's American reality my friend. When you leave " The Little Fantasy Land" that is higher education - and get out into the real world, I think you'll see what I mean.

Hmmm...and what real world would that be? 'If you're not with us, you're against us!', huh? I'd suggest you to educate yourself a little bit more and then YOU might realize there is much more this world has to offer...

...but I may be wasting my time, I dunno...
Originally posted by Dado-x
Hmmm...and what real world would that be? 'If you're not with us, you're against us!', huh? I'd suggest you to educate yourself a little bit more and then YOU might realize there is much more this world has to offer...

..but I may be wasting my time, I dunno...

What real world? The MTV version of course. Is there another one? I thought it was the only one...right...??

"I'd suggest you to educate yourself..." NICE!!! Nothing like some pearls of wisdom from a 17 year old. Wipe the soap from the back of your ears and get to bed son, it's past your bed time.
Originally posted by Bobby
What real world? The MTV version of course. Is there another one? I thought it was the only one...right...??

"I'd suggest you to educate yourself..." NICE!!! Nothing like some pearls of wisdom from a 17 year old. Wipe the soap from the back of your ears and get to bed son, it's past your bed time.

Dude, you dont have to be a dick. Other people can have different viewpoints you know. Be the adult you claim to be you are and be the bigger person and drop it
Originally posted by Bobby
What real world? The MTV version of course. Is there another one? I thought it was the only one...right...??

"I'd suggest you to educate yourself..." NICE!!! Nothing like some pearls of wisdom from a 17 year old. Wipe the soap from the back of your ears and get to bed son, it's past your bed time.

First of all, I'm 18 and don't give me that 'I'm older than you, so shut up' crap!
Your age may be 31, but your posts seem like they've been written by a spoiled, 10-year old kid. Take a cold shower, old man...

P.S.: enjoy your birthday
Originally posted by Dado-x
First of all, I'm 18 and don't give me that 'I'm older than you, so shut up' crap!
Your age may be 31, but your posts seem like they've been written by a spoiled, 10-year old kid. Take a cold shower, old man...

P.S.: enjoy your birthday

When I was 18, 30 seemed like an enternity away. But now it seems like a blink of an eye. You'll see, time goes so fast.
Originally posted by Bobby
When I was 18, 30 seemed like an enternity away. But now it seems like a blink of an eye. You'll see, time goes so fast.

I suppose so... :(
Look, I don't want to get in further arguments with you or anyone else here, because that only leads us to only mindless message board war. So please, accept a peace offer from an 18 year old kiddo.