Definition of OLD School


unus spiritus est
Oct 10, 2001
Is it like trying to define a genre? Perhaps somewhat limiting? Is it clearly defined and delimited, or does it vary depending on the individual?

Please pardon the redundancy if that has already been discussed.

wildfyr said:
Is it like trying to define a genre? Perhaps somewhat limiting? Is it clearly defined and delimited, or does it vary depending on the individual?

Please pardon the redundancy if that has already been discussed.


I couldn't tell you. We have people here into things like 80's thrash to Kiss and we also talk about new bands, but most of the new bands have a "classic" vibe to them. I honestly don't know how to define "oldschool" as it applies to this forum.

I can give a bit MY oppinion about what is oldschool...I'd say about anything pre-1990 and anything after that wich has strong pre-90 roots or sound...
ermmm, it would be easier to say; any music oldschoolers around here like :loco:
"Old School" depends on what you are talking about - Old School thrash, Old School whatever...I don't think it encompasses everything...or at least it shouldn't - for example - Don't you think there should be a difference between Iron Maiden and Poison? They are both Old School...but VERY DIFFERENT...
Fangface said:
I think we can all "feel" what the old school vibe is... but we're too dumb to define it :loco:

I think Fang has it right. :) It's hard to explain, you either get it or you don't.
At concerts I usually consider the denim vest or leather jacket people oldschool, or the guys with the band jerseys. Oh yeah and the guys with band shirts that fit well and have regular or tight pants. New schoolers at concerts have big fitting band shirts usually death metal and have baggy pants even though they might be wearing a testament shirt for example.

Just the way I perceive it, as far as the sound, I can't explain, but its the best.
The saYer said:
At concerts I usually consider the denim vest or leather jacket people oldschool, or the guys with the band jerseys. Oh yeah and the guys with band shirts that fit well and have regular or tight pants. New schoolers at concerts have big fitting band shirts usually death metal and have baggy pants even though they might be wearing a testament shirt for example.

Just the way I perceive it, as far as the sound, I can't explain, but its the best.

I actually wear my "big" loose fitting pants occasionally at shows. When I need to carry a ton of shit (like my camera, smokes, etc) those things are great. I own a pair you can almost stick a Volkswagon Beetle in. I still look oldschool though. I look like an oldschooler with big pants and a lot of shit in his pockets. Btw, I do own a pair of black Calvin jeans that are so tight at the ankle, I have to lay down to get my size 13 into them.

Bryant said:
I actually wear my "big" loose fitting pants occasionally at shows. When I need to carry a ton of shit (like my camera, smokes, etc) those things are great. I own a pair you can almost stick a Volkswagon Beetle in. I still look oldschool though. I look like an oldschooler with big pants and a lot of shit in his pockets.
:lol: Cool! Got a pic of yourself in your loaded up big pants :D

Thanks to everyone for the replies. I apologize for the absence but I've actually had things to do away from the computer! :loco:

Since this Old School forum is part of a larger METAL community of forums, then Old School Metal it is. Right? Whenever I hear or read that term it always reminds me of the guy in the devil costume in the Pantera video when he goes, "Dime...drink whiskey, play blackjack and listen olddd schoooool metal" :D

I still think that what is OSM is relative to the individual but can someone pinpoint when it was exactly that Heavy Metal became Metal? I used to refer to some bands as Heavy Metal when I first heard them and somewhere along the line they became Metal, or Power Metal.

Any other genre splits that can be identified will be welcome in this thread. For instance: Death Metal. I first heard this term used to describe early Slayer and Venom! Also, what is the concensus on Sabbath? Some do not acknowledge their "Metalness" and it makes me wonder why sometimes.

Anyone care to comment further? ;)
wildfyr said:
:lol: Cool! Got a pic of yourself in your loaded up big pants :D

Ha ha ha not off-hand, but I could stick one of my cats in one of my pockets and one of my smaller dogs in the other, take a pix and upload it..... well maybe the pockets aren't quite THAT big, but they are pretty massive. :loco: I hate those hanging halfway down your butt "teenager pants" for the most part, but I stick a belt on mine have it on the place my waist used to be several years ago and I love that particular pair.

Bryant said:
Ha ha ha not off-hand, but I could stick one of my cats in one of my pockets and one of my smaller dogs in the other, take a pix and upload it..... well maybe the pockets aren't quite THAT big, but they are pretty massive. :loco: I hate those hanging halfway down your butt "teenager pants" for the most part, but I stick a belt on mine have it on the place my waist used to be several years ago and I love that particular pair.

Sure! Upload a loaded-up shot. Why not? It's always nice to have two hands free for beer instead of other things, eh? :tickled:
:lol: Just admit it guys, it's old school cause all the old farts hang out here. I realized I'm old when I couldn't get into liking bands like Korn and Slipnot. I gave it a decent shot as well, I even bought some of their albums and it just don't grow on me. Then there's the matter of the of pants hanging halfway down your ass and the silk boxers, I've tried it and it shaves my balls. Anyway I like it here and I'm proud to be an old fart, infact I don't feel old at all when I'm amongst you guys :D
JonnyD said:
it Depends on the Individual! :D completely
JD is da man

To me old school is everything up to 1990 plus anything that tries to rescue the sound of the true metal of the 80's (another cheap opinion to the collection).
zeppelin said:
:lol: Just admit it guys, it's old school cause all the old farts hang out here. I realized I'm old when I couldn't get into liking bands like Korn and Slipnot. I gave it a decent shot as well, I even bought some of their albums and it just don't grow on me. Then there's the matter of the of pants hanging halfway down your ass and the silk boxers, I've tried it and it shaves my balls. Anyway I like it here and I'm proud to be an old fart, infact I don't feel old at all when I'm amongst you guys :D

Speak for yourself! ;) "OLD" is a state of mind. Not being able to make yourself like shitty music sure doesn't make you old. Kids today that are into all that nu-metal, etc... stuff are TOLD that's what they like, that it's heavy, etc... and they, being the sheep they are, buy it. If they'd had the good fortune to have been teenagers in the 80s, like I and a bunch of us here were, they would KNOW what REAL metal is all about. I kinda feel sorry for them... kinda... :rolleyes:

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
zeppelin said:
:lol: Just admit it guys, it's old school cause all the old farts hang out here. I realized I'm old when I couldn't get into liking bands like Korn and Slipnot. I gave it a decent shot as well, I even bought some of their albums and it just don't grow on me. Then there's the matter of the of pants hanging halfway down your ass and the silk boxers, I've tried it and it shaves my balls. Anyway I like it here and I'm proud to be an old fart, infact I don't feel old at all when I'm amongst you guys :D

Speak for yourself I am only 26 years young and I hope I die before I get old!
Clammy and JonnyD, I know you're not old, but you see there is a defenite generation gap between us and the Kornlovers(no offence) I'm only 27, I just feel I don't relate to most of the people over at the GMD and ind probably boils down to my liking of older music, why? Probably cause I am older than most of them, and so is the lot of you, and that is why we hang out here no matter how young we feel :loco:

PS Clammy - I wish I was a teenager in the 80's :worship: