Demon of the Fall - Best Opeth Song?

i was addicted to that song for months and everytime i recruit a new member to the Opeth legion ;) its the first song i give them to listen to. then i follow it up with the beautifully jazzy track, face of melinda.....awesome!

as for the best song, there is no way u can say that there is ONE song that encompases everything opeth is because Opeth has soooo many facets that i dont think even if they kept producing albums till they were 90 (crosses finger ;)) that we would ever see what truely makes Opeth the legends they are. Each album only gives us a peak into the world of Opeth, and even that little peak can have the power to change lives. if we were to experience the full gammet of the mastery that is Opeth im sure it would overwhelm many
Personnaly, I don't think that Demon of the fall is Opeth best song. But it's one of their best and one of my favorite, no doubt about it. My favorite song on Hearse is Karma. This song really rules.

Btw, Duvall was referring to Demon of the fall's intro (the first 6 seconds of the song). I don't know how many peoples know this but that "sound effect/sample" is in fact 2 riffs (one in the left channel and one in the right channel) that are slowed down and played backward. Pretty cool :)
I would only put Black Rose Immortal infront of Demon of the Fall. This is my Top Ten.

1. Black Rose Immortal
2. Demon of the Fall
3. Face of Melinda
4. Deliverence
5. Still Day Beneath the Sun
6. The Grand Conjuration
7. Drapery Falls
8. In Mist She Was Standing
9. To Bid You Farewell
10. Death Whispered a Lullaby
Anyway, I've always felt The Amen Corner is extremely underrated.


I totally agree! I just LOVE the amen corner! In my opinion, THAT'S the most eviolsounding song, and also the groove in the beginning is marvelous!

They played it live when I saw them last time, and damn was I surprised and glad?! :D

David LIngdell.
Since this has turned into "top ten best opeth tracks ever recorded" topic, let me just butt in and say that there's no error here:

1. Moonlapse Vertigo
2. April Ethereal
3. Godhead's Lament
4. Blackwater Park
5. Deliverance
6. The Apostle In Triumph
7. Serenity Painted Death
8. Face Of Melinda
9. White Cluster
10. A Fair Judgement (Windowpane is equal bitches.)
I'm in love with Demon's heartkicking endmelody

me to, and the lyrics are great on this one. especially connected to the story line.

Though, i wouldn't call it my fav, as everyone said it's pretty impossible to have one single fav with opeth, cause they're all so different! Though i do have favs for some periods of time
I have two songs that are "enduring" favorites for me - Deliverance (greatest metal song ever written) and The Drapery Falls. After that, it changes from time to time.

Right now I'm a bit infatuated with The Amen Corner, Masters Apprentice and Reverie/Harlequin Forest.
Does nobody like any songs from Ghost Reveries? Nobody mentioned The Grand Conjuration or Ghost of Perdition. Also why do most fans consider Morningrise their masterpiece when on this forum everybody mentioning songs from Still Life, personally my favorite album.
Yeah, it depends on what mood you are currently in. Sometimes I feel that Benighted is the best Opeth song ever, other times its Bleak, sometimes its Master Apprentice, By the Pain I see in Others, Reverie/Harlequin Forest, Harvest, Under the Weeping Moon, When, Madrigal, Demon of the Fall, The Drapery Falls.....actually I LOVE THEM ALL!
It's impossible to choose one song or album over the others... they're all equally perfect for me :P
But I have a special soft spot on Still Life, particularly on The Moor, The Face of Melinda and Serenity Painted Death.
there're so much better tracks for example

Dirge for november, Ghost of perdition, The Twilight is my robe, april ethereal etc etc etc