

Jun 13, 2002
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Okay so you know how (with most people) it normally takes a while to really "get into" an Opeth album? When I first listen to them, Deliverance included, I like them, but it doesn't really "click."
Well it just happened with Deliverance, and we've had it for how many months now? haha....the length of time doesn't surprise me, but now I have that personal connection to it.....a certain feeling about's like I just rediscovered it, and I'm on a "kick" with it. The first one occurred during the first several weeks I had it, of course, and now that it's in its own special place ...yes, in my heart :D's happening all over again...

Just thought I'd share, don't make fun of me please :p

I think this would have been an apt response to metalmancpa's "blessed" thread :grin:
Fuck...if I work for a few months hardout I could go to Australia just to see Opeth...

Still thinking about it.

Boy am I ever tempted to do so! It would mean I'd have to stick it out at that god-forsaken supermarket a bit more though...:(
I totally understand what you mean, Beth. I bought 'My Arms, Your Hearse' a couple weeks ago and it took a couple of days to "click"... but now that it has, holy shit... I'm totally obsessed with it... I listen to it over and over and over... it's brilliant. Absolutely amazing.
Deliverance clicked with me the first time I heard the album in its entirety... but after that it kind of started getting boring... it has atmosphere, I'll give it that, but the lack of any real layering doesn't make it something I can continually listen to.
Orchid did click for me the 1st listen through (best album IMO)
Morningrise- did as well
MAYH- working on it
Still Life- I NEED THIS DAMN CD!!!!!
BWP- did after awile
Delverence- needs to click damn it!!!